What a busy week we have had in the Langley room! We were very excited on Monday morning to discover that one of our sunflowers had opened. “This ones grown, the other one hasn’t” observed Alex. “It’s going to grow really big” he added. We were also lucky enough to taste some of the apples that Miss Kerry had brought in from her tree at home. We discovered that when you eat sour foods, they make you pull a funny face! A big thankyou to all the Mums who were able to come to our Princesses Tea Party on Thursday. The children have worked very hard the last couple of weeks practicing their songs for the concert, arranging flowers and preparing their special gifts. If you were not able to take these on Thursday you can find them in your child’s pigeon hole.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
The Cooper boys have been investigating wool production this week. We shared a non-fiction book about sheep, shearing and wool and then looked at, touched and smelled a fleece. "I think it's wool, I think it's a sheep" said Louie. "It's sheep wool" said Hugo. "Smelly" Jack said, "It smells disgusting!" Aadi exclaimed. "They sheared the wool off" Louie explained to the group. We looked at pictures of working dogs rounding up sheep and shearers shearing and had a long talk about dyeing, spinning and knitting wool. Many of the boys said that they had grandmas who could knit. We hope to look for examples of woollen products (perhaps for show and tell?!) and watch some spinning and knitting as our inquiry continues.
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We have had a very exciting and special week preparing for the Princesses Tea Party. It is obvious that mothers are so special in the Mead Children's lives. The comments that have been made by the Mead Children and the care that they have taken in the various activities have revealed just how important they think their Mums are!
We have decorated tiaras with paint and jewels, drawn our mothers, made special handbag cards and decorated them, practiced songs to sing, and arranged flowers in vases to put as table decorations at the event itself! Well done to all the children for singing so beautifully and trying so hard in all the activities. I think it was a happy and memorable event! To all the Mead mothers, enjoy Mothers Day - you deserve to be spoilt and deserve to be celebrated!
Best Wishes,
Emma, Susan and Emma
We have seen some fantastic Show and Tell presentations this term. Thank you to everyone who is trying to link their child's talk with our unit. This week, Hamish brought in a sheep skull to show the class. The children were very intrigued and impressed! We have also enjoyed learning about honeycomb, tractors and farm life through many farm books. Samuel even sang Old MacDonald to us! It has been valuable for all the children and a great way to share our learning. Keep up the good work! We are very excited about Make and Bake day on Thursday morning! Thank you to everyone who has sent in construction materials. Don't forget to print off a recipe to go in our class book!
Chapple Team
Edgerley children were busy creating a market outside their classroom this week. They particularly enjoyed making up and recording the costs of their produce. They were fascinated by the shapes of the numbers on the electronic screen of the cash register and attempted to create the square numbers with pens and paper. The market was a busy place for writing with children creating labels, name tags, recipes and shopping lists, carefully listening for the sounds in the words. When we moved to the art room to prepare the flower pots for the Princesses Tea Party we decided to record a message in the form of a banner using our writing skills. Together we decided on the messages “Happy Mothers Day” and “Kisses and Hugs”….you might have seen them at our party… “haqqy muthrs day” and “kis and hags”!
Have a wonderful weekend
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie![](
What a busy week we have had in the Langley room! We were very excited on Monday morning to discover that one of our sunflowers had opened. “This ones grown, the other one hasn’t” observed Alex. “It’s going to grow really big” he added. We were also lucky enough to taste some of the apples that Miss Kerry had brought in from her tree at home. We discovered that when you eat sour foods, they make you pull a funny face! A big thankyou to all the Mums who were able to come to our Princesses Tea Party on Thursday. The children have worked very hard the last couple of weeks practicing their songs for the concert, arranging flowers and preparing their special gifts. If you were not able to take these on Thursday you can find them in your child’s pigeon hole.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
The Cooper boys have been investigating wool production this week. We shared a non-fiction book about sheep, shearing and wool and then looked at, touched and smelled a fleece. "I think it's wool, I think it's a sheep" said Louie. "It's sheep wool" said Hugo. "Smelly" Jack said, "It smells disgusting!" Aadi exclaimed. "They sheared the wool off" Louie explained to the group. We looked at pictures of working dogs rounding up sheep and shearers shearing and had a long talk about dyeing, spinning and knitting wool. Many of the boys said that they had grandmas who could knit. We hope to look for examples of woollen products (perhaps for show and tell?!) and watch some spinning and knitting as our inquiry continues.
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We have had a very exciting and special week preparing for the Princesses Tea Party. It is obvious that mothers are so special in the Mead Children's lives. The comments that have been made by the Mead Children and the care that they have taken in the various activities have revealed just how important they think their Mums are!
We have decorated tiaras with paint and jewels, drawn our mothers, made special handbag cards and decorated them, practiced songs to sing, and arranged flowers in vases to put as table decorations at the event itself! Well done to all the children for singing so beautifully and trying so hard in all the activities. I think it was a happy and memorable event! To all the Mead mothers, enjoy Mothers Day - you deserve to be spoilt and deserve to be celebrated!
Best Wishes,
Emma, Susan and Emma
We have seen some fantastic Show and Tell presentations this term. Thank you to everyone who is trying to link their child's talk with our unit. This week, Hamish brought in a sheep skull to show the class. The children were very intrigued and impressed! We have also enjoyed learning about honeycomb, tractors and farm life through many farm books. Samuel even sang Old MacDonald to us! It has been valuable for all the children and a great way to share our learning. Keep up the good work! We are very excited about Make and Bake day on Thursday morning! Thank you to everyone who has sent in construction materials. Don't forget to print off a recipe to go in our class book!
Chapple Team
Edgerley children were busy creating a market outside their classroom this week. They particularly enjoyed making up and recording the costs of their produce. They were fascinated by the shapes of the numbers on the electronic screen of the cash register and attempted to create the square numbers with pens and paper. The market was a busy place for writing with children creating labels, name tags, recipes and shopping lists, carefully listening for the sounds in the words. When we moved to the art room to prepare the flower pots for the Princesses Tea Party we decided to record a message in the form of a banner using our writing skills. Together we decided on the messages “Happy Mothers Day” and “Kisses and Hugs”….you might have seen them at our party… “haqqy muthrs day” and “kis and hags”!
Have a wonderful weekend
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie