I would also like to publicly publish a massive thanks to Mrs Susan Lock (Teacher in the Mead Room) for her tenacity, patience, unfailing positivity, organisation and, above all else, her time for keeping this project moving in the right direction. Susan only works three days a week but in the past few weeks you may have mistakenly thought she was now full time, she spent so much of her personal time organising shoeboxes (including long days on the weekend!)
I watched as Susan assisted children to pack their boxes, letting them take their time to make their choices, never rushing them or choosing for them. I can guarantee that every child who packed a box with Susan gave the box a big hug and kiss and an extra bit of lov
If you feel inspired by Susan’s efforts please visit a giving tree this Christmas and give your child the time to choose a gift for another child less fortunate than them in Australia, there are plenty of them out there. What your child receives in empowerment and hope will far outweigh the value of the $20 gift.
Thankyou Mrs Lock for making sure we know how important it is to care.