Dear Families and Friends,
This week we are starting off our journey from “Paddock
to plate” in the Mead Room. As a starting point we are discussing the food that
we eat at Kindy and then thinking about what different foods there are and
where they come from.
One day Mr Rob cooked us Shepherd’s Pie. We discussed
where our food came from…..
Beef comes from a cow.
Carrots grow in the ground – Angus
No carrots grow on a bush - Tom
grow in a pod that grow on a bush – Angus
mixes in with the meat- Tom
grow in the ground – Angus
Today Mr Rob cooked us Tacos! We discussed where the food
came from…
Beef or
“sloppy meat” as Tom calls it! Comes from cows – Tom
Tomatoes grow on a bush above the
ground– Alex
Lettuce grow on the ground – Henry
grows on the top of the ground on a vine – Alec
Capsicum grows on a bush – Tom
Taco shells come from corn on the
cob that has been all mushed up.
The children are very excited that we are making our own
Mead Room bakery….. watch this space!
Many Thanks,