This week the children of Langley have begun to settle into the class room environment. We have started to see an increase in the active play and participation of the children as they have developed security in the learning environment. Children have been involved in painting and drawing experiences, group time games and stories, becoming familiar with the routines of the day and helping to pack up. The children are developing skills in turn taking, listening and playing positively alongside each other, and we have taken as many photos as possible of these interactions, that you are welcome to see at any time.
From Andrea, Adele, Penny and Chloe
We have had a lovely week. The Early Learning Centre was officially opened on Tuesday and the children sang beautifully and enthusiastically for all the guests during their performance.
The children have enjoyed exploring the 'Who am I Wall' in our classroom by finding themselves and investigating their friends. They have also begun to recognise and copy their names using the coloured gel and glitter letters on the light table. We now have our two new computers up and running in our classroom which have proven very popular.
This week we began Chinese lessons, which are taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A list of current topics and vocabulary we are learning (yes, teachers attend the lessons too!) will be sent home in due course so you can practice at home with your child.
Next week we will be starting our Show and Tell rostered sessions. We have established a roster to encourage all children to participate on their given day.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
This week we focused on creating machines with the gears gears gears after we were inspired by a painting by Samuel. We worked together to fit cogs into place to create “machines”. Finally after four days they boys finished the project. They had created a tunnel for cars with a machine on the top that blew in cold air to keep the drivers cool. It was a wonderful exercise in sharing, negotiation and communication. Well done boys
Mel, Pip and Todd
This week in the Chapple Room, we have focused on food! We made delicious porridge on Thursday for afternoon tea and the children loved it! We have continued to enjoy the different meals each day and healthy eating habits have been the topic of many conversations. Some of the boys started a shop during imaginary play. They sold many things, from necklaces to cakes, and even broccoli and carrots. It was lovely to see the boys making meaning of their learning!
Kind Regards
Alexandra, Nicola and Sarah
Chinese lessons started in earnest this week across the centre. Children in Langley enjoyed listening to the story of the bear hunt after learning the words for big and small. Together they went on a hunt in their classroom hunting for big and small objects using their new vocabulary.
Students in Kindergarten focused on the elements, learning the words for sun, moon and water. We will practice these words again next week and provide parents with vocabulary lists for work we intend to do this term.
Kath Woods