outside in the big yard this week, we discovered the fallen autumn leaves under
the tree. With much excitement, we collected the leaves from the ground and
took them back to the classroom to explore them further. There was great
interest in the different colours of the leaves and why they had fallen off the
tree. As we illustrated the leaves, we discussed our thoughts;
do the leaves fall off the tree?” asked the Teacher,
we can pick them up” replied Tom,
the wind blows down” suggested Hugo Sanders,
and round and round and round and round” added Joshua circling his arms around
like leaves falling off a tree.
draw one, leaves, red” commented Dougal,
red, more red, more orange” said Ammar.
you to Alec who brought in some photographs of the machines working in the yard
next door to him. If anyone has any other photos or real machines to come and
share with us, we would love to see them.
Kerry, Pippa and Amy