The Teaching staff will be on holidays from next week and will return on October 18th for our final term for the year. The rest of the staff will be here as usual (except Miss D !) and we look forward to some fun filled activities. To those families also going on holidays , safe travelling and see you back soon !
Princes ELC
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Langley Room
Dear Langley families,
Marcus recently brought in some photographs of all his pets. The children excitedly gathered around as Marcus explained who all of them were! To further explore this, we would love the other children to bring in some photos of their pets to share with their peers next week.
Thanks, the Langley team
Marcus recently brought in some photographs of all his pets. The children excitedly gathered around as Marcus explained who all of them were! To further explore this, we would love the other children to bring in some photos of their pets to share with their peers next week.
Thanks, the Langley team
Xie Xie
Thankyou to the parents who joined us (in the dark!!) for our annual Chinese Curriculum night last Tuesday. It was informative, enlightening and light hearted. Thankyou to Kath House for sharing her practice with us and helping us understand how young children acquire a second language in a classroom setting. Her passion and enthusiasm is always evident. Thankyou also to Joanna, Kath’s student teacher, who joined us as well.
Some parents asked for help to support Chinese at home. Below you will find listed the websites Kath shared with us. (online learning) (songs and games)
The Confucius Institute Online has a section for younger learners (Learn Chinese Kids) where they can listen to songs and play games (
The" Better Chinese" little books I use in the classroom are available from Adelaide distributor, Belinda Dello-Iacovo. Parents can email her at for a catalogue.
Some parents asked for help to support Chinese at home. Below you will find listed the websites Kath shared with us. (online learning) (songs and games)
The Confucius Institute Online has a section for younger learners (Learn Chinese Kids) where they can listen to songs and play games (
The" Better Chinese" little books I use in the classroom are available from Adelaide distributor, Belinda Dello-Iacovo. Parents can email her at for a catalogue.
Staff News
Congratulations to Miss D who will be getting married to Bryan in the school holidays. The children enjoyed treating her as a princess today and throwing confetti. Some children were a little confused and thought our special celebration was her actual wedding day so they are now patiently waiting for “the baby to come next week”! We wish you all the best for a fantastic wedding day and long and wonderful marriage Miss D
In other news Mr Wagenfeller came home from hospital on Sunday afternoon and is using two (tall!!) sticks to help him around the house. He can walk down to the end of the driveway and back but his goal by the six week mark is to walk 2km no sticks and pain free. Good luck Mr Wagenfeller. We wish you a speedy recovery.
All the staff at Princes ELC
All the staff at Princes ELC
In the Classrooms
We were out of the classroom this week and set loose on the top oval for sports day. The weather was kind and we managed to hold the rain at bay until the final race. We enjoyed the Health Hustle with the rest of the Junior Primary and then participated in running races with Mr Weatherald. It was wonderful to see so many parents involved and encouraging us. Thankyou to Harry’s Mum for providing special house coloured cupcakes, they were a well-deserved treat after our races. A highlight for the children was the parent tug of war. All houses were well represented and parents bravely showed off their big muscles, but at the end of the competition Waterhouse (who had a suspiciously large number of enthusiastic participants) prevailed over the others! Thankyou to Mr Totill’s year five boys for their assistance with the tabloid activities. A special thankyou must go to Olivia’s Daddy, Duncan for providing us with house logo signs and signs to help us play our circle games, they were wonderful and will be responsibly recycled for next year!
Thankyou to all the parents and grandparents who joined us for the morning, the children had a ball and we hope you did too.
“If you run you get thin” said Sophia
"Go Waterhouse! My Dad has got really big muscles," yelled Tommi as his Mum and Dad pulled at the tug-o-war rope.
“I ran as fast as a cheetah at sports day” said Christopher
Thankyou to all the parents and grandparents who joined us for the morning, the children had a ball and we hope you did too.
“If you run you get thin” said Sophia
"Go Waterhouse! My Dad has got really big muscles," yelled Tommi as his Mum and Dad pulled at the tug-o-war rope.
“I ran as fast as a cheetah at sports day” said Christopher
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
We will go ahead as planned tomorrow morning and go up to the Gym at 9.00am to do the Health Hustle (unless it is absolutely raining too heavily to get the children there!) After that a decision will be made as to whether to go ahead with the day as planned. In the event that it is too wet to continue we will return to the ELC and do our circle games in the undercover area.
Please supply your child with a jacket if it is wet so that we can walk up to the gym .
Please supply your child with a jacket if it is wet so that we can walk up to the gym .
Friday, September 23, 2011
Chinese Curriculum Night
Don't forget our Chinese Curriculum night next Tuesday 27th at 7.30pm. Come along and meet Kath House (Lao Shi) and hear how your children learn !
ELC Team
ELC Team
Sports Day
Next Thursday is our annual Sports Day and the children are all very excited ! Remember to wear your house colours and shoes to run in ! Each child should have received an outline of the days program in their pigeon hole.
In the event that the weather forecast is not good we will make a decision on Wednesday if we need to cancel and send you a message,
ELC Team
In the event that the weather forecast is not good we will make a decision on Wednesday if we need to cancel and send you a message,
ELC Team
Bookings for next year
Early next term we will be sending out offers of places for next year . If you wish to change your child's booking at all please see me as soon as possible so that we can try to accommodate your needs.
Jeanine Dry
Jeanine Dry
Langley Social Event
The Langley room are having a family BBQ this Sunday 25th September at Rymill Pk from 11.30-2pm. There will be a small marquee near the BBQ's and playground. All Langley families are welcome.
Missing Jacket
We are still missing an ELC jacket size 4 that has been inadvertently swapped for someone's size 3 . Please check if your child's jacket is the correct one (it is not named)
In the Classrooms
Our chicks are getting so big so quickly!! Each day we have been to visit our chicks and each day we have noticed they are getting bigger and changing. They are now big enough for us to get them out and have a hold and a pat;
“He pecked out” Marcus informed us,
“A chicken came out of egg” said Eden,
“Chicken sound cheep, cheep” said Stella as we listened to the noise the chicks were making,
“Nice and soft” said Spencer,
“He’s flying!” squealed Kristian with excitement as the chick flapped around the rug.
We have been practicing being gentle with the chicks by using one finger to pat them with. We have also created images of chicks back in the classroom using paint, collage materials and black markers.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
Dear Mead Parents,
The children have enjoyed visiting the chicks this week, and observing the changes that have taken place since last week. We have had lots of discussions about the chicks and read books to gather information. Some children have chosen to paint pictures of the chicks and decorate their paintings with feathers. Others have made clay models of the chicks.
"Where do baby chicks come from?" asked Sebastian.
"From the farm," Gabe answered.
"No, they come from eggs," Tommi corrected.
"And the eggs come from the farm," Gabe said.
"There's one black and lots of yellow ones," Ella told everyone.
"The chickens made the eggs," Tommi said.
"They make them by eating," Tommi suggested.
"They hatch from the top and they use it from their beaks," Jack J offered.
"Chickens lay eggs for us," Sebastian told us.
"It just pushed its legs and bottom out," Ella described.
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G

The Cooper children have been fascinated by our little chicks at the ELC. Everyday they check them and notice how much they are growing. At meal times the children wave to the chicks and are delighted that they watch them eating their fruit and lunch! We got the chicks out for a little walk on the rug and the children watched and gently patted them...
“They can fly out” said Emerson noticing the chicks jumping up.
“They’re really tickly” said Alyssa.
“They’re really soft” said William.
“Cheep, cheep” went Alex.
“They have tummies and a head and a mouth” said Bailey.
“Tails” said Alec.
“Feet” noticed Felix.
“They look so soft” said Sophie.
“They can fly” said Finn.
“They got fluffy skin” described Alec.
Back in our classroom the children used paints, collage materials and goggly eyes to create pictures of the fluffy chicks. It's been amazing to see how much new chicks can grow and change in just two weeks!
Kind regards,
Ali and Rosalie
It is almost the last week of term! The children have really enjoyed watching the chickens hatch and grow! Each day we have a turn at holding the chicks and the children have learnt to be very gentle and careful around them.
“One is cracking out!” said Nicholas excitedly “The heart is beating already” said Ashraf as the chicken hatched out of the egg “I see it’s feathers” exclaimed Max C excitedly “It has a beak already” stated Blake “Two have hatched and one is beeping” said Lucas as he listened carefully “It’s trying to fly already” observed Nathaniel as the chick hopped around the circle “They eat a lot of food” added Jesse “I can see that one has wings growing” said Charlie
We have also been exploring 3D shapes, identifying them in our environment and constructing our own shapes with the connecting straws. Have a look at our photos on the wall of our amazing creations! We look forward to seeing you at Sports Day next Thursday… sure to bring your running shoes!

What a big week we’ve had this week in Edgerley. We loved caring for our chicks and were excited to bring them out into the big playground so that we could observe and draw them. We worked together to create an ambulance for us to play in. We observed how light travels through transparent materials and worked at the beading table to match numerals to amounts. Come and see our number work on the wall.
Kind Regards
Mel, Susan, Pip and Rachel
Our chicks are getting so big so quickly!! Each day we have been to visit our chicks and each day we have noticed they are getting bigger and changing. They are now big enough for us to get them out and have a hold and a pat;
“He pecked out” Marcus informed us,
“A chicken came out of egg” said Eden,
“Chicken sound cheep, cheep” said Stella as we listened to the noise the chicks were making,
“Nice and soft” said Spencer,
“He’s flying!” squealed Kristian with excitement as the chick flapped around the rug.
We have been practicing being gentle with the chicks by using one finger to pat them with. We have also created images of chicks back in the classroom using paint, collage materials and black markers.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
Dear Mead Parents,
The children have enjoyed visiting the chicks this week, and observing the changes that have taken place since last week. We have had lots of discussions about the chicks and read books to gather information. Some children have chosen to paint pictures of the chicks and decorate their paintings with feathers. Others have made clay models of the chicks.
"Where do baby chicks come from?" asked Sebastian.
"From the farm," Gabe answered.
"No, they come from eggs," Tommi corrected.
"And the eggs come from the farm," Gabe said.
"There's one black and lots of yellow ones," Ella told everyone.
"The chickens made the eggs," Tommi said.
"They make them by eating," Tommi suggested.
"They hatch from the top and they use it from their beaks," Jack J offered.
"Chickens lay eggs for us," Sebastian told us.
"It just pushed its legs and bottom out," Ella described.
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
The Cooper children have been fascinated by our little chicks at the ELC. Everyday they check them and notice how much they are growing. At meal times the children wave to the chicks and are delighted that they watch them eating their fruit and lunch! We got the chicks out for a little walk on the rug and the children watched and gently patted them...
“They can fly out” said Emerson noticing the chicks jumping up.
“They’re really tickly” said Alyssa.
“They’re really soft” said William.
“Cheep, cheep” went Alex.
“They have tummies and a head and a mouth” said Bailey.
“Tails” said Alec.
“Feet” noticed Felix.
“They look so soft” said Sophie.
“They can fly” said Finn.
“They got fluffy skin” described Alec.
Back in our classroom the children used paints, collage materials and goggly eyes to create pictures of the fluffy chicks. It's been amazing to see how much new chicks can grow and change in just two weeks!
Kind regards,
Ali and Rosalie
It is almost the last week of term! The children have really enjoyed watching the chickens hatch and grow! Each day we have a turn at holding the chicks and the children have learnt to be very gentle and careful around them.
“One is cracking out!” said Nicholas excitedly “The heart is beating already” said Ashraf as the chicken hatched out of the egg “I see it’s feathers” exclaimed Max C excitedly “It has a beak already” stated Blake “Two have hatched and one is beeping” said Lucas as he listened carefully “It’s trying to fly already” observed Nathaniel as the chick hopped around the circle “They eat a lot of food” added Jesse “I can see that one has wings growing” said Charlie
We have also been exploring 3D shapes, identifying them in our environment and constructing our own shapes with the connecting straws. Have a look at our photos on the wall of our amazing creations! We look forward to seeing you at Sports Day next Thursday… sure to bring your running shoes!
Warm wishes,
Suria, Sinead and Sue
What a big week we’ve had this week in Edgerley. We loved caring for our chicks and were excited to bring them out into the big playground so that we could observe and draw them. We worked together to create an ambulance for us to play in. We observed how light travels through transparent materials and worked at the beading table to match numerals to amounts. Come and see our number work on the wall.
Kind Regards
Mel, Susan, Pip and Rachel
Friday, September 16, 2011
School Holidays
If your child is going to be away for any of their normal booked days from Oct 4-14 please mark this on the roll sheets in their classroom ( next to the sign in sheets) ,
Dental Checks
These will occur on Monday and Tuesday next week . If you have not returned your child's permission form please send it on the day,
Christmas Closure
The centre will be closed from Dec 23rd 2011 until Jan 8th 2012 inclusive. There are no fees charged for this period.
Chapple Room Health Checks
The CAFHS nurse will be at the centre again on Wednesday October 26th to continue with the 4 year old health checks. If you would like to make an appointment for this free service please see Mrs Porter.
Helper needed
We have another wooden bench seat (with a storage compartment) that we would love someone to put together for us please !
Sports Day

Dear Parents,
We are holding our annual Junior Primary and Early Learning Centre Sports Day on Thursday the 29th of September.
All children are welcome to join us for the duration of their sporting events.
If your child normally attends on a Thursday please drop them off as usual and then head to the John Dunning Gym if you would like to join us for the morning.
If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday please go directly to the gym with your child and meet us there (and don’t forget to bring a drink bottle and hat !). To assist with catering for snack time please RSVP to Mrs Porter at
Langley Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 10.30am
Cooper and Mead Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.00am
Edgerley and Chapple Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.45am
Please look for a sports Day running sheet in your child’s locker for more details.
Children have been placed in sports houses and these will be on display in the centre lobby next week so that children can familiarise themselves with their house. Children remain in these houses for their entire time at Prince Alfred College.
Parent involvement is very important to us on sports day and we are always keen for you to not only watch us, but also join in and at times assist us. Please come in your running shoes and comfortable clothing so that you can join in the fun. At the end of our running races we have a series of parent and child races which are often the highlight of the children’s day. This year we are also having an adult only tug of war for the children to watch and cheer for and we hope to involve as many parents as possible.
Children are encouraged to dress in their house colour for the day and even add face paint and hair colour if they would like to (in their house colour of course)We encourage you to dress up in your child’s house colour as well. Parents of children in Edgerley and Chapple may like to visit Princes Parade to purchase their child’s sports top that will be required when they move to the Preparatory School for use on the day if they would like to. They do have some other plain Tshirts in House colours if you can't find one. ($10 each)
We can’t wait to see you all there and hope you come prepared for fun and games
ELC Staff
We are holding our annual Junior Primary and Early Learning Centre Sports Day on Thursday the 29th of September.
All children are welcome to join us for the duration of their sporting events.
If your child normally attends on a Thursday please drop them off as usual and then head to the John Dunning Gym if you would like to join us for the morning.
If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday please go directly to the gym with your child and meet us there (and don’t forget to bring a drink bottle and hat !). To assist with catering for snack time please RSVP to Mrs Porter at
Langley Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 10.30am
Cooper and Mead Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.00am
Edgerley and Chapple Sports Day events will run from 9.00am to approximately 11.45am
Please look for a sports Day running sheet in your child’s locker for more details.
Children have been placed in sports houses and these will be on display in the centre lobby next week so that children can familiarise themselves with their house. Children remain in these houses for their entire time at Prince Alfred College.
Parent involvement is very important to us on sports day and we are always keen for you to not only watch us, but also join in and at times assist us. Please come in your running shoes and comfortable clothing so that you can join in the fun. At the end of our running races we have a series of parent and child races which are often the highlight of the children’s day. This year we are also having an adult only tug of war for the children to watch and cheer for and we hope to involve as many parents as possible.
Children are encouraged to dress in their house colour for the day and even add face paint and hair colour if they would like to (in their house colour of course)We encourage you to dress up in your child’s house colour as well. Parents of children in Edgerley and Chapple may like to visit Princes Parade to purchase their child’s sports top that will be required when they move to the Preparatory School for use on the day if they would like to. They do have some other plain Tshirts in House colours if you can't find one. ($10 each)
We can’t wait to see you all there and hope you come prepared for fun and games
ELC Staff
Our Babies
In the Classrooms
On Wednesday we had a visit from the ambulance - no, it wasn't an emergency! Shannon and Graeme the paramedics, who are also Bailey's Dad and Papa, came with all their gear and showed the two, three and four year olds their ambulance. The children got to climb in and all over the ambulance and sat in the driver's seat and pretended to take it for a spin. Shannon listened to the children's hearts with a stethoscope and on a heart monitor. Graeme bandaged up a few broken legs and some children had a lie down on the stretcher.
"They (the ambulance) take you to hospital to make you feel better. When I was little I bumped my head on the flower pot and mummy had to call the ambulance" said Harry H.
“Ambulances rescue us if we are sick” said Max C.
"We can see a chair there, it's for the paramedics for people who have a sore leg" said William T.
"The ambulance man stuck sticky things on me so he could listen to my heart" remembered Sebastian V.
“The ambulance presses the light and he presses the button to make the cars go faster” said Cooper
We also talked about how to call 000 in an emergency and what information to give and most exciting of all we watched the flashing lights and heard the very loud siren! At the end of the day the children took home some fantastic ambulance goodies. A huge thank you to Shannon and Graeme for taking the time to show us the ambulance!
Langley, Mead, Cooper, Chapple and Edgerley Staff

"They (the ambulance) take you to hospital to make you feel better. When I was little I bumped my head on the flower pot and mummy had to call the ambulance" said Harry H.
“Ambulances rescue us if we are sick” said Max C.
"We can see a chair there, it's for the paramedics for people who have a sore leg" said William T.
"The ambulance man stuck sticky things on me so he could listen to my heart" remembered Sebastian V.
“The ambulance presses the light and he presses the button to make the cars go faster” said Cooper
We also talked about how to call 000 in an emergency and what information to give and most exciting of all we watched the flashing lights and heard the very loud siren! At the end of the day the children took home some fantastic ambulance goodies. A huge thank you to Shannon and Graeme for taking the time to show us the ambulance!
Langley, Mead, Cooper, Chapple and Edgerley Staff
Thursday, September 8, 2011
School Calendar Photos
The photos for next years school calendar will be taken by professional photographers next Monday morning. (12th Sept) Please make sure all children are in their correct ELC uniform to enable us to get the best photos possible
Langley Room
Which one is the same? The children have been exploring concepts of sameness this week as they played the matching game.
“Where does this go?” Marcus wondered out loud,
“It matches there” he said as he placed the boat card in the right spot.
“I got a whistle” Eden added as she promptly matched it on her board.
Jacob looked over to Marcus’s board, “Look there’s two” he observed as he pointed at the duck card and the duck on the board,
“They match the same” Marcus told him.
“A butterfly here” Kristian said as he carefully placed the piece in the correct place.
“That go on here” Andre told his teacher as he matched the pieces on his board.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
“Where does this go?” Marcus wondered out loud,
“It matches there” he said as he placed the boat card in the right spot.
“I got a whistle” Eden added as she promptly matched it on her board.
Jacob looked over to Marcus’s board, “Look there’s two” he observed as he pointed at the duck card and the duck on the board,
“They match the same” Marcus told him.
“A butterfly here” Kristian said as he carefully placed the piece in the correct place.
“That go on here” Andre told his teacher as he matched the pieces on his board.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Hayley and Pippa
School Holidays
There are now only 3 weeks left of this term and the Teachers will be away from Monday 3rd October and returning Tuesday October 18th. If your child will not be here for any of their normal days during this period please let Mrs Porter or myself know,
Mr Rob on Leave
Mr Rob will be on leave from September 19th for 6-8 weeks while he has some surgery. Ms Sue Kouflidis will be filling in for him. She will be coming in a couple of days next week to "learn the ropes" with Rob in the kitchen . We wish Rob all the best and a speedy recovery !
Chapple Room Health Checks
These are available on 14th September or 26th October. Please see Mrs Porter to book a time if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Interview times are available on 19th-20th September from 3.30pm (21st for Mrs Mckenzie) if you would like to come in and have a chat with your child's teacher . This is an opportunity to find out how they are going or discuss any concerns you may have. Please book a time with Mrs Porter . As the children are not included in the discussion time please make other arrangements for them if it is not their normal day at the centre.
Edgerley Room
Dear Edgerley Families,
This week the children have been demonstrating some of the things they can do now that they are four. We have proudly been writing our letters from our names and some children have even been spelling out their whole name.
We have also been doing lots of counting. Some of the children used number cards and counters to construct a large number line in the break out space. They selected the number cards up to ten and began using chop sticks to find counters and place them above each number card. When they got up to 10 Deacon and Chester suggested that they keep going up to 100.
“We need to open the blinds up” Chester told us
“Yeah and some more counters” said Zac
“That’s going to take a long time, we might have to have lunch first” suggested Deacon
The children kept going with their number line and have now decided to make their own cards.
Hope you all have a lovely and safe weekend. Mrs Bishop will be back next week.
Pip, Susan and Mel.
This week the children have been demonstrating some of the things they can do now that they are four. We have proudly been writing our letters from our names and some children have even been spelling out their whole name.
We have also been doing lots of counting. Some of the children used number cards and counters to construct a large number line in the break out space. They selected the number cards up to ten and began using chop sticks to find counters and place them above each number card. When they got up to 10 Deacon and Chester suggested that they keep going up to 100.
“We need to open the blinds up” Chester told us
“Yeah and some more counters” said Zac
“That’s going to take a long time, we might have to have lunch first” suggested Deacon
The children kept going with their number line and have now decided to make their own cards.
Hope you all have a lovely and safe weekend. Mrs Bishop will be back next week.
Pip, Susan and Mel.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Cooper Room
The Cooper children discovered a non-fiction book about blood. We read and re-read the book and the children were fascinated by the pictures of blood, veins, cuts and grazes. This prompted a discussion between some of the boys...
“My bones” said Rocco rubbing his ribs. “Look” he went on, showing us the veins on his wrist, “My blood’s not hurting.”
“Yeah” said Archie.
“In his knee, he hurt it” said Felix pointing to Archie. “I hurt my knee” he said.
Archie held up his elbow and showed us a scratch.
“Look at my veins too” said Rocco showing us his tummy.
“I can see it here going through” said Alec looking at his wrist.
“Look, look, blood moving” said Felix.
“Uugh” exclaimed Rocco.
“Yucky blood!” said Felix.
Kind regards,
“My bones” said Rocco rubbing his ribs. “Look” he went on, showing us the veins on his wrist, “My blood’s not hurting.”
“Yeah” said Archie.
“In his knee, he hurt it” said Felix pointing to Archie. “I hurt my knee” he said.
Archie held up his elbow and showed us a scratch.
“Look at my veins too” said Rocco showing us his tummy.
“I can see it here going through” said Alec looking at his wrist.
“Look, look, blood moving” said Felix.
“Uugh” exclaimed Rocco.
“Yucky blood!” said Felix.
Kind regards,
Mead Room
Dear Parents,
This week in the Mead Room we have been focussing on our faces. Do we all look the same? How are we different? What makes us look like US? Our discussions have focussed firstly around our hair. We discovered we all have different hair, some children have long hair, some have spikey hair, some have blonde hair that goes to their eyes and others have curly hair which is very black. To provoke the children's thinking we have been reading books about hair, drawing hair and creating our own new hair styles in the Mead Hairdressing Salon. Business is booming and we have many children lining up each morning to have their hair brushed, washed and even coloured!
(Make sure you make a time to come in for a quick appointment as the rates are the cheapest in town!)
"My Mum paints her hair a bit at the shop." Seth
"My Mummy got curly hair, long curly hair." Oliver
"I got my hair cut at the hairdressers, can you see it's all short now." Tommi
"Jesse had really curly hair." Mrs Lock "Do you remember?"
"On our tummies, my daddy does. Because my daddy wants hair on his tummy." Henry
"My dad doesn't have any hair in the middle of his head. It all falled off, he went in the shower and his hair came off." Henry
"Do we really have hair in our nose. Yuck waht's that for?" Tommi
"Eyebrows that's more hair on our face. You have hair on your eyes too. My Mum puts makeup on her eyelashes." Molly
"That man has hair on his lips - under the holes in his nose. That's called a moustache." Hannah
"Hey, my dad shaves hair on his face in the morning. He cuts the hair away." Henry
Hairdressing Salon opens daily at 9am! Bookings essential.
Kind regards
Emma, Susan and Emma
This week in the Mead Room we have been focussing on our faces. Do we all look the same? How are we different? What makes us look like US? Our discussions have focussed firstly around our hair. We discovered we all have different hair, some children have long hair, some have spikey hair, some have blonde hair that goes to their eyes and others have curly hair which is very black. To provoke the children's thinking we have been reading books about hair, drawing hair and creating our own new hair styles in the Mead Hairdressing Salon. Business is booming and we have many children lining up each morning to have their hair brushed, washed and even coloured!
(Make sure you make a time to come in for a quick appointment as the rates are the cheapest in town!)
"My Mum paints her hair a bit at the shop." Seth
"My Mummy got curly hair, long curly hair." Oliver
"I got my hair cut at the hairdressers, can you see it's all short now." Tommi
"Jesse had really curly hair." Mrs Lock "Do you remember?"
"On our tummies, my daddy does. Because my daddy wants hair on his tummy." Henry
"My dad doesn't have any hair in the middle of his head. It all falled off, he went in the shower and his hair came off." Henry
"Do we really have hair in our nose. Yuck waht's that for?" Tommi
"Eyebrows that's more hair on our face. You have hair on your eyes too. My Mum puts makeup on her eyelashes." Molly
"That man has hair on his lips - under the holes in his nose. That's called a moustache." Hannah
"Hey, my dad shaves hair on his face in the morning. He cuts the hair away." Henry
Hairdressing Salon opens daily at 9am! Bookings essential.
Kind regards
Emma, Susan and Emma
Chapple Room
Matters of the heart....
“You can feel your heart” said Ashraf. “Yeah when you run real fast you can hear your heart” added Jesse. Maybe that white part pumps the heart up and down” suggested Ryan. “How does the blood pump around when you run?” asked Daniel H. “When you walk it is slower and slower, when you run it goes faster and faster” explained Zach. Your blood it goes in your legs and head and all over your body” said Oliver. "The red part goes around and then it runs out so it goes blue and back to the heart, the red part has oxygen” explained Jesse. “Do you think our heart looks like this?” asked the teacher. “It’s a much bigger heart because a cow is bigger than a person” answered Jesse. “Is it still beating?” asked Oliver. “No, but we can pretend like boom boom boom, the cow is running” suggested Ryan.
“You can feel your heart” said Ashraf. “Yeah when you run real fast you can hear your heart” added Jesse. Maybe that white part pumps the heart up and down” suggested Ryan. “How does the blood pump around when you run?” asked Daniel H. “When you walk it is slower and slower, when you run it goes faster and faster” explained Zach. Your blood it goes in your legs and head and all over your body” said Oliver. "The red part goes around and then it runs out so it goes blue and back to the heart, the red part has oxygen” explained Jesse. “Do you think our heart looks like this?” asked the teacher. “It’s a much bigger heart because a cow is bigger than a person” answered Jesse. “Is it still beating?” asked Oliver. “No, but we can pretend like boom boom boom, the cow is running” suggested Ryan.
The children were very interested in the REAL cows heart that we had in the classroom, they poked and prodded and discussed all matters concerning the heart!
Just a reminder, if you have a health check appointment on Wednesday, please bring along your blue book, the health checks will take place in the art room.
Warm wishes - Suria, Sinead and Sue
Just a reminder, if you have a health check appointment on Wednesday, please bring along your blue book, the health checks will take place in the art room.
Warm wishes - Suria, Sinead and Sue
Friday, September 2, 2011
Moon Lantern Festival

Come with your family and friends to the annual Moon Lantern Festival – an occasion to admire the beauty of the full moon on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. Traditionally known as the mid-autumn festival, this local event is a popular celebration of abundance and togetherness, with communities and schools involved prior by preparing their lanterns and performances. Enjoy performances, food and market stalls, cooking and martial arts demonstrations, workshops and the stunning lantern parade at dusk followed by fireworks.
Date: 12 SeptemberTime: 3.30pm - 8.30pmVenue: Elder Park
Dental Checks
On the mornings of 19th and 20th September staff from SA dental Service will visit the centre to do a quick screening of our children's teeth . The consent form has been placed in your child's locker. If you are happy for them to have this check then please fill in the form and return it to Mrs Porter prior to that date. This is not a full check but just looking for early signs of decay in the children's front teeth.
As the warmer weather arrives the children are peeling off their thicker clothes . Please make sure they are wearing an ELC polo shirt and any shorts , skirts etc are only in neutral colours (navy, maroon , beige) without big logos or prints . Any tops worn under their shirts must be white, maroon or navy.
The children can wear sandals or sneakers but these need to be shoes that allow them to run or climb easily and safely .( No thongs or slip on shoes please)
ELC Team
The children can wear sandals or sneakers but these need to be shoes that allow them to run or climb easily and safely .( No thongs or slip on shoes please)
ELC Team
Child Care Rebate
Please note that families can now receive this 50% rebate paid directly to the centre to reduce your fees. You just need to contact Centrelink to request it paid this way. All families where both parents are working , studying or training are eligible for this rebate.
Hats and Sunscreen
From September 1st children need to wear their hats for outside play . Please make sure they are named . Children also need sunscreen applied prior to arrival at the centre each day .
ELC staff
ELC staff
Thursday, September 1, 2011
In the Classrooms
After weeks of preparation we finally shared our special breakfast with our Dads on Wednesday morning to celebrate upcoming Father’s Day. We shared some favourite songs, including Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Pitjantjatjara and then enjoyed a breakfast of yummy pancakes with syrup, jam and cream. We were thrilled so many dads could join us and share this important day. We hope they all left with a full tummy and affirmed feeling of the important place they have in their child’s life.
As part of our work to prepare for Big Boys Breakfast, students used images of children painting in the APY lands as inspiration for their father’s gift. We talked about the similarities and differences between going to school at PAC and going to school in the town of Freegon (inspired by the pictures of Mrs McGee from her time there)
Dad’s and their children brought donations of hygiene products for us to send in the mail to the children in Freegon. Thankyou for your wonderful donations. The children were thrilled to sort through them and can’t wait to send them off. We will keep them until the end of the term when we will call for sporting donations as part of sports day.
Thankyou again for your attendance and generosity
We hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day on Sunday
ELC Staff
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