Our centre wide unit of inquiry for next term is Our Family
Album. This has been our overarching unit of inquiry for
2013 and so we will continue to extend and explore this further in Term 4.
The central idea around this inquiry is - families shape who we
are, where we've come from and who we become.
Our lines of inquiry are - family structure, roles and
relationships within families, how families shape who we become.
Our guiding questions are - who belongs to your family? How do
they belong to your family and what do they do in your family? How does your
family influence and guide you?
Each individual class will take this unit of inquiry in different
directions - that is all part of the adventure of inquiry! Please note
that in addition to this unit of inquiry, each class will have other areas of
inquiry that they will focus on during the term.
If you feel you can contribute to this inquiry in some way or
would like further information about it, please feel free to discuss with your
child's classroom educators.