Another exciting week has raced by with Colour Mixing Play
Dough, followed by Shrove Tuesday with our attempts at pancake tossing. Miss
Veltmeyer even managed to get colour mixing into our pancake toppings. We met
our Year 3 Buddies for the first time and had fun playing with them. This will
hopefully be a regular activity. Then finally we started making our own paper.
One of the most important parts of the PYP is the element of Action- This is where the children make connections and use their knowledge outside the classroom. This is always a difficult area to assess, particularly in the younger years. We have been pleased to hear stories of the children talking about what they have done in school at home. For example Alex recently telling his father I bet you don’t know what the primary colours are? We would like to record these anecdotes, so if you get chance please email to us at
Chapple Team