Last Friday
we had such a wonderful visit from Gabby’s dad, Dr Chisholm to speak with the
Edgerley class about his work as a surgeon. The children were enthralled as
they looked at models of stomachs, saw diagrams in huge anatomy books and
handled scissors that were all shapes and sizes as well as many other tools.
They loved seeing Dr Chisholm dressed up in his “scrubs” and were even more
delighted when he gave us some caps and masks to keep for ourselves!
So many
questions and comments popped into the children’s minds…
Gabby: Mummy puts a mask on too!Zac: Do you take an ambulance to work?
Oliver: What do the knives do? Do you put the tummies back together? How do you do this?
Gabby: You have to stitch the tummies back when the patients are asleep so it doesn’t hurt.
Sabian: What’s that bit? (pointing to the muscle on the stomach model)
Zac: Do you know I have a feeling that they’re like little spider webs (as Dr Chisholm shows the children the suture and needle)
That very afternoon we brainstormed what we would need to make our own hospital. Then the real fun began as we collected so many things to create our own hospital. There have been many operations performed this week in the Edgerley room hospital and lots of budding surgeons too!
Thank you so
much Dr Chisholm for deepening our inquiry and enriching our learning through
such meaningful play!
Kind Regards,
Pip, Emma and