Dear Wilkins families and friends,
What a delightful week we have had. We are very pleased the sun
has been shining the last week as we have been able to get out for a play!
This week we have spoken about spring and how seasons change. We have also spoken about how
flowers will start to flourish! During this experience we took the Wilkins
friends up to the Prep School to observe the blossoms on the tree! We are
looking forward to watching the flowers in the ELC grow through out spring.
Stirling – “The flowers grow!”
Samuel T – “Leaves!”
James – “Trees grow into a big
To extend on our Unit of Inquiry “Marvellous Machines” we have
been interested in cars and trucks. We have been fascinated by how they move,
roll and work. We used plastic cars to create pieces of artwork. We dipped the
wheels into some paint and then rolled them on to paper to see the outcome!
If you also have any spare cardboard boxes or cylinders could you
please bring them in for craft in the room. Thank you.
We hope you all enjoy your warm weekend, thanks for another
fabulous week in the room!
Love Mrs Karla, Mrs Nicole and Miss Ellen xxx