This week the Langley children have been retelling their own versions of some familiar stories. We have investigated the story of the Three Little Pigs with puppets and other props. Oliver L decided that his story had a big bad dinosaur in it rather than a big bad wolf.
“But mine’s a dinosaur” Oliver explained.
“What’s the dinosaur going to do?” asked the Teacher.
“He going to blow the piggy house down” Oliver explained.
“It’s da wolf” explained Gabe to Oliver as he picked up the wolf puppet.
“Here a wolf” Oliver agreed as he picked up the toy wolf.
“Dere’s two!” observed Gabe excitedly.
Grace has also been telling us her own version of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt;
“We’re going on a bear hunt, we’re going to catch a big one, we’re not scared, we’re not scared. Uh oh! Grass! Swash, swash, swash!” she said as she read to the other children.
Kind regards,Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
"Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Girl!" Jade yelled excitedly.
After reading and exploring some different versions of the classic story 'The Gingerbread Man' this week, the Mead children have seized the theme with great energy! We have had role play, rivers running through our room, puppet making and have baked our very own gingerbread men.
"Gingerbread men aren't real. They're only in stories" Jesse told us as we mixed the biscuit recipe together.
"It's going to bake but it's not going to run away. It's not going to be a real one" Ryan explained to everyone.
"No, he will bake and then he will jump out (of the oven)" Ollie challenged.
"I will grab him and hold him and eat him" Elliott said, imitating gobbling something up.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Emma
The Cooper children love the song We're Going on a Lion Hunt and We're Not Scared! We have sung and sung and sung this song in our room. This week we went to look for places in our yard where we could hunt for lions: long grass, puddles, mud, a bridge and a cave. The ELC yard has so many good places for exploring and the children recited the song as they played, with lots of chopping and sploshing and tip toeing. At the end we had to shut the gate - bang! - safe from the lion. We found the Langley yard was a great place to hide!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
This week in Chapple we have been exploring the topic ‘sink or float’. We have been experimenting with a range of different objects, and discussing what qualities make them sink or float.
Sam G discovered: I’m putting water in there (alfoil tray) and it makes more weight and it makes it sink.
Zac also experimented with the alfoil tray, remarking: If I put everything in there it will sink.
Hamish found an object that sinks and floats, saying: If you put the lid the right way it sinks because it has water in it but if you put it up the other way with no water it floats.
Also this week, we have been continuing with our Storymaker topic. We have been working hard to create a Fairytale setting, including a beanstalk, a castle complete with flags and paintings of our favourite characters. Please feel free to visit the Chapple room and explore the new decorations.
Eleanor and Kate
What a work out we gave the carpentry table this week in Edgerley. We shared a design for a wooden bird house that Hugo’s Dad had illustrated for us and talked about the different features. We were so excited to discover that Hugo’s Dad was going to come to Kindergarten to make it for us (and our Rosella’s). Inspired by all this construction talk we pounced on the carpentry table, comparing lengths of wood and discussing possible construction techniques. Aadi and Alan worked together to cut lengths of dowel for the children. Once they were attached to the bird houses I asked the children what they were.
“It’s the church for the bird” said Dougal
“The church?” I wondered aloud
“Yes, it is where the bird sits” clarified Aadi
“The church has to be long for the bird to fly on it” added Roshan
Finally I connected the dots, “Yes I see, what a great perch you have made” I said!
We also continued our fascination with weddings, particularly tiered wedding cakes, and created our own. Next week we plan to cook and assemble a real one! Thankyou to the Fleets for sending their wedding video in for us to view.
Kind regards
Mel and Rosalie