Please join in with all the Edgerley families for a time of games and afternoon tea.
When: Malvern Uniting Church Hall, corner of Marlborough St and Cambridge Terrace, Malvern
Date and Time: Saturday 5th September, 2.00 - 5.00pm
Cost and Bring: $10 per family for hall hire and bring a plate of afternoon tea to share, tea/coffee will be available
Activities: get set for 'What's the Time Mr Wolf, Piggy back races on parents, egg and spoon races and some general fun together
RSVP: By 31st August please: Belinda (8332 4498), Amalia (0408 465 535) or Adriana (0416 138 304)- all family members welcome, a time for us to get to know each other more - and wear the kids out before bedtime!