Dear Chapple Parents and Friends,
This week we discussed the
meaning behind our Nativity concert and why we celebrate Christmas. It was a
wonderful chance to explore our understanding of what we are doing, and to see
how much children in Chapple understand about Christmas and this busy time of
‘It’s something. I don’t really
know.’ Zach H
‘It means when you play something
like the dolls or the Christmas tree or computers. ‘ Jack
‘It’s like this big play at the
end of the year to show everybody what happened when baby Jesus was born.’
‘They went to Bethlehem, Joseph
and Mary. People said there was no room, except the last ones.’ Oliver
‘In the dativity, they give baby
Jesus present to celebrate baby Jesus was born.’ Jack
‘The three kings have to wear
some crowns.’ Zach H
‘They celebrated because they
loved baby Jesus.’ Xander
‘First the three kings helped
baby Jesus and gave her presents and when baby Jesus got a big boy they wanted
to kill Jesus.’ Harry H
‘Another time when Mrs Rocca was
reading a book it said they were going to kill baby Jesus.’ Grace
‘Baby Jesus. It’s Merry Christmas
time.’ Leon
‘When they got to Bethlehem in a
stable Baby Jesus was born and so Christmas is a very special day because we
celebrated baby Jesus being born.’ Tommi
‘I don’t know.’ Ryan
‘They celebrated baby Jesus.’
‘Good animals are smiling.’ Lucas
‘The animals love baby Jesus.’ Yi
‘The donkey carried Mary.’
‘Builded the stage.’ Marios
‘About baby Jesus. He was born in
a house in the snow.’ Seth
‘All the animals smiled because
they wanted to see baby Jesus.’ Ryan
We are looking forward to the
concert next week, and hope to see you all there! For those of you who are
heading to the pageant this weekend, have a lovely time- and keep an eye out
for Harry White's mother Helen. Miss Freer will also be returning to us on
Tuesday. Thank you to Mrs Nacca for being such a wonderful help over the last
two weeks. The children will miss you!
Thank you,
Chapple Room Team