Princes ELC


An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.

Friday, February 24, 2012

In the Classrooms

We have been experimenting with mixing some colours at the easel this week. We started with yellow and blue. Many of the children were keen to predict what was going to happen when you mixed the colours together and were then excited to see the results;
“It turns to dark blue. It turned to yellow dark” said Hugo Sanders,
“It dween (green)!” cried Harrison excitedly,
“How did Hugo make green?” asked the Teacher,
“Yellow and blue, it goes green” answered Kristian.
“He painting yellow, green and yellow. He make green on there and there” observed Angus, “blue and yellow maked green” he continued.
What an exciting discovery the children have made! I wonder what other colours we will be able to create next week?
Best wishes,
Jess, Kerry, Pippa and Amy
Dear Mead Parents,
Our yellow week began with bananas and ended with bananas! The children have loved bringing in yellow items for 'Show and Tell'!! Andre brought in a banana, Raphael brought a lemon from his Nonna's tree and James W brought in a yellow capsicum. We decided that once we peeled the banana the yellow skin might change colour, so we are eagerly watching every day to see the different colours it is changing into. Nicholas painted a wonderful picture about cats and we all painted our self portraits in our favourite colours. Sebastian's mum baked us a delicious banana cake, (made from..........yes, yellow bananas!!) and we celebrated Marcus's birthday on Friday with cupcakes! What a week......
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan, Cristina and Heidi
The Cooper children combined their investigations in colour with their interest in dinosaurs this week. The children used fine motor skills to pick up the little dinosaurs with chop sticks and practised sorting and categorising skills to identify the dinosaurs by colour and type. The dinosaurs hid in the long grass and the children found them and sorted them into groups and lines...
“I catch green” said Fletcher.
“I catch a big tail” said Cooper.
“I wanna catch the green ones. I’m gonna catch four more” Sebastian R. told us.
“I gotta big one, yellow one” exclaimed Fletcher.
“One red, ten red” counted Chanel, “The flying ones go down here, only blue can go here.”
“I’ve got the green group” explained Lara.
“I’ve got a flying group here” said Chanel.
The dinosaurs came in many different shapes and colours which made this activity a real challenge!
Kind regards,
Cooper Team
Dear Chapple Room Parents and Friends,
The children had a wonderful start to the week, with Mrs Mackenzie popping back in whilst I was at professional development. It was a nice treat for everyone! We have again been very involved in mixing colours and trying experiments with dyes and paints. We investigated the colour of water and looked at the properties of colours such as black and white. One of the highlights has been using the dress ups during outside play. Belts, flippers, hats and ties were used to create various characters for imaginative play. We will continue this next week with the doctor’s room we are setting up in the classroom. We are all looking forward to yet another busy and exciting week!
Chapple Room Team
Dear Edgerley room parents and friends,
The children have been very busy mixing shades of the same colour. We explored different shades of blue, red and green! The children spent a lot of time putting their shades of blue in order from darkest to lightest. They came up with some great names for the shades of blue,
“ocean blue” suggested Noah
“Midnight blue” added Oliver
“and Navy blue” said Chester
The children really enjoyed deciding on names for their shades!
We have a growing interest in growing. Can you please begin to send in family photos so children can share the different stages of people in their families.
Kind Regards
Sinead, Emma, Pip and Amelia