On Wednesday we had a fire truck and fire fighters come to visit us in the ELC! We all had a turn at sitting in the fire truck and using the hose! The fire fighters taught us how to be safe when there is a fire! The fire fighters also taught us all about good and bad fires and what to do in an emergency. We need to stop, cover, drop and roll!!!
Fergus: I liked using the hose
Daisy: I saw the hose and squirted it
Tom.T: Inside there was a radio
Oliver A: The fire truck had flashing lights and a siren that goes whirr, whirr, whirr
Sam S: ummm, I liked it when I had a fire helmet on
Elliott: It was big, and it had some red and yellow on it
Nathaniel: it had a hose and it’s red
Ryan: stand still, cover your face and roll!
Max C: when a bridge is on fire you ring 000. They wear special clothes, they protect from fire, if there’s a fire they get burned.
Fergus: I liked using the hose
Daisy: I saw the hose and squirted it
Tom.T: Inside there was a radio
Oliver A: The fire truck had flashing lights and a siren that goes whirr, whirr, whirr
Sam S: ummm, I liked it when I had a fire helmet on
Elliott: It was big, and it had some red and yellow on it
Nathaniel: it had a hose and it’s red
Ryan: stand still, cover your face and roll!
Max C: when a bridge is on fire you ring 000. They wear special clothes, they protect from fire, if there’s a fire they get burned.