Our Gallery of Life focus for this week has been Matisse’s cut outs. We have looked at Matisse’s Snail and talked about what we can see in the piece of art work. We also looked at other pictures of snails and discussed the spiral shape of the snail. We then created our own cut out snail pictures; make sure you take a look at our ever growing gallery! Following on from our investigation about sunflowers, we have planted some sunflower seeds in our garden and the children are eagerly awaiting them to sprout. The children have also been personally decorating their Grandies Day invitations which have been placed in your child’s lockers. We would appreciate it if you could distribute these accordingly.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We have had so much fun being busy master chefs in our class room kitchen this week.
Ollie reached into the oven to check his meal he was cooking..............
"I think it's ready" Ollie said.
"I got a big spoon to scoop it up. We're having a party" said Jade.
"I want the big spoon" Charlie said excitedly.
Jesse asked "We are eating the porridge aren't we"?
"Yes, we are eating porridge" Charlie answered.
Henry told every one "I'm eating porridge 'cos I love porridge".
"Hey, I want a big bowl" Elliott said.
"Ooh, my porridge is a bit hot" Charlie told the children.
"I need to get dressed for the party now" said Henry!
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Penny
Inspired by Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, the Cooper children have been investigating how sunflowers grow this week. We have read non-fiction books about how to grow and look after them and looked at a big bunch of real sunflowers in our room. Some of the children looked carefully at the parts of the sunflowers, then created detailed drawings of them in black pen, while others chose to create large paintings of sunflowers at the easel. We are really looking forward to the cooler autumn weather so that we can begin to plant and grow flowers and vegetables of our own in the ELC vegetable patch soon.
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
We have had such a busy, but fun week in Chapple Room. The dress ups have continued to be popular, and this week, after studying Picasso's portrait in which he dressed up as a circus performer, we decided to dress up and paint each other. The partner paintings look fantastic! Please take the time to come and have a look. The dress ups also provided a platform for some wonderful, creative, imaginative play. We added some food and away we went!
We are looking forward to our excursion next week. Please return your consent form asap if your child attends on a Wednesday. Can you PLEASE also return your child's PORTFOLIO if you haven't already done so.
Alexandra and Juliana
This week in Edgerley we have been investigating the drinking habits of our beautiful sunflowers. At the end of each day we measure the amount of water that our flowers have consumed and then add another line to the glass vase so that we can see how much water has disappeared the following day. The sunflower stalks are very tall and we have been hypothesising about which parts of the sun flower need the water and what the water is used for. We have recorded our observations in a chart and have also illustrated our flowers using pencils after looking at them very closely. We will use our observations to paint sunflowers next week.
Kind regards
Mel and Rosalie.JPG)
Our Gallery of Life focus for this week has been Matisse’s cut outs. We have looked at Matisse’s Snail and talked about what we can see in the piece of art work. We also looked at other pictures of snails and discussed the spiral shape of the snail. We then created our own cut out snail pictures; make sure you take a look at our ever growing gallery! Following on from our investigation about sunflowers, we have planted some sunflower seeds in our garden and the children are eagerly awaiting them to sprout. The children have also been personally decorating their Grandies Day invitations which have been placed in your child’s lockers. We would appreciate it if you could distribute these accordingly.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We have had so much fun being busy master chefs in our class room kitchen this week.
Ollie reached into the oven to check his meal he was cooking..............
"I think it's ready" Ollie said.
"I got a big spoon to scoop it up. We're having a party" said Jade.
"I want the big spoon" Charlie said excitedly.
Jesse asked "We are eating the porridge aren't we"?
"Yes, we are eating porridge" Charlie answered.
Henry told every one "I'm eating porridge 'cos I love porridge".
"Hey, I want a big bowl" Elliott said.
"Ooh, my porridge is a bit hot" Charlie told the children.
"I need to get dressed for the party now" said Henry!
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Penny
Inspired by Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, the Cooper children have been investigating how sunflowers grow this week. We have read non-fiction books about how to grow and look after them and looked at a big bunch of real sunflowers in our room. Some of the children looked carefully at the parts of the sunflowers, then created detailed drawings of them in black pen, while others chose to create large paintings of sunflowers at the easel. We are really looking forward to the cooler autumn weather so that we can begin to plant and grow flowers and vegetables of our own in the ELC vegetable patch soon.
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
We have had such a busy, but fun week in Chapple Room. The dress ups have continued to be popular, and this week, after studying Picasso's portrait in which he dressed up as a circus performer, we decided to dress up and paint each other. The partner paintings look fantastic! Please take the time to come and have a look. The dress ups also provided a platform for some wonderful, creative, imaginative play. We added some food and away we went!
We are looking forward to our excursion next week. Please return your consent form asap if your child attends on a Wednesday. Can you PLEASE also return your child's PORTFOLIO if you haven't already done so.
Alexandra and Juliana
This week in Edgerley we have been investigating the drinking habits of our beautiful sunflowers. At the end of each day we measure the amount of water that our flowers have consumed and then add another line to the glass vase so that we can see how much water has disappeared the following day. The sunflower stalks are very tall and we have been hypothesising about which parts of the sun flower need the water and what the water is used for. We have recorded our observations in a chart and have also illustrated our flowers using pencils after looking at them very closely. We will use our observations to paint sunflowers next week.
Kind regards
Mel and Rosalie