It's been busy, busy, busy
in the Wilkins room this week. We started the week celebrating Holi with the
Langley children - we loved spraying and flicking paint and coloured powder on
a huge canvas (and a little on ourselves!) We've also been using coloured
paints in the classroom to create masterpieces, developing our cutting skills
to create collages, caring for and observing our tadpoles, creating face
pictures using play dough and recycled materials, making music on our sound
wall outside and much, much more.
We are looking forward to Grandies Day next Wednesday and have been practicing our songs for our concert. Don't forget to RSVP if you haven't already done so.
Best wishes for a lovely weekend.
Nicole, Karla and Jess
We are looking forward to Grandies Day next Wednesday and have been practicing our songs for our concert. Don't forget to RSVP if you haven't already done so.
Best wishes for a lovely weekend.
Nicole, Karla and Jess