Dear Parents,
We are holding our annual Junior Primary and Early Learning Centre Sports Day on Thursday the 29th of September.
All children are welcome to join us for the duration of their sporting events.
If your child normally attends on a Thursday please drop them off as usual and then head to the John Dunning Gym if you would like to join us for the morning.
If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday please go directly to the gym with your child and meet us there (and don’t forget to bring a drink bottle and hat !). To assist with catering for snack time please RSVP to Mrs Porter at jporter@staff.edu.au
Langley Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 10.30am
Cooper and Mead Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.00am
Edgerley and Chapple Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.45am
Please look for a sports Day running sheet in your child’s locker for more details.
Children have been placed in sports houses and these will be on display in the centre lobby next week so that children can familiarise themselves with their house. Children remain in these houses for their entire time at Prince Alfred College.
Parent involvement is very important to us on sports day and we are always keen for you to not only watch us, but also join in and at times assist us. Please come in your running shoes and comfortable clothing so that you can join in the fun. At the end of our running races we have a series of parent and child races which are often the highlight of the children’s day. This year we are also having an adult only tug of war for the children to watch and cheer for and we hope to involve as many parents as possible.
Children are encouraged to dress in their house colour for the day and even add face paint and hair colour if they would like to (in their house colour of course)We encourage you to dress up in your child’s house colour as well. Parents of children in Edgerley and Chapple may like to visit Princes Parade to purchase their child’s sports top that will be required when they move to the Preparatory School for use on the day if they would like to. They do have some other plain Tshirts in House colours if you can't find one. ($10 each)
We can’t wait to see you all there and hope you come prepared for fun and games
ELC Staff
We are holding our annual Junior Primary and Early Learning Centre Sports Day on Thursday the 29th of September.
All children are welcome to join us for the duration of their sporting events.
If your child normally attends on a Thursday please drop them off as usual and then head to the John Dunning Gym if you would like to join us for the morning.
If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday please go directly to the gym with your child and meet us there (and don’t forget to bring a drink bottle and hat !). To assist with catering for snack time please RSVP to Mrs Porter at jporter@staff.edu.au
Langley Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 10.30am
Cooper and Mead Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.00am
Edgerley and Chapple Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.45am
Please look for a sports Day running sheet in your child’s locker for more details.
Children have been placed in sports houses and these will be on display in the centre lobby next week so that children can familiarise themselves with their house. Children remain in these houses for their entire time at Prince Alfred College.
Parent involvement is very important to us on sports day and we are always keen for you to not only watch us, but also join in and at times assist us. Please come in your running shoes and comfortable clothing so that you can join in the fun. At the end of our running races we have a series of parent and child races which are often the highlight of the children’s day. This year we are also having an adult only tug of war for the children to watch and cheer for and we hope to involve as many parents as possible.
Children are encouraged to dress in their house colour for the day and even add face paint and hair colour if they would like to (in their house colour of course)We encourage you to dress up in your child’s house colour as well. Parents of children in Edgerley and Chapple may like to visit Princes Parade to purchase their child’s sports top that will be required when they move to the Preparatory School for use on the day if they would like to. They do have some other plain Tshirts in House colours if you can't find one. ($10 each)
We can’t wait to see you all there and hope you come prepared for fun and games
ELC Staff