Being so hot this week has meant that we have experienced a range of water based activities – check out our weekly journal on display in the classroom for details! We’ve continued our investigation into the world of art by looking at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and creating our own masterpieces at the easels. The children have also enjoyed looking at themselves in the mirror and creating their own faces using collage materials. We continue to eagerly await the completion of our playground – only the bridge to come. Fingers crossed it will be soon!
Kind regards
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Chloe
Dear Mead Room Parents and Children,
What a busy week we have had. We had a visit to see the Monster Trucks, have enjoyed practising our ball skills in P.E. and are loving sharing with each other at Show and Tell time on the special chair. We love singing 'Five Little Speckled Frogs' and pretending to be the frogs, and have practised self portraits through collage and painting. We have also made a special Valentines treat for our mum's and dad's to say thank you for loving us so much.
Emma, Susan and Penny
The Cooper room boys have begun to show great interest in letters lately, particularly those that start their names. They have been playing with our new alphabet puzzle and chatting to their friends about whose name starts with what letter. As the boys play they have been singing the alphabet song and finding the pictures for the letters, such as F for fish and O for orange. It is really exciting to see the boys' spontaneous literacy play and the ideas and connections they are making about letters and sounds, whilst having lots of fun!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
We are having a wonderful time exploring art and pattern in Chapple Room. We used the magnifying glasses to help us see small details in paintings. We have also been using them to investigate pattern in paintings, and within the classroom environment. During last week's visit to see Mr Tutt, we were asked to each complete a portrait of him, and to name his teddy bear. We have been carefully painting portraits, which look wonderful. Deciding on a name for the teddy is proving to be a little harder....We will invite Mr Tutt down to Chapple Room soon to reveal the portraits and to see if he approves of our chosen name. Fingers crossed he likes both!
Chapple Room
We have had a busy week counting and playing with numbers. We have been working on improving our numeral formation and all think it is very funny that 3’s and 5’s look so much alike. We particularly enjoyed Bond's show and tell, it was the tallest show and tell we have had!
We have continued our interest in the story of Ned Kelly and have begun to create our own Ned Kelly paintings. Come into our classroom and view our growing gallery.
Mel and Rosalie