Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, March 22, 2013

In the classrooms


Dear Edgerley Families,

What a week! We have been extremely concerned with so many issues in our world that affect our environment. Some of the children decided to take matters into their own hands and sit at the writing table to write some very important letters to people in the world.

Alex wrote a letter to the Environment telling it that he wanted the animals to have a new home.

Cooper wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia telling her that “We need to clean up the world because it’s too dirty and there is too much rubbish.”

Alyssa has written to Mr Andary telling him to stop using rubbish.

Rocco wrote a letter to his parents thanking them for “picking up all your rubbish at the Rubbish Dump” and “You are helping all the animals, you are recycling and that is really, really helpful” – thank goodness for the Rositano Family!

Lily wrote “To the lady in charge of Australia, its Julia Gillard.” Lily explained her concerns about the smoke and how “the animals will die if we don’t turn it off.”

William wrote to his dad questioning how he will help the Environment He also gave him some advice on how to use his computer and car effectively.

Jacob wrote to the Prime Minister about “all the rubbish left on the ground is killing all the animals – I want it all to stop happening!”

We will be sending these letters to the recipients in the hope that we hear back. Check out our classroom door for copies of our letters. We are so proud of our Edgerley children for taking action!

THE highlight of the week was our trip to the Metro Waste Dump. As Rocco said, we are all thankful for what the Rositano Family do to help our Environment by recycling. On our excursion we got to see the workers sorting the rubbish, the excavator piling up the bricks and concrete, all the different bins and really big trucks coming and going. We all got our own fluro yellow safety vests and safety glasses and even a hat! It was all so exciting and we learnt so much! We now know where our recyclables go and how they are sorted ready to be reused and made into something else. We got to bring back a chest of rubbish to sort in our classroom.

We are very much looking forward to Grandies Day next week! Keep up the awesome effort helping our Environment Edgerley Children – you are doing so much!

Coney, Juliana and Katherine



Dear Chapple Room Parents and Friends,

As part of our unit of inquiry, My Family Album, and as part of our Grandies Day preparation, we have been discussing the concept of family roles and grandparents. Here are some of our ideas about our Grandies.

My grandparents have a big brothers. They're called Melieka. Oh, Nanny Diane and Pa Gary.' Izabella

I have golden hair you know. I don't have two grandparents. I have Nanny. That's Mummy's mummy. Eden

My grandparents are called Granny and Grandad and Gran. I go to their house and sometimes I go to Granny's flat. William

I have nanny and poppy. They're the only grandparents I have. They're Mummy's parents. They do lots of things and Poppy sometimes lets me stag at work. Oscar

Some children are quite confused, and tell me that their grandparents are called Mummy and Daddy. It's an interesting concept to explore.

We are also in need two parent helpers to help with the book sales and serving the scones. Please let me know if you can help.

Have a fabulous weekend and a safe and happy Easter!

Chapple Room Team


Dear Parents and Friends of the Cooper Room,

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and blast off! We are heading to space. Following on from the interest of a small group the Cooper children have built a spaceship to take off to space and explore the planets and the moon.

“Let’s go to the moon,” said Jackson

“We will need a rocket,” added Max

“The moon is a long way away,” said Liam nodding

“You need oxygen tanks so you can breathe,” said Hudson “like the astronauts.”

“We need a helmet too,” suggested Jack “ See like this one” (pointing to the astronaut in a book)

“It’s very dangerous in space,” said Kristian

“It is dark in space,” said Jarrah pointing to a picture of the moon.

Throughout the week the children have used teamwork to build their rocket and find a helmet and a space suit to wear. The children are also working on some very important skills to share the rocket and take turns flying in the rocket. The excited audience waits in anticipation as the rocket gets ready for the count down and then blasts off into space.

What will they find?

Where will they go?

Will PAC be the first ELC to land on the moon?

That really will be one small step for us and a giant leap for our school!

Over from the moon! Coral and Susan


Dear Parents and Friends,

The children in the Mead Room have found it fascinating to explore the bird kit from the Nature Education Centre. We have been discussing where birds live and what they need to keep alive and healthy. The kit is full of taxidermy brids, skeletons, eggs, nest and other curios. The dialogue shows the way the children are discussng and helping each other learn so much about birds.

Harry M: Was dat called?

Miss A: Quail eggs

Harry M: Oooh

Charlotte: What do birds eat?

Harry M: Seeds

James S: Birds eat seeds!

Charlotte: How do the birds go in trees?

Harry M: Fly! Wiv wings!

Charlotte: Do dese have bones in dem?

Miss A: Yes (showing Charlotte the skull)

James S: I love d’ wainbow worrikeet!

Tom M: Dis one (magpie) has d’ longest beak, longer den all d’ others. An’ dis one( starling) is d’ smallest in d’ whole bird kit.

James S: I like dese birds

Charlotte: I like dese birds too.

James S: Be careful wiv dese. Where’s d’ barn owl? Oooooh, dis barn owl is weally heavy. What’s inside d’ barn owl?

Miss A.: What do you think is inside?

James S: Bones!

(James lines up the birds) All d’ birds.

Toby comes over.

James S : Be careful Toby, don’t step on dem. Its’ all my favourite birds… I have six. The wainbow wollikeet say to d’ magpie. “You can’t have my feeders!” An d’ magpie says “I have enough feeders.”

Our children have been busy creating nests with collage materials, looking at seeds, enjoying bird walks up to the Prep School and talking more about bird features. Lots of busy learning!

Many Thanks,

Emma, Pip, Amelia


Dear Langley families and friends,

This week the Langley children went for a walk up to the big school. We went looking for leaves to recycle for our artist endeavours. First we looked in the boarding house garden under the large gum trees and found some strings of bark that had fallen to the ground along with some small leaves. Then Mr. Tye pulled up in his tractor and we asked him if he knew where we could find some large leaves.

He told us to go to the top of the oval, so we had a running race with Miss Kerry to see who could get to the big pile of oak leaves first. We found huge crunchy leaves for our art work. On our way back some of the children had noticed something else on the oval.

"Look at the rubbish," said Jack.

"Is messy," Angelina stated.

Lachlan said with concern, "we should pick it up."

We talked with the children about how we should put our rubbish in the bin and that we would go for another walk to the big school we will collect some rubbish and place it in the correct bins for recycling. The children are showing a keen interest in caring for their environment.

Best wishes,

Kerry, Nicole, Emily, Hayley and Jess