Welcome to all our new families ! I have added at least one email contact per family for the alert system but if you would like extra ones added please let me know.
There are a few reminders that we always need to do at the start of each year to make life as smooth as possible for children, parents and staff.
Firstly please make sure your child is signed in and out each day as you arrive or depart. Children need to have sunscreen applied prior to the start of the day and the staff will reapply it in the afternoon. Children must have their hat each day at this time of the year, rain or shine(the uniform shop is currently out of stock so another sunsafe one is fine for now).As all the hats look the same please make sure your child's is clearly named and that they are wearing the correct one when they leave !
Each child should have a named set of spare clothes in their bag each day and bring a clearly named drink bottle of water. (many of the old ones have lost their names !) Please make sure your child's footwear is suitable for lots of running, climbing etc. Sneakers or sandals are suitable but not thongs, crocs or rubber boots.
Lastly , we still need copies of children's immunisation records so if you have not provided us with these could you do so as soon as possible .
Thank you all for your help, if there is anything you are unsure of please ask me or the staff in your child's room,