Dear Dads,
Information about our upcoming Big Boys Breakfast, including details about RSVP’s can be found in your child’s pigeon hole today. Please collect it and complete and return the relevant pages.
To celebrate Father’s Day this year, we would like to invite you to the Big Boys Breakfast!
When: Wednesday the 31st of August
Time: 7.40am
Where: Piper Pavilion
All you have to do is bring your child and your appetite! This year we are giving our support to school children in the remote aboriginal communities on the APY Lands (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankanjatjara) in far north South Australia. We will be supporting them through donating hygiene products to help the children keep their brilliant bodies and brains healthy. Some suggestions for donations are; toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, combs, brushes, shampoo, body wash, face washers…so please bring along one of these items to donate on the day.
You will enjoy a breakfast of pancakes with other families from your child’s classroom after your child performs a special concert for you. If you have children from more than one room please look for the table marked siblings. We hope to be finished by 8.30am in time for you all to get to work.
Kind Regards
ELC Staff