Yet another busy week of investigation and excitement in the Langley room. On Monday we had a very special visitor to our classroom; Malcolm the lamb. We had a wonderful time feeding him and showing him what we do in the Langley room. To follow up on the children’s interest in Malcolm, we have made our own handprint sheep to put on our farm. We also made our own bread using a bread machine and our own butter out of cream. We had to shake it and shake it all day until it turned into butter. It was worth it though, it was delicious! We have also made orange juice and have enjoyed investigating the colours of autumn by collecting leaves in the garden and sorting them. Finally we had the dentist come and talk to us about how to look after our teeth and we had to show her what our teeth looked like. Phew, we might need a big rest over the weekend ready for another big week next week!
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
The Mead Room has been a hive of activity this week. On our excursion to Foodland on Monday the children saw the delivery dock, storeroom and big freezer.
“This place is so big we need to go in the lifter” said Oliver
We also visited the butchery and grocery sections. The highlight for many was the Bakery.
We followed up our excursion by making our own bread and butter. Unlike the Little Red Hen we all helped measure, pour and mix the flour, yeast and water to make our bread and we all shook the cream until it turned into butter! Then we all happily spread the butter and ate our bread ourselves.
“It smells soooo ready” said Theodore
“I can smell the yummy bread, I can see it is yummy” said Jesse as he watched the steam rise.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Emma
We all enjoyed our trip to Foodland Norwood on Monday when we went to have a look at what happens behind the scenes at a supermarket. Everyone wore their special hats as we were taken on a tour of the bakery, truck loading bay, freezer, butcher and fruit and veg sections. The boys watched closely and listened carefully as we were told about where the food comes from, how it is stored and how it is prepared for sale. The bakery smelled delicious and we saw the bread rolls rising and baking. We also saw other yummy treats, "Donuts" said Lachlan T. "Chocolate... I like chocolate." In the butchers section we saw meat hanging and watched as the butcher used his special saw to cut up lamb for roasts, "That big lamb was very dead" Aadi told us. This excursion added a new dimension to our inquiry about farms and food production and provoked lots of chatter and play amongst the Cooper boys. A big thank you to Mr Con Tellis, the manager at Foodland who was a very accommodating tour leader for our ELC group and to the many parents who accompanied us.
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
As part of the sensory program we are currently running from the Art Room, we have been experimenting with finger paint this week. It was a new experience for many children, but it was great fun! Children were asked what it felt like, what happened when they mixed colours and were then able to take a print.
'It feels mushy, yucky!' -Luke
'It's like mud because it's all slippery.' -Olin
'It feels like mashed potato.' -Sebastian
'It's making purple. It's making a beetroot purple.' -Luke
'Our purple won't be like their purple cause they had blue and we have yellow.' –Hamish
Chapple Room Team
Dear Parents,
This week in Edgerley we have been inspired by the colours of the season. We have enjoyed collecting beautiful brightly coloured autumn leaves at every opportunity and have been sorting them into the different colour groups we observed. We have found red, dark red, orange, pink, yellow, brown, chocolate brown and black! We wrote labels for our groups and have begun to sew them together to hang above our painting easel. Next week we are going to begin to talk about why we think all the leaves are changing colour and falling.
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie