Dear Edgerley Parents,
We have had a jam packed week this week finding out more
about animals houses. We were joined by Frank the apiarist who showed us the
inside of a bee hive and told us about how bees live. We touched and smelt smokers, foundation plates and empty honeycomb. We also tried on a bee keepers
veil as Frank told us how apiarists protect themselves from bees. (After Frank
left we enjoyed making our own veils at the making table with netting from the
art room…. We found a giant bee, Mrs Rocca!! on the playground and tried to
trap her but she was too fast!)
Frank told us about the three types of bees that live in a
hive. Mrs Bishop wanted to be the queen bee and the children divided themselves
into two groups, lazy drone bees and busy worker bees. Thank goodness we had
mostly worker bees with big muscles! Finally we sat in a circle and shared some
bee food. Frank told us about how the bees use their wings to fan and dehydrate
the nectar to make honey so we madly fanned our wings and Mrs Bishop magically
found the honey we had made, even in its own bottle! Amazing!
On Wednesday we headed up to the Prep school to visit Mrs
Melbourne in 5M. We had heard that she had animals in her classroom that wore
their homes on their backs. We tried to guess what they could be…hermit crabs?
Snails? When we arrived we spotted two very big and friendly turtles, Thelma
and Myrtle. The turtles were keen to try and hide under our legs which was very
funny! When they flipped over we could see the underside of their shells and
were very amazed when they quickly flipped back onto their tummys. Finally Mrs
Melbourne placed them in the tank for a swim and some lunch. We loved them!
Don’t forget next week that we will be celebrating Big Boys
Breakfast. Please return your surveys and RSVP if you have not already done so.
Kind Regards
Mel, Coney and Pip