From next week we will be moving all the sign in sheets to Langley room until 8.15 am and then into the Town Square after 3.30pm. (Langley's will remain in their room until 5pm) They will be in their usual places in the classes during the day. This is following a fire drill last week at 4.30pm when we found it was difficult to collect the sheets from classes when everyone was outside and the staff could not leave the children. (We use these to check that we have accounted for all the children during an emergency evacuation) We are also going to put a highlight tab on your child's name if you need to sign an accident form. This may take a little while to get used to but hopefully the system will benefit the safety of all children.
Princes ELC
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Class Photos
Next week we will be having our class photos taken by Festival Photos . These will be on Wednesday 2nd Nov for 3's and 4's and Thursday 3rd Nov for Langley room. We have decided to "attempt" a class photo of the 2 year olds at 9.30 am on Thurs. If Wednesday or Thursday is not your child's day but you would like to bring them in for the photo (in uniform) please be here at the allocated time. (Times for the other classes were published in last weeks blog). Please remember to bring your order envelope with you .
Craft Supplies
Thankyou for the boxes etc for our building projects, we would also appreciate a supply of corks if you have any new or used ones,
Nativity Reply Slips
Please return these asap as we need to assign roles to the children who will be attending and organise sufficient costumes. For those of you who have not been a part of our Nativity production before it takes quite a lot of organising and is an event not to be missed !
In the Classrooms
Our display of house plans has inspired children to create sketches of their own houses. This has sparked some interesting conversations about what rooms make up their houses and what shapes can be seen in the plans;
My bed is upstairs, two bedrooms, one for Mummy and Daddy and one for the girls. Study and playroom – James S
Downstairs. A door and a gate, lock and shut door. Bathroom, a bath in the bathroom. And I have a roof like this (holds up the triangle) – Gwen
Triangle, me draw a circle – Hugo M
Draw my house and a kitchen. Big house. That’s bathroom – Jackson
A room, a blue bin. Mum room, my room, dad room and dat’s Sienna’s room. Titchen (kitchen) dere – Luca
To further extend on children’s interests in their own houses, we would love it if children could bring in some photographs of their houses.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
Dear Mead Parents,
We have been observing, designing and constructing buildings and structures busily this week inside and outside the classroom. One of our highlights has been our walks around the school looking at the various buildings, shapes and materials used.
Look It's got chimneys. Five chimneys, and I can see a balcony! - Jack O
So the smoke can come out - Zach H
Wow. It's got a ramp - Gabe
For going down - Erin
I think this building is very, very old - Tommi
That building looks brand new. It looks new and shiney. It must have been made after the war - Jack O
It's made from metal - Jesse
And glass. It's a rectangle - Henry
That place (the uniform shop) is made for getting uniforms. It's made from cement - Oliver
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G

Building on the children's interest in emergency services, this week a small group of children played with the Woody Click fire station construction set. As we pieced the various walls, doors and windows together we talked about the parts a building needs...
“A floor” said Toby.
“Roof” said Cooper.
“The walls” added Toby.
“A door, a roof, a big roof over it” suggested Fletcher.
“A big roof” agreed Toby.
“Glass” said Angus.
The children had been interested in multi-storey buildings so we added another floor to our fire station but wondered how the firefighters would get up to the second floor...
“A lift” thought William.
“A ladder” said Toby.
“And some steps” said William.
The finished firestation looked great with trucks parked downstairs and beds for the firefighters upstairs - it even had a fireman's pole!
Kind regards,
Ali, Rosalie and Janine

This week we have discovered how buildings are planned, designed and built from the ground up. The children have been very interested in the plans or 'instructions' that the builders use to build houses and sky-scrapers and have tried to draw some of their own. We have had a lot of construction happening both inside and outside with a range of materials.
Thank you for sending in the photos of your homes, the children have enjoyed discussing the different kinds of houses we live in.
Warm wishes - Suria, Sinead and Sue

“We have to build the foundations first” said Oliver “What’s that?” asked Daniel B “That bit underneath here – that’s the foundations” replied Oliver “Ok, we’re building the foundations first” agreed Daniel B “Yeah, if we don’t have the foundations it won’t work, it won’t hold” exclaimed Oliver
Our display of house plans has inspired children to create sketches of their own houses. This has sparked some interesting conversations about what rooms make up their houses and what shapes can be seen in the plans;
My bed is upstairs, two bedrooms, one for Mummy and Daddy and one for the girls. Study and playroom – James S
Downstairs. A door and a gate, lock and shut door. Bathroom, a bath in the bathroom. And I have a roof like this (holds up the triangle) – Gwen
Triangle, me draw a circle – Hugo M
Draw my house and a kitchen. Big house. That’s bathroom – Jackson
A room, a blue bin. Mum room, my room, dad room and dat’s Sienna’s room. Titchen (kitchen) dere – Luca
To further extend on children’s interests in their own houses, we would love it if children could bring in some photographs of their houses.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
Dear Mead Parents,
We have been observing, designing and constructing buildings and structures busily this week inside and outside the classroom. One of our highlights has been our walks around the school looking at the various buildings, shapes and materials used.
Look It's got chimneys. Five chimneys, and I can see a balcony! - Jack O
So the smoke can come out - Zach H
Wow. It's got a ramp - Gabe
For going down - Erin
I think this building is very, very old - Tommi
That building looks brand new. It looks new and shiney. It must have been made after the war - Jack O
It's made from metal - Jesse
And glass. It's a rectangle - Henry
That place (the uniform shop) is made for getting uniforms. It's made from cement - Oliver
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
Building on the children's interest in emergency services, this week a small group of children played with the Woody Click fire station construction set. As we pieced the various walls, doors and windows together we talked about the parts a building needs...
“A floor” said Toby.
“Roof” said Cooper.
“The walls” added Toby.
“A door, a roof, a big roof over it” suggested Fletcher.
“A big roof” agreed Toby.
“Glass” said Angus.
The children had been interested in multi-storey buildings so we added another floor to our fire station but wondered how the firefighters would get up to the second floor...
“A lift” thought William.
“A ladder” said Toby.
“And some steps” said William.
The finished firestation looked great with trucks parked downstairs and beds for the firefighters upstairs - it even had a fireman's pole!
Kind regards,
Ali, Rosalie and Janine
This week we have discovered how buildings are planned, designed and built from the ground up. The children have been very interested in the plans or 'instructions' that the builders use to build houses and sky-scrapers and have tried to draw some of their own. We have had a lot of construction happening both inside and outside with a range of materials.
Thank you for sending in the photos of your homes, the children have enjoyed discussing the different kinds of houses we live in.
Warm wishes - Suria, Sinead and Sue
“We have to build the foundations first” said Oliver “What’s that?” asked Daniel B “That bit underneath here – that’s the foundations” replied Oliver “Ok, we’re building the foundations first” agreed Daniel B “Yeah, if we don’t have the foundations it won’t work, it won’t hold” exclaimed Oliver
Edgerley students were busy looking at, creating, designing and buildings. We began to think about why we build buildings and how they are constructed.
We continued to investigate how clocks work this week
“A clock shows us what time it is” said Ajeet
“Big hand up the top says o’clock” said Sami
“We have afternoon tea at free o’clock” said Cooper
“Time is when you go to school” said Ajeet
“Then we know what the number is, then we know which time it is” said Lucy
“To show you what time it is to go somewhere” added Cooper
We were also thrilled to see our little chickens again this week. After they hatched at Kindergarten Apollon took home a yellow and black one. With the help of Grandpa Apollons chickens have grown very big. We were surprised to discover that the yellow one is now white. We were even more surprised when they tried to fly away in the classroom! Ahhhhhh!
Kind regards
Mel, Pip and Rachel
Edgerley students were busy looking at, creating, designing and buildings. We began to think about why we build buildings and how they are constructed.
We continued to investigate how clocks work this week
“A clock shows us what time it is” said Ajeet
“Big hand up the top says o’clock” said Sami
“We have afternoon tea at free o’clock” said Cooper
“Time is when you go to school” said Ajeet
“Then we know what the number is, then we know which time it is” said Lucy
“To show you what time it is to go somewhere” added Cooper
We were also thrilled to see our little chickens again this week. After they hatched at Kindergarten Apollon took home a yellow and black one. With the help of Grandpa Apollons chickens have grown very big. We were surprised to discover that the yellow one is now white. We were even more surprised when they tried to fly away in the classroom! Ahhhhhh!
Kind regards
Mel, Pip and Rachel
Friday, October 21, 2011
Class Photos
Festival Photos will be coming to the ELC on November 2nd and 3rd to take both class and individual photos. If your child does not attend on the day nominated for their class you are very welcome to bring them (in uniform) to be included in this.
The schedule is as follows :
Wednesday 2nd Nov
Mead Room 9.00 am
Cooper Room 9.30am
Chapple Room 10.30 am
Edgerley Room 11.00 am
After each class has been photographed individual shots of children from that class that have come just for the photos or do not attend on the Thursday will be taken .
Thursday 3rd Nov
Langley - individual photos only -no class photo
Remainder of individual photos for all classes
Please be here promptly at the scheduled time so that we can move through the groups as smoothly as possible .
The schedule is as follows :
Wednesday 2nd Nov
Mead Room 9.00 am
Cooper Room 9.30am
Chapple Room 10.30 am
Edgerley Room 11.00 am
After each class has been photographed individual shots of children from that class that have come just for the photos or do not attend on the Thursday will be taken .
Thursday 3rd Nov
Langley - individual photos only -no class photo
Remainder of individual photos for all classes
Please be here promptly at the scheduled time so that we can move through the groups as smoothly as possible .
Volunteers for Sewing
As we start to prepare for this years Nativity production if anyone could help with sewing on some sequins we would appreciate it.
Please let Mrs Porter know if you can help.
Please let Mrs Porter know if you can help.
Our Chinese teacher Kath House has been selected to attend an Australian Government intensive language study program in China for three weeks in January with other Chinese teachers from around Australia. Our congratulations to her and we will look forward to sharing the knowledge and resources that she will gain whilst there.
Please ensure that your child only brings water in their drink bottle each day as per our centre policy.
With a burst of hot weather this week to remind us, please make sure your child brings a hat everyday and that you put sunscreen on them before arriving in the mornings. We will then reapply it before our afternoon outside playtime.
We would also appreciate supplies of empty tissue boxes to help us with our current focus on constructions ,
With a burst of hot weather this week to remind us, please make sure your child brings a hat everyday and that you put sunscreen on them before arriving in the mornings. We will then reapply it before our afternoon outside playtime.
We would also appreciate supplies of empty tissue boxes to help us with our current focus on constructions ,
Sign in Sheets
If your child was away during the holidays (or at any other time) we will put an @ for absent in the sign in sheets. Please initial this on your return to acknowledge that this one was one of your child's normal booked days.
Chapple Room Health Checks
These are available again next week on Wednesday 26th October. Please book an appointment through Mrs Porter if you would like your child checked.
In the Classrooms
We have begun our exploration into our new unit of inquiry, Built It Up, with enthusiasm. We have been examining housing frameworks and creating our own to inspire discussions about features of houses and buildings;
It’s a roof, it a roof, look! – Kristian
You do a roof, a window, a door. Dere’s free (three) doors. All finish – Luca
A door, a roof, a window, stairs – Gwen
My house big and tall like dis one (points to picture) – James S
A red one. I made my house, has to be strong – Abhinav
I do houses – Advaith
We have also been exploring concepts of building with a range of construction materials in both the indoor and outdoor environment and have been reading and retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa

What are buildings for? What is a building? What do you see when you look at this building? How did that building get there?
We have pondered many questions in the Mead Room this week, along with doing sketches of buildings, constructing buildings from blocks, lego and junk materials. During one discussion about the uses of buildings, our ELC was one we focussed on.
"It's a school. We need alot of room to fit all of these classrooms in" Jack O said.
"It's for playing in" Harry added.
"And it's for learning. It's big because lots of kids want to learn in it" Tommi suggested.
"But it's not for running in" Zach H insisted.
Oliver added, "It's to write in. You can run outside".
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
The Cooper children have been very enthusiastic about our new inquiry unit 'Build It Up'. They eagerly set about building lots of tower constructions in our room and looked at photos of towers around the world.
Angus looked at a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and chose a cardboard tube to construct with. He showed his tower to Miss McKay and explained, “That’s a flag at the top. I built one of those, this is a tower. There’s just the windows. It’s a tall one with people inside. They are the stairs then you go down and come out, you lift it up and it’s the door.”
“I build a building. It’s a work building. It’s going to be a big building” said Chloe.
“I am going to make a house, I gonna put a roof on” said Sophie.
Alec began to build a block tower and Archie joined him. The tower was very tall and Alec chose a cylindrical block to go at the top. “I gotta chimney to put on top” he said.
“That big me” observed Archie looking up to the top of the tower.
“It’s bigger than me” said Alec.
“Wow! So huge!” exclaimed Felix.
“It’s big ‘cause it’s got lots of blocks” Sophie explained.
”We make those ones” said Alec pointing to the tower photos. “We’re making that one" he said looking at a picture of the Eiffel Tower.
Warm wishes
Ali, Rosalie and Janine

We started the final term of the year of with lots of construction and discussions about buildings. Children were busy at the light table with Perspex blocks and also at the making table in the break out space creating constructions out of cardboard boxes and junk materials. (Our enthusiasm means that we are now already running low on boxes, please save your cardboard boxes and bring them to Kindy!)
Then on Tuesday night Adelaide experienced an earthquake. There was much discussion about the way the earthquake felt and how it was caused. Zac shared his non-fiction book with us so that we could learn more about the earth.
“It was a earthshake” – Elliot
“No! a earth crack” – Alex
“It was right deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down!” – Zac
“It feels like a milkshake” – Oliver
“It was like a truck” – Noah
“Like a big lion, it roared” – Ajeet
“I slept all the way through!” - Soren
“It feeled like a train” – Daisy
“When I go on a trampoline I look like an earthquake too” – Cooper
Thankyou to Mrs Tiller and Miss Renee who worked with us this week.
Kind regards
Mel, Pip and Rachel
We have begun our exploration into our new unit of inquiry, Built It Up, with enthusiasm. We have been examining housing frameworks and creating our own to inspire discussions about features of houses and buildings;
It’s a roof, it a roof, look! – Kristian
You do a roof, a window, a door. Dere’s free (three) doors. All finish – Luca
A door, a roof, a window, stairs – Gwen
My house big and tall like dis one (points to picture) – James S
A red one. I made my house, has to be strong – Abhinav
I do houses – Advaith
We have also been exploring concepts of building with a range of construction materials in both the indoor and outdoor environment and have been reading and retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
What are buildings for? What is a building? What do you see when you look at this building? How did that building get there?
We have pondered many questions in the Mead Room this week, along with doing sketches of buildings, constructing buildings from blocks, lego and junk materials. During one discussion about the uses of buildings, our ELC was one we focussed on.
"It's a school. We need alot of room to fit all of these classrooms in" Jack O said.
"It's for playing in" Harry added.
"And it's for learning. It's big because lots of kids want to learn in it" Tommi suggested.
"But it's not for running in" Zach H insisted.
Oliver added, "It's to write in. You can run outside".
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
The Cooper children have been very enthusiastic about our new inquiry unit 'Build It Up'. They eagerly set about building lots of tower constructions in our room and looked at photos of towers around the world.
Angus looked at a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and chose a cardboard tube to construct with. He showed his tower to Miss McKay and explained, “That’s a flag at the top. I built one of those, this is a tower. There’s just the windows. It’s a tall one with people inside. They are the stairs then you go down and come out, you lift it up and it’s the door.”
“I build a building. It’s a work building. It’s going to be a big building” said Chloe.
“I am going to make a house, I gonna put a roof on” said Sophie.
Alec began to build a block tower and Archie joined him. The tower was very tall and Alec chose a cylindrical block to go at the top. “I gotta chimney to put on top” he said.
“That big me” observed Archie looking up to the top of the tower.
“It’s bigger than me” said Alec.
“Wow! So huge!” exclaimed Felix.
“It’s big ‘cause it’s got lots of blocks” Sophie explained.
”We make those ones” said Alec pointing to the tower photos. “We’re making that one" he said looking at a picture of the Eiffel Tower.
Warm wishes
Ali, Rosalie and Janine
Welcome back to the last term of the year....we have a very busy term ahead of us! This term we are exploring the topic "Build It Up". Already we have had some fascinating discussions taking us from cities to buildings to ancient Egypt and the pyramids. The children have really enjoyed constructing with foam and toothpicks to create 3D buildings and hammering at the carpentry table. Please have a read of some of the discussions on the skyscrapers we made on our classroom wall. Some of the children have been busy making building plans for a cubby house outside, so if all goes according to their plans we may have an update on the cubby house next week....stayed tuned!
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Jack and his family who have joined our class this term.
A reminder about health checkups next week on Wednesday the 26th, if you have not made an appointment and wish to book one in, please let Julie Porter know as soon as possible.
Warm wishes - Suria, Sinead and Sue
Welcome back to the last term of the year....we have a very busy term ahead of us! This term we are exploring the topic "Build It Up". Already we have had some fascinating discussions taking us from cities to buildings to ancient Egypt and the pyramids. The children have really enjoyed constructing with foam and toothpicks to create 3D buildings and hammering at the carpentry table. Please have a read of some of the discussions on the skyscrapers we made on our classroom wall. Some of the children have been busy making building plans for a cubby house outside, so if all goes according to their plans we may have an update on the cubby house next week....stayed tuned!
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Jack and his family who have joined our class this term.
A reminder about health checkups next week on Wednesday the 26th, if you have not made an appointment and wish to book one in, please let Julie Porter know as soon as possible.
Warm wishes - Suria, Sinead and Sue
We started the final term of the year of with lots of construction and discussions about buildings. Children were busy at the light table with Perspex blocks and also at the making table in the break out space creating constructions out of cardboard boxes and junk materials. (Our enthusiasm means that we are now already running low on boxes, please save your cardboard boxes and bring them to Kindy!)
Then on Tuesday night Adelaide experienced an earthquake. There was much discussion about the way the earthquake felt and how it was caused. Zac shared his non-fiction book with us so that we could learn more about the earth.
“It was a earthshake” – Elliot
“No! a earth crack” – Alex
“It was right deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down!” – Zac
“It feels like a milkshake” – Oliver
“It was like a truck” – Noah
“Like a big lion, it roared” – Ajeet
“I slept all the way through!” - Soren
“It feeled like a train” – Daisy
“When I go on a trampoline I look like an earthquake too” – Cooper
Thankyou to Mrs Tiller and Miss Renee who worked with us this week.
Kind regards
Mel, Pip and Rachel
Friday, October 14, 2011
Donations Needed
Dear Families,
If anyone has any old building plans that they no longer need, we would love to use them next term for our unit of inquiry, Build It Up. We are also running low on recycled construction materials and would appreciate any donations.
Thanks, ELC Staff
If anyone has any old building plans that they no longer need, we would love to use them next term for our unit of inquiry, Build It Up. We are also running low on recycled construction materials and would appreciate any donations.
Thanks, ELC Staff
Langley Room
On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have some firemen come and visit us with their fire engine. We had a listen to the siren, got to have a look inside, learnt what to do in case of a fire ‘Stop, Cover, Drop, Roll’ and we even got a chance to squirt the water from the hose! Thanks to Firefighter Russell and the rest of the team for showing us some of what they do. We later used some photographs to reflect on our visit;
Car with water – Ammar
Squirt da hose. A fireman – Andre
I squirting. A fireman. A fire engine. Squirting the water, lots of water – Gwen
A fire engine. Wee-aww, wee-aww, wee-aww – Harry
Went zoom, fast – Jack S
Squirting the water. He got a hat and he got a shirt – William
I’m firing there - Eden
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
Car with water – Ammar
Squirt da hose. A fireman – Andre
I squirting. A fireman. A fire engine. Squirting the water, lots of water – Gwen
A fire engine. Wee-aww, wee-aww, wee-aww – Harry
Went zoom, fast – Jack S
Squirting the water. He got a hat and he got a shirt – William
I’m firing there - Eden
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
Sadly we had to say farewell to Miss Susan Sandow this week as she had a very last minute job opportunity that came up. Susan has been studying Early Childhood and was offfered a position to manage a new OSHC with a disability unit at a northern suburbs school. She has been with us at the ELC since we opened and has been a valuable member of our team . The staff and children will miss her but we wish her all the best with her future career.
We will fill the position in Edgerley room as soon as possible.
We will fill the position in Edgerley room as soon as possible.
Fire Truck Visit
On Wednesday we had a fire truck and fire fighters come to visit us in the ELC! We all had a turn at sitting in the fire truck and using the hose! The fire fighters taught us how to be safe when there is a fire! The fire fighters also taught us all about good and bad fires and what to do in an emergency. We need to stop, cover, drop and roll!!!
Fergus: I liked using the hose
Daisy: I saw the hose and squirted it
Tom.T: Inside there was a radio
Oliver A: The fire truck had flashing lights and a siren that goes whirr, whirr, whirr
Sam S: ummm, I liked it when I had a fire helmet on
Elliott: It was big, and it had some red and yellow on it
Nathaniel: it had a hose and it’s red
Ryan: stand still, cover your face and roll!
Max C: when a bridge is on fire you ring 000. They wear special clothes, they protect from fire, if there’s a fire they get burned.
Fergus: I liked using the hose
Daisy: I saw the hose and squirted it
Tom.T: Inside there was a radio
Oliver A: The fire truck had flashing lights and a siren that goes whirr, whirr, whirr
Sam S: ummm, I liked it when I had a fire helmet on
Elliott: It was big, and it had some red and yellow on it
Nathaniel: it had a hose and it’s red
Ryan: stand still, cover your face and roll!
Max C: when a bridge is on fire you ring 000. They wear special clothes, they protect from fire, if there’s a fire they get burned.
Second Holiday Week
What started as a humble sock soon became a creation!
Joshua approached Lily and held up his puppet, Lily held up her puppet in response. ‘Let’s be friends,’ said Joshua.
Ajeet: I made a humpty dumpty. I put some hair on it.
Ashraf: My puppet is a bird. I put googly eyes on it, a blue nose and I put a tongue. The mouth was already on.
Ryan: I made a wolf. I chose to make a wolf ‘cos I like wolves.
Oliver K: Mine is a little mouse puppet, he sniffs around the whole place. I put googly eyes and a blue nose and also a teeth and a tongue.
Nursery Rhyme day
On Thursday and Friday the ELC had a Nursery Rhyme day. Children came dressed in their favourite nursery character. We had Jack and Jill, Twinkle Little Star, Incy Wincy Spider and many more! Thank you parents for going to all your effort with the fantastic costumes. Children also brought in their nursery rhyme stories. We all spent these two days focusing on nursery rhymes, singing and reading many stories - particularly the stories and rhymes that depicted the costumes the children wore.
ELC Staff
On Thursday and Friday the ELC had a Nursery Rhyme day. Children came dressed in their favourite nursery character. We had Jack and Jill, Twinkle Little Star, Incy Wincy Spider and many more! Thank you parents for going to all your effort with the fantastic costumes. Children also brought in their nursery rhyme stories. We all spent these two days focusing on nursery rhymes, singing and reading many stories - particularly the stories and rhymes that depicted the costumes the children wore.
ELC Staff
Friday, October 7, 2011
Langley Room
We have been keen authors in the Langley room this week as we retell some familiar stories; Where is the Green Sheep?, Hooray for Fish, Are you my Mummy?, The Wheels on the Bus, Who’s House? and In-o-saur, Out-o-saur. Here is Gwen’s version of Are you my Mummy?
I’m horsey, I’m not duck.
I sgwirl (squirrel), I not duck.
I not tiger, I monkey.
I’m piggy, I not you Mummy.
I giraffe, not tiger.
I dog, I not you Mummy.
I Mummy, I duck, quack, quack.
Mummy tiger, roar, roar. A cuddle.
The end.
Come and have a look at our growing library of children’s literature on display in the Langley room.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
I’m horsey, I’m not duck.
I sgwirl (squirrel), I not duck.
I not tiger, I monkey.
I’m piggy, I not you Mummy.
I giraffe, not tiger.
I dog, I not you Mummy.
I Mummy, I duck, quack, quack.
Mummy tiger, roar, roar. A cuddle.
The end.
Come and have a look at our growing library of children’s literature on display in the Langley room.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
Next Week's Reminders
The program for next week is on display in the meals area,
Please bring in a clean old sock for Tuesday, as we are making sock puppets ,
Wednesday we will have a visit from a fire engine at approximately 9.30am.
Friday - Nursery Rhyme Day: come dressed as your favourite nursery rhyme character or bring your favourite nursery rhyme to share on display in the meals area.
Please bring in a clean old sock for Tuesday, as we are making sock puppets ,
Wednesday we will have a visit from a fire engine at approximately 9.30am.
Friday - Nursery Rhyme Day: come dressed as your favourite nursery rhyme character or bring your favourite nursery rhyme to share on display in the meals area.
Holiday Fun
Wednesday was Wheels Day and the children bought in lots of different bikes, trikes and scooters - even a pair of roller blades! We discussed how wheels help us move around and we used our bikes and scooters to demonstrate these actions. The children remembered their helmets, and as Finn reminded us "they keep our heads safe if we fall off". The town square and yard were abuzz with wheeling, rolling and scooting 3 and 4 year old ELC children.
Friday was Football Day and wow, who knew that the children supported so many different teams from both AFL football and Soccer. The children proudly spoke about the teams from the tops they were wearing, and what they like about them. Chanel sang us the team song from Norwood football club and Jack Jonathon sang out "Power! Power!", wearing his Port Power jumper. Fergus and Tommi were very proud wearing their Geelong tops and were more than happy to tell us that Geelong won the AFL Grand Final last weekend!
ELC Team
Cooper Room Parent Function
Time: 7.00 for 7.30 pm
Where: Function Room at the Royal Hotel - corner of Hackney Rd and North Terrace (plenty of parking in the car park)
Cost: $25 per person which includes plenty to eat!
Drinks are available at normal bar prices.
We really hope as many people as possible can attend. If you are able to come along, please put your name(s) in an envelope with the correct money and give to Julie Porter for us to collect by Friday 21 October to enable us to order the delicious food.
Rose, Cleo and Jules
Cooper Room Class Reps
Time: 7.00 for 7.30 pm
Where: Function Room at the Royal Hotel - corner of Hackney Rd and North Terrace (plenty of parking in the car park)
Cost: $25 per person which includes plenty to eat!
Drinks are available at normal bar prices.
We really hope as many people as possible can attend. If you are able to come along, please put your name(s) in an envelope with the correct money and give to Julie Porter for us to collect by Friday 21 October to enable us to order the delicious food.
Rose, Cleo and Jules
Cooper Room Class Reps
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