Dear Mattingley family and friends,
We would like to welcome you all to the Mattingley classroom. We
are looking forward to all the fun we are going to have with your children on
their learning journey this year. This term we will be investigating
relationships and wellbeing as part of our PYP unity of inquiry. Our central
idea is “People’s relationships with each other can have an impact of
wellbeing.” To begin unpacking this concept we will be having group discussions
during our morning meeting about what friends are.
Please remember to pack a named hat for your child as part of our
Sun Smart Policy. We would also like to ask that you apply sun cream to your
children before coming to school. Please help yourself to the classroom sun
cream if you need. You will find it next to the sign in sheet.
Just to clarify our specialty lessons:
Library: Monday mornings on even
weeks 10.55am
Chinese: Tuesday and Thursdays 9am
PE: Friday 8.55am
These times were put on the weekly diary incorrectly. I apologise
for any inconvenience.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend,
Miss Mason & Miss Bowden