Princes ELC
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Whooping Cough
We have had a confirmed case of Whooping Cough in the Langley room . The child concerned was however fully immunised. Please watch your child very carefully for symptoms of this disease. It may start with a runny nose or sneezing and then develop into coughing bouts which may have a "whooping' sound. It is particularly serious in children under 2. If your child displays any of these symptoms please keep them at home and have them checked by a doctor. We have copies of information about the disease available from your child's teacher.
Friday, August 27, 2010
In the Classrooms
We have some very keen cutters in the Langley room at the moment. We are learning how to handle and control scissors using our fine motor skills.
“Do cutting?” asks Jesse each day when he comes in.
This week we have been cutting shapes in squares of paper. We have then placed them on the overhead to see what patterns we have made.
“Look, it’s up there!” said Tommi enthusiastically when his pattern appeared on the wall.
“I made a diamond” Jack informed the other children.
Alec reached up to touch Grace’s pattern that she had created.
“He can reach it!” Grace said excitedly as she watched Alec.
We have also been getting prepared for our Father’s Day Big Boys Breakfast and we look forward to spending some special time with our Dads. Just a gentle reminder, please return your Father’s Day surveys to Mrs Porter as soon as possible so that we can get them ready for display.
Kind regards Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Parents,
We had no little children in our room today. Even the teachers weren't there! Instead we had an assortment of story book characters busying themselves in the general Friday doings. There was great excitement as they all headed to the Prep School for a Book Week Parade. We had many animals, the Cat in the Hat, Bob the Builder, a very UGLY Wicked Witch, Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz), and Dragon Trainers to name just a few................ it made for great dramatic play in the outside play area!!
I wonder who will turn up to the Mead Room on Monday???
Best wishes,
Emma and Susan
The Cooper children looked great for our Book Week Parade on Friday! We had lots of pirates, a visitor from the Wiggles, wombat, lady bird and James the red engine. The children were so excited to be characters from their favourite stories and very confidently showed off their outfits on the stage in the gym. We had lots of fun playing pirates at the ELC and walking the plank on the climbing equipment - we even learnt a new pirate song. Can't wait for Book Week next year!
Kind regards,
Ali and Julia
PS: A big thank you to Miss Julia who has done a fantastic job in Cooper this week while Miss Sandow has been on holidays!
Did you know that there is a massive storm on Jupiter which has been going for over 300 years? Did you know that if you went to Jupiter you would be crushed by the force of its gravity? Chapple has taken a keen interest in all things ‘space’ as part of our ‘Shadowlands’ Unit of Inquiry. We went to the library to borrow books about specific planets, stars, the Earth’s moon, asteroids and comets. We would just love to experience what it’s like to ‘bounce’ and ‘float’ on the moon. We do wonder how long it will take to get to the moon and some of the planets and what we would need to take.
We were very excited on Monday morning to have a special visit from Farmer Ross, one of our Grade 12 boarding students. Farmer Ross brought in 3 baby goats (kids we found out!) and he introduced the 2 boys and the one girl to us. One of the boys was called Shivers and we are still deciding on names for the other two! They reminded us a little of Malcolm the Lamb. On Thursday we celebrated our learning of the letter ‘n’ by making ‘nests’ out of sultanas, gluten-free noodles, chocolate and desiccated coconut! The chocolate was a treat – we know it’s a ‘sometimes’ food, but we got lots of goodness from the other ingredients!
Kind regards,
Kate and Juliana
Our exploration about dark continued this week, it has certainly proved to be a subject that is quite engaging! After so much discussion about the planet Earth and how it works we have begun to talk about the other planets that surround us.
“The sun is shining on the moon and that makes it shiny” said Louie
“There’s holes in the moon” said Noah
“Craters!” exclaimed Julian
“I think spacemen had such strong boots they made the holes” said Noah
“How did the sun get fire on it?” asked Nickolos
“It has gas inside it, it’s like car gas that goes in your car” said Julian
“The hot from the sun is going onto the Earth” said Aadi
“Onto Bali, Bali is sooooo hot” said Hugo
“No! to India!” added Aadi
Mel and Rosalie
Out of the Pages
ELC Staff
Big Boys Breakfast is Nearly Here!!
We are so excited about the upcoming Big Boys Breakfast and can’t wait to see you there. Please please please return any outstanding RSVP’s and don’t forget to return your surveys, we love sharing them.
Don’t forget to drop off your child’s bag and sign them in first and then meet us in the gym at 7.45am (See last weeks blog for more details)
Mel Bishop
Great Gates Goats!!!!
From the staff of the ELC
Langley Mornings
We have completed our trial of Langley Room early drop offs and have been thrilled with the positive response. We plan to continue with this arrangement as we feel it has been much more settling for our younger students and very well handled by our older students, but would welcome any further feedback via e-mail to
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
Health News
We would like to bring to your attention some health issues to keep any eye out for.
We have had a few children sent home this wek with one bright red cheek. Whilst it has been confirmed that it is not Fifth Disease (more commonly known as Slapped Cheek) the red cheek looks very much like the one children present with when they have Fifth Disease. All children who have had this report to have had a cough in the weeks preceding. Please help us keep the centre healthy by keeping children home when they are unwell with the symptoms of a cough or a cold.
In the last few weeks we have had a few isolated incidents of head lice. Head lice love to get busy close to spring and our environment (lots of heads!!!) offers perfect conditions. Thanks to quick intervention we seem to be clear of head lice cases at the moment but if you suspect your child of having an overly itchy head or spot any small white or black flecks please investigate further. Lice love the warm spots in the hair behind children’s ears and this is a good place to do a quick spot check.
We have had numerous cases of conjunctivitis in the last week. Conjunctivitis is very contagious and easily spread. Particularly mucky eyes upon waking in the morning , one eye that is redder or glassier than the other or complaints of itchiness or discomfort in one eye can all be indicators that a child has conjunctivitis. If you notice any of these things please have a closer look and let us know. Children with discharge from their eyes are not allowed at the ELC and if this discharge becomes apparent during the day we must ring parents for that child to be immediately collected.
ELC Staff
Happy Hosts
Mel Bishop
Drink Bottle Do’s
Water is a healthy beverage for your child’s drink bottle that is refreshing and hydrating. Please do ensure that your child’s bottle contains only water. Remember, cordial in your child’s bottle only encourages other children to attempt to visit it for a sneaky sweet swig!
ELC Staff
Sun Protection
In line with our sun safe policy, under the recommendation of the Australian Cancer Council we will begin wearing our hats in September. Children will be required to wear their hats as of Monday the 6th of September (Week Eight)
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
Chapple Room Event Dates
Our next get together for the year is on Friday 10/9/10 Coffee Morning at Café Palazzo Norwood (Cnr The Parade and Osmond Tce) 9am. We hope you will be able to join us.
Kind Regards
Leah and Eileen
Mead Room P&F Event
Please join us at the following event:Saturday 4th September at 9.15am Wacky Warehouse, 162 Gorge Rd, Newton
Please get there early to avoid disappointment as they turn people away when they are full.
Weblink with directions
Hope to see you there
Karen & Annette
From the Community Relations Team
What happens when you put one of the world's greatest Jazz Clarinettists with the sweetest voice in town - and then back them with the big band sound of Princes boys conducted by Andrew Newhouse?
You get All That Jazz 2010 with Andy Firth and Amity Dry. This is NOT a school boy concert but a jazz gig that swings!
Book Now to bring down the house Friday 17 September 7.30pm ANZAC Hall (formerly the Assemby Hall)PAC
$15 unreserved seating. All tickets incur a .30c booking fee.
Booking link :
The Martini Ball 2010 - dress code Masquerade!
Saturday October 307:00 pm
The Entertainment CentreHindmarsh
Book Now $180 per person $1,600 per table of 10
All tickets incur a .30c booking fee
Friday, August 20, 2010
Book Week Dressups
Next week is book week and we will be crossing the story bridge! We will be joining in the Prep School book week parade in the gymnasium at 9.00am on Friday morning. Children are invited to dress up as a favourite book character (don’t forget to bring the book to show) but please do not allow your child to dress up as a superhero. Some costumes are not made to be worn all day so don’t forget to send a comfy change of clothes in your child’s bag just in case.
Children who do not normally attend on a Friday are welcome to join us. Please meet us at the gym at 9.00am and remember, they must be supervised by their parent at all times.
Looking forward to seeing you at the parade
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
In the Classrooms
As part of our unit of inquiry the Langley children went on a big walk up to the school chapel this week to have a look at the stained glass windows. We were investigating how the light reflected when it shone through the coloured glass. The children discussed what they could see as they sat and observed.
“Purple” said Sebastian M
Jack O looked closely “purple and pink” he added
“I see red” said Oliver W
Sebastian A looked around the chapel and then pointed to the back of the room, “there’s ones over there” he said excitedly
“And some over that side and some up here” Jack O added as he looked around the chapel
“That side” agreed Cooper as he followed Jack’s gaze
“Colours” observed Aryan
“That’s why the suns up” suggested Jack O as we looked at the light shining through the windows.
Since returning to the classroom we have begun to create our own stained glass windows using our beautiful photographs as provocation. We hope the light will shine through our windows too!
Kind regards Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Parents,
The children have really followed an interest in night time this week - perfect timing for our ELC 'Princes at Night Experience'! A number of them have been fascinated in nocturnal animals and the concept of these animals staying up all night and sleeping all day. Let's hope they don't want to try this out themselves! Our craft table has been a hive of activity with many children creating nocturnal animals and we have been encouraging these children to do little informal presentations of the animals they make and the facts they know about them.
Exploration of shadows has continued and further discoveries have been made using light and shadows. Children have used letters to make their names on the light table and create a shadow of their name on the wall. They have also made shadows of their self portraits on the wall, and painted over their shadows.
Best wishes,
Emma and Susan
The Cooper children were delighted to investigate and explore in the art room dark room this week. The lava lamps fascinated them as they watched them bubble up and down and wondered what they were.
"I can see eggs floating in them" said Marco
"This is not eggs, they're uppers" Chester exclaimed.
The children played with the big silver tubes,
"Ooh, snake" said an excited Joshua N.
They picked up the mirror ball and floated it over the large mirror on the floor discovering their upside down reflections. Ajeet held it up to the light of the overhead projector and noticed lots of little light spots dancing round the room, "These stars are glowing..." he explained, "there's one, two, three."
We are looking forward to extending our noticing of reflection into our group art projects next week. (Please don't forget to send in your silver sparkly bits and pieces.)
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
Chapple Room has been cooking up a storm this week! If you haven’t yet visited the Chapple Pizzeria, it’s time to drop in. You can dine in, take away or have your meal delivered! We’ve been so busy making sure the kitchen is spotless, that our food is the freshest, our pizza bases crisp and our service is the best in town. We know just how to behave in a restaurant and how to use appropriate manners. Many Chapple students have written and created their own menus – there’s so much to choose from. Not only that, but we have made Indian Lassi drinks. What healthy chefs, we’re sure we can remember the recipe and the method so we can make them at home. Have you ever wondered just why the moon is sometimes a crescent, sometimes a half moon, sometimes and full moon and sometimes not even there at all? We can show you just why using 2 light bulbs and a globe of the world. We’ve also been busy remembering our night time dreams and painting them – some are scary, so beware, but many are nice! Come in and have a look!
Kind regards,
Kate and Juliana
Edgerley boys were busy this week mixing colours at the light table using ink and pipettes, creating all sorts of combinations. We enjoyed recording our ideas about the night sky with silver textas and discovered that when we shared our ideas together we found out a lot more than we knew to begin with. We discussed Mars and Uranus, black holes and why the milky way is called the milky way. We are all going to check out the night sky this weekend and see if we can spot the milky way and it’s millions of stars.
Mel and Rosalie
Chinese Curriculum Night
Thanks to those of you who joined us for an evening with Kath House to learn about our Chinese program. We hope you found it enjoyable and informative. We would also like to thank Kath for all she does and shares with us as part of our languages program.
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
Princes at Night
What a cool adventure!
Our New P&F Reps
Mel Bishop
Bountiful Beets
We had such a wonderful response to our beetroot dip last week that Sam from Chapple room has prepared a recipe for you all to make beetroot dip at home (just like ours)
Yoghurt (about a cup)
Spice and it has a special name (coriander and cumin powder)
Lemon (juice)
First you put in beetroot and then all the other things. Mix it up with a big “shhhhhhh” and that’s a grinder and it’s electric. Taste it and it’s done!
Apology to Cooper Mead Parents
Last week we sent home a father's questionnaire for fathers to fill out for the Big Boys Breakfast. We apologise that families with daughters received the one for sons filled with “he” “his” “boy” and “son”. We hope that you will still complete them and pass them back anyway.
Mel Bishop
Edgerley Family Fun and Afternoon Tea
When: Malvern Uniting Church Hall, corner of Marlborough St and Cambridge Terrace, Malvern
Date and Time: Saturday 5th September, 2.00 - 5.00pm
Cost and Bring: $10 per family for hall hire and bring a plate of afternoon tea to share, tea/coffee will be available
Activities: get set for 'What's the Time Mr Wolf, Piggy back races on parents, egg and spoon races and some general fun together
RSVP: By 31st August please: Belinda (8332 4498), Amalia (0408 465 535) or Adriana (0416 138 304)- all family members welcome, a time for us to get to know each other more - and wear the kids out before bedtime!
Looking for Luna Park
Muesli Slice from Mr Wagenfeller
1 cup self-rising flour
1 cup mixed dried fruit of choice
¾ cup brown sugar
1 cup coconut
2 eggs beaten
¼ cup honey
180 grams butter
Heat oven to 180º and grease an oven tray. Combine all dry ingredients together in a bowl with the beaten eggs. Melt and combine together the butter and the honey and then add to the dry ingredients and combine thoroughly. Spread evenly on the greased oven try and bake until golden brown, approximately 30-35 minutes. Allow to cool and then cut into squares and enjoy!! Mr Wagenfeller
Shoeboxes of Love
We thank you for your generous donations for our “Shoeboxes of Love” appeal during the past two terms. It has been wonderful watching all the donations fill up our containers each month. Below we have outlined the time schedule for the last two months of our appeal.
During August we have been collecting items for – Personal Hygiene. Tooth brushes in holders, hair brush or comb, face washers, soap and soap holders or hand towels. Unfortunately we are unable to send any type of liquids so no toothpaste, bubble bath or shampoo.
We will finish off our appeal asking for additional items of things we would like to place in every box! Please send along additional
*Pencil cases
*Lead pencils
*Small exercise books
*Small children’s books
*Tennis balls
*Hair brushes or combs
*Tennis balls
*Small soft toys
*Small toys cars
During September we will also be asking for all children to cover a shoebox in brightly coloured paper at home and attach the shoe box label (from flyer). The attached flyer also needs to be filled out for each box. Please complete the donation section of the flyer and place in the box ready to return to the ELC.
The children are also asked to include a family photograph and a small message to the recipient of their Shoebox of Love! If possible it would be great to have these laminated back to back (approx. size 9x13cms This way the children can send a little bit of themselves in the parcel.
The children will be selecting the items they wish to pack in their box early in October. We will be looking for some Parent helpers to assist with the packing days. Details will be posted on the blog closer to the date.
We thank you all for your help and generous donations and hope your children have enjoyed selecting the items each month to donate. A little of LOVE goes a long way!
Kind regards
ELC staff
Friday, August 13, 2010
A Few Health Reminders
We have a few reminders that we wanted to share with you about health related matters, and how you can keep us all healthy and safe. Please read through our information below.
It is the time of year when cough and colds are prevalent in our community. During the start of the term we have experienced a lot of absentees through illness, both students and staff. Thankyou to the parents that have kept their unwell children at home to help prevent the spread of coughs and colds to others. We would ask that everybody continue to be vigilant and keep children at home when they are unwell (even if the child insists on coming to Kindergarten!). Please note that if your child has any discharge from their ears or thick green mucus from their nose, they must stay at home to prevent infection…Spring is on it’s way!
As recommended by the Cancer Council children will need to begin wearing their hats again from 1st September. Please make sure you pack it each day and that it is clearly named. Hopefully this means that some sunshine is on its way !
Please check our Parent Handbook for information regarding medication for your child whilst at the ELC. All medication must be in its original container and have your child's name and prescribed dosage on the label. If it has not been prescribed by a doctor (eg cough medicine)it needs the manufactures label with the dose for the appropriate age clearly shown. We cannot administer any medication that does not comply with this. Asthma inhalers also need a label to ensure they belong to the correct child as many children have these.
Finger Nails
This may seem like an odd request but we would love it you could help us by keeping your child’s nails short. We have had a few incidents of accidental scratches that have occurred from overly long nails.
Free Asthma Seminar
Are you the parent or carer of a child with asthma. Would you like to know more about asthma and how to manage it? Free seminars are being held at the Marion Cultural Centre on Friday August 27th and the Women’s and Children’s Hospital on September the 8th. For more information or to make a booking call 81617777 or e-mail
Princes E-News
Please find below the link to the College wide e-news. Please click on the link if you would like to see what the rest of the College is up to!
With compliments from the eNews team.
In the Classrooms
We have done so much investigating and talking about shadows over the last couple of weeks and now the children are spontaneously spotting them in the yard as they play. We had some jumbo chalk outside during the week when some of the children decided to trace around their shadows that they found on the ground. We discovered it was a bit tricky because you had to try and keep really still otherwise your shadow moved as well.
“They’re black” Gabe told us as we spoke about the shadows
“They go big” added Hannah
We have furthered our interest into objects getting bigger when you put them on the overhead by tracing around our giant hands and painting and collaging them black just like they are on the wall.
Kind regards
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
The real interest of the week was in shadows. This began with the overhead projector and performers on the stage creating various shadows. We read some books and had some discussions about light, what makes light and shadows. On Wednesday we decided to grab the opportunity (with good weather) and head out for a shadow walk around the school.
'Look at the shadow of the pole' Ryan shouted excitedly as we headed out the ELC doors.
'I'm making my shadow dance' Charlie H told everyone.
'Excuse me Sam, you're stepping on my shadow' Jade told Sam.
'Here's the sun, it came up. Now I can see my shadow' Zac proudly told us.
'My shadow is looking at me' Daniel noticed.
'I can see my hair in my shadow' Clementine commented as she looked at her shadow.
As we returned to the ELC after our shadow walk a group of children were holding hands.
'Look how long our shadow is' Sam commented on the group shadow.
'Do you think it will fit through the door?' Jesse asked.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Emma
Tuesday afternoon was lovely and sunny so the Cooper children got out into the ELC vegie patch with the Langley children, Miss Jess and Mrs Blake. We turned the soil, which is lovely and wet after the winter rain, and had lots of fun digging big holes. We planted some strawberries from Mr Rob's own garden, covered them with soil and watered them in. The children discussed how much they like to eat strawberries and Oliver said "I like them in jam". Maybe Mr Rob will turn our strawberries into something delicious for us to eat!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
As part of the Chapple reading program, the students were exposed to the letter ‘p’ this week. We have been able to recognise it in many places around our school and we can all list numerous things that start with ‘p’. We’ve integrated our maths this week by making our own pizzas using various 2D shapes and describing the properties of those shapes. Not only this, but we decided that we would give reading a go and read a book together as a class.
‘Monster Party’ is a big book that all the Chapple students have loved reading. We love to incorporate the actions as the little monsters fly, sing, dance and jump like a kangaroo into jelly! The exciting part was when we all joined in reading the book together. We were all able to ‘read’ the words. At the end of the book, Mrs Baird said in a voice showing how impressed she was, “You actually read that book! You were all reading! Well done!”
To which Luke cleverly replied, “But we were only reading the words because you’re reading them with us.”
“Hmmmm…” said Mrs Baird, “All right then, how about you all read it again and I won’t say anything?”
“Yes!” shrieked all the Chapple students. “Let’s do it! We can do it!”
And so they did. The Chapple Room read the book ‘The Monster Party’ from beginning to end with no teacher help.
Chapple Parents, please come in and share this book with your child, along with ‘Tough Boris’. We can read ‘Tough Boris’ to you using our sequencing story cards and also our story prop box! Also, see our fabulous shadow paintings!
Kind regards,
Kate and Juliana
Edgerley children continued their interest in all things alight this week by creating cellophane fires on the overhead projector and a rushy red fire engine to get them to the fire. There were lots of negotiations around how many firemen could fit in the engine at one time.
We harvested broccoli and beetroot with the children from Chapple from our vegetable garden. Mr Wagenfeller was thrilled to see our great heads of green broccoli and put them safely in the fridge for lunch next week. We carefully cut and peeled our beetroot for beetroot dip and watched our hands turn purple… “no, it’s maroon like our uniform!” clarified Louie. We are looking forward to enjoying our Princes ELC dip on biscuits!
Mel and Rosalie
Chinese Curriculum Evening
When: 17th August
Where: Princes ELC Art Room
Time: 7.00pm
RSVP: to Mrs Porter please via phone or e-mail at
Free Moon Lantern Festival
Princes by Night
When: Thursday 19th August at 6:30pm - 7:15pm
Where: Meet at the bottom oval to start our tour
Who: All Early Learning Centre students and parents (please note that your child must be accompanied by a parent). Teachers will be there to guide each class group on the tour
Please bring: a torch and warm clothing
Hope to see you there!
Early Learning Centre Staff
Big Boys Breakfast
Hopefully you will have received your information (all three pages!!) regarding the Big Boys Breakfast. Please begin to return your RSVP’s and fathers surveys. Looking forward to seeing you then.
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
Toys From Home
In line with our Toys From Home policy, children are allowed to bring a comforting toy from home for sleep time only. Please help us by preventing your child from bringing in other toys from home to avoid tears or lost objects.
Mel Bishop
Little Big Shots Film Festival
The annual Little Big Shots International Film Festival for Kids is on over the 7th to 9th of October. It is a great opportunity to take your children to see non-main stream presentations designed specifically for children. All tickets are $10 and more information is available at Tickets can be booked at 131246
Kind Regards
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Chinese Curriculum Evening
Come and join us at our upcoming Chinese Curriculum Evening on Tuesday the 17th of August. This gathering, that starts at 7.00pm, will not only be an opportunity for you to learn why the introduction of a second language is so important for Early Years students, but more particularly for you to hear from our wonderful Chinese teacher, Lao Shi House, about what children do during Chinese classes, how they learn and what they learn. It will be particularly beneficial for parents who do not speak Chinese to try their hand at some vocabulary and hear about some strategies to support what their children are currently learning in class.
Some come and join us for a fun evening of experience and information. Wine and nibbles provided.
When: 17th August
Where: Princes ELC Art Room
Time: 7.00pm
RSVP: to Mrs Porter please via phone or e-mail at
We are aware that we have scheduled two evening events in the one week, with our Princes at Night walk occuring two days later, but this tight scheduling has been unavoidable and we hope that it wont be too inconvienient and that we will see you there.
An opportunity not to be missed
Kind Regards
Friday, August 6, 2010
Please Help Us
in the last two weeks we have experienced some issues with the usage of classrooms after Kindergarten class times have finished. Children, including older siblings, playing in classrooms after being collected from extended care have broken furniture, scribbled over furniture, destroyed children’s work and broken pots and baskets. Please help us by fully supervising your children when you collect them from extended care. We would be very appreciative if you could also ask your child to pack away any toys they take out while waiting to be signed out.
Thanks you for your help.
ELC Staff
Buttons and Bottle Tops and Spangles
Langley children have been investigating buttons and are on the look out for more. If you have a collection of old buttons that you don’t need any more (or new ones like the single buttons that are attached to new tops when you buy them) the Langley children would be most appreciative of any button donations. Please leave them with Mrs Porter.
All students have been excited by the arrival of our weathered old carpentry table and have been enjoying working with hammers this week. We are looking for bottle tops to add to our creations. All bottle tops are welcome, metal or plastic.
In the coming weeks all children will be working on some reflective art installations for the upcoming artsPACes exhibition in the prep school. We will be asking children to collect reflective silver junk materials to bring to Kindy to add to the collage. Whilst the children do not yet know of this project we thought it might be wise to give parents some prior warning. Anything reflective would be great (our projects will be lit up at night). Old shiny wine cask bladders, bits of reflectors from old bikes, old bits of mirror, shiny paper and material, shiny lolly papers etc… would all be great.
In the Classrooms
What a busy week of investigation and discovery we have had! Over the last couple of weeks the children have been investigating how light moves and how shadows are created on the overhead projector.
“It’s Tommi!” said Tommi excitedly as he found his shadow on the wall
“It’s Gabe!” added Gabe, as he showed Tommi
This week we made our first visit to the dark room to further explore light and shadows. The children have discovered that when you put something on top of the overhead it gets much, much bigger when it appears on the wall.
“Look Mid Jess my hands big!” said Oliver L
“Yeah, big hands!” agreed Jack O
I wonder what we can make big next week!
Kind regardsJess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We have had another busy week exploring and investigating. Building with transparent blocks in the dark room, creating patterns on the light table, seeing the world through coloured shapes, looking at shadows and images on the over head projector. The children loved exploring the dark room (art room).
“I liked the silver tubes best because I didn't know where I was going.” Jesse
“The dinosaurs glowed different colours.” Jade
“Wow, look at them coloured tubes.” Henry
“I don't know what I'm building till I'm finished.” Jesse
We have also drawn self portraits while looking at ourselves in mirrors. It will be interesting to compare these to our self portraits from earlier in the year.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Emma
This week the Cooper children have been busy builders this week creating all sorts of big constructions. They have played with duplo and building blocks to make towers, zoos, airports and roads and have made 'princess castles' on the light box with small blocks and shiny materials. Outside, they used the big block set to build a large wall and a dinosaur mountain. It has been lovely to see the children beginning to work collaboratively on their projects, sharing ideas and adding to each other's work. Of course, when you're three it's also fun to see the effect of knocking things down and making a loud crash and everyone has enjoyed participating in that too!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
The Chapple Room have been learning about how light can move through certain objects and how it can’t move through other objects. We have learnt to use to use the words ‘transparent, ‘opaque’ and many of us can also use and describe objects that are ‘translucent’. We created our own stained glass windows – you can see them on our classroom windows – they’re very beautiful. Ms Giorgio thought it would be a great idea to go and inspect the real glass ones in the Chapel. They also are very beautiful, but we like our designs just a fraction more!
On top of that, we began using mirrors to understand the idea of reflection. Some of us held them under our eyes and used the reflection from above to navigate our way from Chapple Room to the swing set and back. This proved to be a very exciting and scary experience with lots of giggling along the way. From this we also discovered that light can bounce from mirrors onto something else. As a class we tried to replicate torch light onto the walls of our room by pointing the torch light at the mirror and not directly at the wall!
“Everything’s moving. The roof is on the ground and it feels funny,” described Max experiencing the sensation of not being able to see his feet and use his eyes in the normal way to get from one point to the other.
Sebastian giggled, “I’m scared because I’m going to fall down on the roof. Now we’re going to fall on the tree! The sky! We’re going to fall on the sky!”
“It feels like I’m standing on top of the roof. It’s like we’re trapped there. The mirror makes everything look like we’re all upside-down and I think it’s because of the mirror,” said Kyle in a quiet but excited voice.
Kind regards,
Kate and Juliana
We were very busy boys this week in Edgerley with lots of independent investigations occurring around the room. Aadi, Jamison and Hugo were using lamps and globes to investigate how the sun shines onto our earth to create day on one side whilst it is night time on the other side.
After Louie and Noah’s discovery that some of the things that give us light also give us heat we tested the theory with a birthday candle. They were right, candles give us light and heat at the same time too. We are on the look out for other things that give us light and heat.
After our observations of candles we watched a video about fire safety and this encouraged lots of dramatic fire man play in the block corner. We learned how to dial 000 (and will continue to practice this next week) but we are still learning the numbers and street and suburb names of our houses (our Mum’s and Dad’s can help us with that) and how to STOP COVER DROP and ROLL to put out fire on our clothes.
Meanwhile in the dark room as the children experimented with translucent paddles Roshan decided to create a rainbow. He worked, mixing the paddles to create orange, green and violet to finish the rainbow.
Wow, we wonder what next week will bring!
Mel and Rosalie
Princes by Night
As part of our ‘Shadowlands’ Unit of Inquiry, the ELC Staff would like to invite you and your ELC child to a tour of our school by night! We hope this experience will be an exciting opportunity for your child to further their understanding of some of the concepts we have been learning about and in many instances expose our students to seeing our school in a new ‘light’.
When: Thursday 19th August at 6:30pm - 7:15pm
Where: Meet at the bottom oval to start our tour
Who: All Early Learning Centre students and parents (please note that your child must be accompanied by a parent). Teachers will be there to guide each class group on the tour
Please bring: a torch and warm clothing
Throughout the tour we hope to walk through the grounds, listen to Mr Tutt talk with us about what happens at PAC by night, visit the Boarding House, enter the Library and the Gym and watch some of the football on the fields under lights. We will finish with a delicious hot chocolate in the Prince Philip Theatre.
Hope to see you there!
Early Learning Centre Staff
A New Arrival

Love from the ELC
Edgerley Room Coffee Morning
At: McDonalds on Glen Osmond Road 219-211 Glen Osmond Road, Frewville,
When: After school drop off.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Amalia, Belinda and Adriana
New Cold Weather Jackets
ELC Carpark
Please be patient in the mornings and do not double park as other parents can then not get out and may be hurrying to get to work. Remember also to watch out for our young children who are still getting used to road safety rules !
ELC staff