Dear Cooper
Room Families
What a
wonderful start to the year we have had in the “new” Cooper Room. The children
have loved exploring their new learning space and getting to know Miss White.
We have been talking about our amazing bodies and recording the facts the
children already know.
“your ears
are for listening and hearing,” Oliver and Angus
“You wear
shoes so ants don’t come into your toes,” Toby
“If you want
to move, the bones move you,” Luca
The Cooper
hospital has had many patients visiting throughout the week, looking at x-rays,
taking temperatures and administering lots of medicine. If you have a problem
the medical staff at the Cooper hospital could probably help you too!
Please call in or make an appointment with our friendly team.
We have also
explored other ways to use our bodies through PE in the gym, dancing, singing
and cutting out some tricky jigsaw puzzles of our faces and even making Chinese
characters with our bodies. They really are amazing!
Kind regards
Susan, Jain and Rosalie