Dear Parents,
as we did not receive many requests to stay open we will be closing on Friday 4th September for the school's annual Show Day.
There will be no fees charged for this day.
Thank you for your responses
Princes ELC
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Jungle Bungle
Wednesday students had a wonderful time with Claire and Chris who performed a play for us about some of the book week shortlisted books called Jungle Bungle. It was full of singing and dancing and left us with the wonderful message that it's great to be a little bit different because being different is special and that what makes the world an interesting place.
In the Classrooms
This week in Langley the children have been learning about building and looking after our garden as an extension experience to learning about the environment and all things green. We planted some petunias into pots and through this experience discussed what gardens need and how we can look after them by watering them. We are also developing listening skills whilst working in small groups to prepare and maintain our garden. We are hoping we will soon get some caterpillars to enjoy our garden too!
Thankyou to all families for your lovely family photos it is very special to the children and teachers to be able to share them with each other.
Andrea, Adele, Penny and Chloe
Dear Mead Parents,
Children have continued to enjoy our show and tell times and it has been a wonderful opportunity for children to practice speaking in front of others with confidence. Children have also been learning about being a good audience member. They have been learning their five L’s – legs crossed, hands in lap, eyes looking, ears listening and lips sealed! Please assist us to make show and tell as successful as possible by only sending show and tell with your child on their designated day..JPG)
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
Dear Edgerley Parents,
We have had a topsy turvy week this week with both Mrs Cooper and Mr Kerber away from school. We have been so grateful to have the assistance of Mrs Nacca and Miss Betteridge over the last two days. We have enjoyed creating bridges with the building blocks and experimenting with all sorts of colourful embellishments from the making trolley. After some very messy clean ups we visited the resource room to find some decorations that are more suitable for our creations. This was very inspiring and encouraged us to work together to create some beautiful works of art. Who knew that bridges could be so beautiful!.JPG)
Kind Regards
Mel, Todd and Pip
We made wonderful clay crests this week. After this, the class was very intrigued about the elements that make up our school crest. We have emailed Mr Tutt to invite him down for scones and tea in the hope that he can explain our crest.
This week in Langley the children have been learning about building and looking after our garden as an extension experience to learning about the environment and all things green. We planted some petunias into pots and through this experience discussed what gardens need and how we can look after them by watering them. We are also developing listening skills whilst working in small groups to prepare and maintain our garden. We are hoping we will soon get some caterpillars to enjoy our garden too!
Thankyou to all families for your lovely family photos it is very special to the children and teachers to be able to share them with each other.
Andrea, Adele, Penny and Chloe
Dear Mead Parents,
Children have continued to enjoy our show and tell times and it has been a wonderful opportunity for children to practice speaking in front of others with confidence. Children have also been learning about being a good audience member. They have been learning their five L’s – legs crossed, hands in lap, eyes looking, ears listening and lips sealed! Please assist us to make show and tell as successful as possible by only sending show and tell with your child on their designated day.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
Dear Edgerley Parents,
We have had a topsy turvy week this week with both Mrs Cooper and Mr Kerber away from school. We have been so grateful to have the assistance of Mrs Nacca and Miss Betteridge over the last two days. We have enjoyed creating bridges with the building blocks and experimenting with all sorts of colourful embellishments from the making trolley. After some very messy clean ups we visited the resource room to find some decorations that are more suitable for our creations. This was very inspiring and encouraged us to work together to create some beautiful works of art. Who knew that bridges could be so beautiful!
Kind Regards
Mel, Todd and Pip
We made wonderful clay crests this week. After this, the class was very intrigued about the elements that make up our school crest. We have emailed Mr Tutt to invite him down for scones and tea in the hope that he can explain our crest.
Show Day
Dear Parents,
As you are aware the college has a scheduled Show Day Holiday on Friday the 4th of September. Our centre will be open dependent on demand only. If you require care for your child please return your slip or inform us in writing at as soon as possible. To avoid disappointment we ask that you make us aware of your intentions ASAP so that we may organise suitable staffing arrangements. Kindergarten classes will not run on this day.
ELC staff
As you are aware the college has a scheduled Show Day Holiday on Friday the 4th of September. Our centre will be open dependent on demand only. If you require care for your child please return your slip or inform us in writing at as soon as possible. To avoid disappointment we ask that you make us aware of your intentions ASAP so that we may organise suitable staffing arrangements. Kindergarten classes will not run on this day.
ELC staff
Dear Parents,
It is very important to us to keep your children as safe as possible whilst they are with us at the centre. If your child requires medication whilst they are with us you must fill out a medication administration form and pass the medication directly to your child’s teacher. Please do not leave any form of medication in children’s bags (Please note that this includes Ventolin and any type of cream, including sun cream).
ELC staff
It is very important to us to keep your children as safe as possible whilst they are with us at the centre. If your child requires medication whilst they are with us you must fill out a medication administration form and pass the medication directly to your child’s teacher. Please do not leave any form of medication in children’s bags (Please note that this includes Ventolin and any type of cream, including sun cream).
ELC staff
Missing Rugby Top
We are missing a rugby top. The top has two names in it, Tom Laidlaw and Alex Miller. Can you please check your child’s cupboard to see if it has accidently made it’s way home with the wrong family.
South Australian Young Achievement Australia Program
Dear Parents,
As part of our book week celebrations we have chosen to support a group of 20 students from Seymour, St Peters, Loreto, Rostrevor, William Light and Glenunga International who have come together to participate in the South Australian Young Achievement Australia program, a not-for-profit co-curricular organisation designed to develop leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit within young Australians.
The main objective of the program is for a team of secondary school students to create a functioning business mirroring those which exist in the corporate world. This business is established, developed, and liquidated within the course of several months, using real money.
The group have focused on producing a product for young children and have written and illustrated a book called Booya.
The book has been professionally and environmentally-friendly printed, by Graphic Print, using non-toxic inks derived from vegetable oils. The paper used comes from plantations specifically grown for paper production and thus minimal damage to the environment occurs. The various materials used in the production process are also able to be recycled.
With the help of Prince Alfred and the Adelaide Zoo the group’s initial goal is to sell 500 copies of the book.
Students joined us at the book week parade and in the ELC to speak to the children about how they made the book. Staff presented the story as a play to Reception and ELC students.
Students from the ELC have the option of purchasing a book using an order form that you can find in your child’s pigeon hole. Feel free to look at the book located on the table in the entry.
ELC Staff
As part of our book week celebrations we have chosen to support a group of 20 students from Seymour, St Peters, Loreto, Rostrevor, William Light and Glenunga International who have come together to participate in the South Australian Young Achievement Australia program, a not-for-profit co-curricular organisation designed to develop leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit within young Australians.
The main objective of the program is for a team of secondary school students to create a functioning business mirroring those which exist in the corporate world. This business is established, developed, and liquidated within the course of several months, using real money.
The group have focused on producing a product for young children and have written and illustrated a book called Booya.
The book has been professionally and environmentally-friendly printed, by Graphic Print, using non-toxic inks derived from vegetable oils. The paper used comes from plantations specifically grown for paper production and thus minimal damage to the environment occurs. The various materials used in the production process are also able to be recycled.
With the help of Prince Alfred and the Adelaide Zoo the group’s initial goal is to sell 500 copies of the book.
Students joined us at the book week parade and in the ELC to speak to the children about how they made the book. Staff presented the story as a play to Reception and ELC students.
Students from the ELC have the option of purchasing a book using an order form that you can find in your child’s pigeon hole. Feel free to look at the book located on the table in the entry.
ELC Staff
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A New Arrival
Congratulations to Mr Todd Kerber and his wife Jackie on the arrival of their first child, Max Thomas, at 5.00 o’clock on Saturday. Max arrived at a healthy 8 pounds and both he and Jackie are doing well. Enjoy your break with Max Mr Kerber, we can’t wait to see you back at the ELC and here all about your new baby.
Sam presents Mr Kerber with a baby basket from the staff of the ELC
Sam presents Mr Kerber with a baby basket from the staff of the ELC
Friday, August 21, 2009
In the classroom
This week in Langley the children have been spending much playtime outside in the garden, exploring all things green and playing with the new gross motor equipment, including bikes, large cars and digging equipment. The children have also played alongside each other very well in experiences such as water play, listening games and turn taking experiences. All the children are showing a great interest in the natural outdoor environment as part of the learning program and in order to extend this interest we have been discussing water conservation and poured our water from water play on the plants when we had finished playing! As an extension of this interest we are planning to plant some flowers with the children in planter pots next week and encourage the children to care for them.
Andrea, Adele, Penny and Chloe.JPG)
Dear Mead Parents,
We have lots of special people in our room and have been looking at what makes us special this week. Here are some reasons the children gave when asked what makes them special:
Tyler: My bird makes me special and I make Skye special.
Kristian: I play with my brother.
Jamison: I like playing games.
Katie: My birthday makes me special.
Alex: My smile.
Max G: Giving somebody a hug.
Luke: Something special about me is Vasilis and Daddy are my friends.
Louis: I like playing with my Thomas toys.
Amy: I know everything. When my mother let me do it I can do it.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
This week in Edgerley we have enjoyed exploring our new computers. We were particularly enthusiastic about our problem solving adventure games. Some boys found it beneficial to work with a partner in order to solve clues and build a map of the program in their mind. Other boys enjoyed taking on the role of the teacher as they showed their friends how to manipulate the mouse (it can be trickier than it looks!) Next week we plan to work together to come up with a way to help us take turns at the computer fairly, as Tristen said “we really need to make a list!”
Kind Regards
Mel, Todd and Pip.JPG)
Having a ball! We have been making great use of our new resources and the big hill!
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
This week in Mandarin Chinese students enjoyed a story by Bill Martin Jr. called Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you see? We began to learn a very tricky song about colours and children observed the differences between some of the characters. Did you know that if you look closely at the character for black you can see the black burnt out coals of an extinguished fire at the bottom? The pinyin for black is hēisè (but it sounds a bit like hey sir!)
This week in Langley the children have been spending much playtime outside in the garden, exploring all things green and playing with the new gross motor equipment, including bikes, large cars and digging equipment. The children have also played alongside each other very well in experiences such as water play, listening games and turn taking experiences. All the children are showing a great interest in the natural outdoor environment as part of the learning program and in order to extend this interest we have been discussing water conservation and poured our water from water play on the plants when we had finished playing! As an extension of this interest we are planning to plant some flowers with the children in planter pots next week and encourage the children to care for them.
Andrea, Adele, Penny and Chloe
Dear Mead Parents,
We have lots of special people in our room and have been looking at what makes us special this week. Here are some reasons the children gave when asked what makes them special:
Tyler: My bird makes me special and I make Skye special.
Kristian: I play with my brother.
Jamison: I like playing games.
Katie: My birthday makes me special.
Alex: My smile.
Max G: Giving somebody a hug.
Luke: Something special about me is Vasilis and Daddy are my friends.
Louis: I like playing with my Thomas toys.
Amy: I know everything. When my mother let me do it I can do it.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
This week in Edgerley we have enjoyed exploring our new computers. We were particularly enthusiastic about our problem solving adventure games. Some boys found it beneficial to work with a partner in order to solve clues and build a map of the program in their mind. Other boys enjoyed taking on the role of the teacher as they showed their friends how to manipulate the mouse (it can be trickier than it looks!) Next week we plan to work together to come up with a way to help us take turns at the computer fairly, as Tristen said “we really need to make a list!”
Kind Regards
Mel, Todd and Pip
Having a ball! We have been making great use of our new resources and the big hill!
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
This week in Mandarin Chinese students enjoyed a story by Bill Martin Jr. called Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you see? We began to learn a very tricky song about colours and children observed the differences between some of the characters. Did you know that if you look closely at the character for black you can see the black burnt out coals of an extinguished fire at the bottom? The pinyin for black is hēisè (but it sounds a bit like hey sir!)
Spare Clothing
Dear Parents,
As the days have become warmer children have enjoyed playing with water (…and getting a little wet in their long winter clothing ). Can we please remind parents to ensure a spare set of clothing, including shoes and socks, is in every child’s bag. We would also gratefully receive any extra socks that people would like to donate to our spare clothing cupboard. Also, if your child has come home in spare clothing this term it would be wonderful if you could wash it and return it to us as we still have quite an amount of spare clothes unreturned.
ELC staff
As the days have become warmer children have enjoyed playing with water (…and getting a little wet in their long winter clothing ). Can we please remind parents to ensure a spare set of clothing, including shoes and socks, is in every child’s bag. We would also gratefully receive any extra socks that people would like to donate to our spare clothing cupboard. Also, if your child has come home in spare clothing this term it would be wonderful if you could wash it and return it to us as we still have quite an amount of spare clothes unreturned.
ELC staff
Big Boys Breakfast
Dear Dads,
You will have received a newsletter above your child’s locker this week about our Big Boys Breakfast. It is a wonderful event to celebrate Father’s Day and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. If you are able to come please RSVP by returning the tear off slip to Julie Porter at the front desk or by e-mailing her at if you have not already done so. All you need to do is bring your child and an appetite as we will be serving bacon and eggs for dads and cereal and juice for children.
When: Thursday the 3rd of September – 7.30am
Where: The ELC Town Square
For Whom: All students of the ELC and their Dads (but remember if your child does not normally attend on a Thursday you must take them with you at the conclusion of the event)
A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there. But a guiding light whose love shows us the way.
You will have received a newsletter above your child’s locker this week about our Big Boys Breakfast. It is a wonderful event to celebrate Father’s Day and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. If you are able to come please RSVP by returning the tear off slip to Julie Porter at the front desk or by e-mailing her at if you have not already done so. All you need to do is bring your child and an appetite as we will be serving bacon and eggs for dads and cereal and juice for children.
When: Thursday the 3rd of September – 7.30am
Where: The ELC Town Square
For Whom: All students of the ELC and their Dads (but remember if your child does not normally attend on a Thursday you must take them with you at the conclusion of the event)
A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there. But a guiding light whose love shows us the way.
Tick Tick Tick
Dear Parents,
The Students of Edgerley are particularly interested in the workings of analogue watches and clocks at the moment. We are looking for any old watches or clocks that can be opened up or that you can see the insides of to observe in our classroom. If you have any that you would be willing for us to borrow we will take very special care of them and would be most appreciative.
Edgerley class boys
The Students of Edgerley are particularly interested in the workings of analogue watches and clocks at the moment. We are looking for any old watches or clocks that can be opened up or that you can see the insides of to observe in our classroom. If you have any that you would be willing for us to borrow we will take very special care of them and would be most appreciative.
Edgerley class boys
Off and Racing – P&F Melbourne Cup Luncheon
Ladies and Gentlemen, arrange a Table Captain for your table of 10 to celebrate this year’s Melbourne Cup.
When: 3rd November 2009 12.00 Noon
Where: Sparrow Kitchen and Bar 10 O’Connell St North Adelaide
Cost: $80 per head, including a glass of champagne, tapas-style entrée to share plus a choice of main course and dessert.
Have a great day with the Princes community and have a flutter on the sweeps. Tickets are on sale in the prep School Rose Garden on Wednesday the 26th August and Monday 31st August from 8.00am to 8.40am and 2.30pm to 4.00pm both days.
Please note: If you require care for your child on this day and they do not normally attend on a Tuesday please make a booking ASAP. Places are limited and extra care is on a first come first serve basis.
When: 3rd November 2009 12.00 Noon
Where: Sparrow Kitchen and Bar 10 O’Connell St North Adelaide
Cost: $80 per head, including a glass of champagne, tapas-style entrée to share plus a choice of main course and dessert.
Have a great day with the Princes community and have a flutter on the sweeps. Tickets are on sale in the prep School Rose Garden on Wednesday the 26th August and Monday 31st August from 8.00am to 8.40am and 2.30pm to 4.00pm both days.
Please note: If you require care for your child on this day and they do not normally attend on a Tuesday please make a booking ASAP. Places are limited and extra care is on a first come first serve basis.
Code Breaker!
Our new front door code pad began operation today and we have been very pleased with it’s effectiveness and added security. However we ask must again that parents do not allow older siblings to use the key pad or share our code with them. This request is in the safety interests of your young children.
ELC Staff
ELC Staff
Parents and Friends Representatives
Thankyou to the parents who have volunteered to become our P&F reps. We look forward to many social functions and get togethers in the coming year.
Mead – Brendt Parisi and Jude Searles
Edgerley - Christine McCauley and Karli Dean
Chapple – Julie Watson and Karen Gough
Mead – Brendt Parisi and Jude Searles
Edgerley - Christine McCauley and Karli Dean
Chapple – Julie Watson and Karen Gough
Parenting Information Sessions
Dear Parents,
The City of Burnside is currently running a series of Parent Information sessions called Child Care Links. Child Care Links is an Early Childhood – Invest to Grow initiative, funded by the Australian Government under the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy. The remaining five events are scheduled between September and the end of November and bookings are essential.
Information can be found on the parent desk just past our lobby
Wednesday 16th September – Fussy Eaters – Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Tuesday 13th October – Wellbeing - Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Saturday 7th November – Family Information and Play Day - Burnside Council Community Centre – 11.00am
Monday 9th November – How to facilitate children’s learning of speech, language, reading and communication - Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Monday 30th November – Social and Emotional Effectiveness - Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Bookings: Contact Kate on83664133 or
The City of Burnside is currently running a series of Parent Information sessions called Child Care Links. Child Care Links is an Early Childhood – Invest to Grow initiative, funded by the Australian Government under the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy. The remaining five events are scheduled between September and the end of November and bookings are essential.
Information can be found on the parent desk just past our lobby
Wednesday 16th September – Fussy Eaters – Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Tuesday 13th October – Wellbeing - Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Saturday 7th November – Family Information and Play Day - Burnside Council Community Centre – 11.00am
Monday 9th November – How to facilitate children’s learning of speech, language, reading and communication - Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Monday 30th November – Social and Emotional Effectiveness - Burnside Council Hall 7.00pm
Bookings: Contact Kate on83664133 or
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Show Day
Dear Parents,
Traditionally PAC has had a pupil free day for families to attend the Royal Show. This will be on Friday September 4th this year. There will be no Kindergarten program but the ELC will remain open if there are children who need care on that day. A letter will be sent to all families whose children normally attend on a Friday and a reply slip included. No fees will be charged unless your child attends on this day. Could you please help us to work out our staffing requirements by replying as soon as possible,
many thanks
Traditionally PAC has had a pupil free day for families to attend the Royal Show. This will be on Friday September 4th this year. There will be no Kindergarten program but the ELC will remain open if there are children who need care on that day. A letter will be sent to all families whose children normally attend on a Friday and a reply slip included. No fees will be charged unless your child attends on this day. Could you please help us to work out our staffing requirements by replying as soon as possible,
many thanks
New Security System
Dear Parents,
For the security of both your children and the staff we have had a key pad installed next to our front door. From now on this is the only way you will be able to open the door. We will issue all families with the code in the next few days. Please do not pass this on to anyone else unless they regularly pick up your child. We would ask that you also do not give it to your older children as it will then be passed around quite quickly ! As a security measure we will change the code on a regular basis (probably each semester). There is a doorbell for any visitors who do not have the code.
Thankyou for your co-operation
For the security of both your children and the staff we have had a key pad installed next to our front door. From now on this is the only way you will be able to open the door. We will issue all families with the code in the next few days. Please do not pass this on to anyone else unless they regularly pick up your child. We would ask that you also do not give it to your older children as it will then be passed around quite quickly ! As a security measure we will change the code on a regular basis (probably each semester). There is a doorbell for any visitors who do not have the code.
Thankyou for your co-operation
Friday, August 14, 2009
Book Week Parade
Dear Parents,
we will be participating in the Kindergarten Junior Primary Book Week Parade on the 28th of August. This will be held in the Preparatory School Gym at 8.45am. Parents are welcome to join us to snap some photos of us on the cat walk. Our theme this year is "Jungle Bungle" and we would ask that parents help their children choose a comfortable dress up about their favourite jungle animal. If you think your child might not be comfortable in their costume all day please send a change of clothes.
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
we will be participating in the Kindergarten Junior Primary Book Week Parade on the 28th of August. This will be held in the Preparatory School Gym at 8.45am. Parents are welcome to join us to snap some photos of us on the cat walk. Our theme this year is "Jungle Bungle" and we would ask that parents help their children choose a comfortable dress up about their favourite jungle animal. If you think your child might not be comfortable in their costume all day please send a change of clothes.
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
Chinese Vocabulary
Dear Parents,
Please find below a list of the most recent vocabulary children have been using in Chinese classes. Students have also been learning to recognise the associated Chinese characters. Below you will find the words in pin yin which is the anglicised translation however it is important to note that these words do not translate phonetically and so are not always as they would read. In coming weeks we are working towards compiling a CD of some of the vocabulary and songs that are used in Chinese classes. We hope this will help parents in understanding the words your children might try to share with you. In the last two weeks we have been thrilled with children's responses to Chinese lessons and very impressed with how quickly they have picked up new vocabulary.
Dà = big
Xiăo = small
Shān = mountain
Shuĭ = water
Yuè = moon
Rì = sun
Bà ba = dad
Mà ma = mum
Gē ge = big brother
Jiě jie = big sister
Dì di = little brother
Meì mei = little sister
Please find below a list of the most recent vocabulary children have been using in Chinese classes. Students have also been learning to recognise the associated Chinese characters. Below you will find the words in pin yin which is the anglicised translation however it is important to note that these words do not translate phonetically and so are not always as they would read. In coming weeks we are working towards compiling a CD of some of the vocabulary and songs that are used in Chinese classes. We hope this will help parents in understanding the words your children might try to share with you. In the last two weeks we have been thrilled with children's responses to Chinese lessons and very impressed with how quickly they have picked up new vocabulary.
Dà = big
Xiăo = small
Shān = mountain
Shuĭ = water
Yuè = moon
Rì = sun
Bà ba = dad
Mà ma = mum
Gē ge = big brother
Jiě jie = big sister
Dì di = little brother
Meì mei = little sister
In the Classrooms
This week in Langley we have luckily had lots of time to play outside. We have brought in some small bikes and see-saws for the children to play with. We have observed them begin to experiment with the toys, as well as introducing safe play practices and the notion of sharing. By encouraging and modelling safe behaviour and helping the children to recognise other children wanting a turn, they are beginning to share the bikes more easily.+(Medium).JPG)
From Adele, Chloe, Penny and Andrea
Dear Mead Parents,
This week we have started the weekly 'Show and Tell' roster which is working well and encouraging everyone to participate. We have shared everything from photos of Luke and his fireman experiences, stories of Louie's holiday in Queensland, Julian's favourite book about aeroplanes and a wealth of knowledge he knows, to wonderful rockets constructed by our budding scientist Regan!
We enjoyed seeing those of you who were able to make it to the Curriculum Evening..JPG)
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
This week in Edgerley we continued to talk about belonging together. We talked about what it means to be a friend….
Caleb: It is who you play with.
Henry N: Someone you like so much.
Cameron: They play with you lots of times.
Henry G: My brother is my friend.
Mitchell: He likes the same things as me.
Eric: You can play games with them. You can make different friends… you can make new friends. I have lots of new friends too.
Jake: Friends hug each other and they talk to each other. They laugh together too and have fun.
Christian: When I play with Jake he is sometimes joking.
Henry N.: I like all the boys in my class….JPG)
Week four has been a great week in Chapple. Rev Mark came to play his didgeridoo for us, we had the whole school aerial photo and the weather was perfect for playing outside. Using shaving foam to practice writing our names was definitely a highlight!.JPG)
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
Students in Kindergarten have been learning a song to help them remember the characters for Sun (rì), Moon (yuè), Mountain (shān) and Water (shui).
Rì is the sun
Yuè is the moon
Mountain is shān
Water is shui
We love the sun
We love the moon
Shān shān shui shui
Do ma mei
Mountains and water are so pretty
This week in Langley we have luckily had lots of time to play outside. We have brought in some small bikes and see-saws for the children to play with. We have observed them begin to experiment with the toys, as well as introducing safe play practices and the notion of sharing. By encouraging and modelling safe behaviour and helping the children to recognise other children wanting a turn, they are beginning to share the bikes more easily.
From Adele, Chloe, Penny and Andrea
Dear Mead Parents,
This week we have started the weekly 'Show and Tell' roster which is working well and encouraging everyone to participate. We have shared everything from photos of Luke and his fireman experiences, stories of Louie's holiday in Queensland, Julian's favourite book about aeroplanes and a wealth of knowledge he knows, to wonderful rockets constructed by our budding scientist Regan!
We enjoyed seeing those of you who were able to make it to the Curriculum Evening.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
This week in Edgerley we continued to talk about belonging together. We talked about what it means to be a friend….
Caleb: It is who you play with.
Henry N: Someone you like so much.
Cameron: They play with you lots of times.
Henry G: My brother is my friend.
Mitchell: He likes the same things as me.
Eric: You can play games with them. You can make different friends… you can make new friends. I have lots of new friends too.
Jake: Friends hug each other and they talk to each other. They laugh together too and have fun.
Christian: When I play with Jake he is sometimes joking.
Henry N.: I like all the boys in my class…
Week four has been a great week in Chapple. Rev Mark came to play his didgeridoo for us, we had the whole school aerial photo and the weather was perfect for playing outside. Using shaving foam to practice writing our names was definitely a highlight!
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
Students in Kindergarten have been learning a song to help them remember the characters for Sun (rì), Moon (yuè), Mountain (shān) and Water (shui).
Rì is the sun
Yuè is the moon
Mountain is shān
Water is shui
We love the sun
We love the moon
Shān shān shui shui
Do ma mei
Mountains and water are so pretty
Health Hustle
In preparation for the sports day Thursday children participated in a morning Health Hustle with Preparatory Sports Master, Mr Tim Weatherald. We had great fun exercising to music and warming our bodies up for the day. We look forward to seeing Mr Weatherald in the coming weeks as he visits us regularly for a health hustle.
Our Curriculum Evening
Thankyou to all the parents who joined us in the art room for some wine and conversation about learning for young children. Your enthusiastic participation made it all worthwhile. And thankyou for all the e-mails this morning about other birds we could add to our list!... how did we forget the Eagle on the Hill!
The children particularly enjoyed coming to school this morning to see your creations from last night, well done and thankyou again
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
The children particularly enjoyed coming to school this morning to see your creations from last night, well done and thankyou again
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
Little Arrabella Miller
Little Arrabella Miller
had a little caterpillar
First it crawled upon her mother
Then upon a baby brother
Said Little Arrabella Miller
“Naughty, naughty caterpillar!”+(Medium).JPG)
had a little caterpillar
First it crawled upon her mother
Then upon a baby brother
Said Little Arrabella Miller
“Naughty, naughty caterpillar!”
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
CCB Centre number
Dear Parents, we have finally received our CCB approval which is dated from our opening on 21.7.09. Our ID number is 1-A00QCY. Families who are claiming CCB and have given us their reference numbers should now have their accounts updated. If you are planning to claim the 50% rebate on your fees (non means tested but both parents must be working, studying or training ) you must still register with the FAO to get your reference number in order to be eligible for this . Could all families please provide us with a copy of the letter that you receive from Centrelink with your approval numbers. For any enquiries please chat with me,
Monday, August 10, 2009
Resumption of Library Lessons
Dear Parents,
fortnightly Library lessons for Kindergarten aged students with our Librarian, Mrs Jenny Glichrist and Library assistant, Mrs Jan Buchanan, will resume in week 5. Please read your weekly diary sheets to find out when your child's Library class will be. Children must have a Library bag to borrow a book (PAC Library bags are available from Princes Parade Uniform Shop beside the bottom oval). If your child does not attend on a Library day you are welcome to visit our Preparatory School Library and borrow after 3.00pm Monday through Thursday as we are unable to coordinate Library borrowing for those not attending on Library day.
We would also like to send out a big thank you to parents who have been so patient and supportive as we slowly confirm plans for our additional classes in the new centre.
Thank you again
Mel Bishop
fortnightly Library lessons for Kindergarten aged students with our Librarian, Mrs Jenny Glichrist and Library assistant, Mrs Jan Buchanan, will resume in week 5. Please read your weekly diary sheets to find out when your child's Library class will be. Children must have a Library bag to borrow a book (PAC Library bags are available from Princes Parade Uniform Shop beside the bottom oval). If your child does not attend on a Library day you are welcome to visit our Preparatory School Library and borrow after 3.00pm Monday through Thursday as we are unable to coordinate Library borrowing for those not attending on Library day.
We would also like to send out a big thank you to parents who have been so patient and supportive as we slowly confirm plans for our additional classes in the new centre.
Thank you again
Mel Bishop
Friday, August 7, 2009
In the Classrooms
This week the children of Langley have begun to settle into the class room environment. We have started to see an increase in the active play and participation of the children as they have developed security in the learning environment. Children have been involved in painting and drawing experiences, group time games and stories, becoming familiar with the routines of the day and helping to pack up. The children are developing skills in turn taking, listening and playing positively alongside each other, and we have taken as many photos as possible of these interactions, that you are welcome to see at any time.
From Andrea, Adele, Penny and Chloe
We have had a lovely week. The Early Learning Centre was officially opened on Tuesday and the children sang beautifully and enthusiastically for all the guests during their performance.
The children have enjoyed exploring the 'Who am I Wall' in our classroom by finding themselves and investigating their friends. They have also begun to recognise and copy their names using the coloured gel and glitter letters on the light table. We now have our two new computers up and running in our classroom which have proven very popular.
This week we began Chinese lessons, which are taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A list of current topics and vocabulary we are learning (yes, teachers attend the lessons too!) will be sent home in due course so you can practice at home with your child.
Next week we will be starting our Show and Tell rostered sessions. We have established a roster to encourage all children to participate on their given day.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
This week we focused on creating machines with the gears gears gears after we were inspired by a painting by Samuel. We worked together to fit cogs into place to create “machines”. Finally after four days they boys finished the project. They had created a tunnel for cars with a machine on the top that blew in cold air to keep the drivers cool. It was a wonderful exercise in sharing, negotiation and communication. Well done boys
Mel, Pip and Todd
This week in the Chapple Room, we have focused on food! We made delicious porridge on Thursday for afternoon tea and the children loved it! We have continued to enjoy the different meals each day and healthy eating habits have been the topic of many conversations. Some of the boys started a shop during imaginary play. They sold many things, from necklaces to cakes, and even broccoli and carrots. It was lovely to see the boys making meaning of their learning!
Kind Regards
Alexandra, Nicola and Sarah
Chinese lessons started in earnest this week across the centre. Children in Langley enjoyed listening to the story of the bear hunt after learning the words for big and small. Together they went on a hunt in their classroom hunting for big and small objects using their new vocabulary.
Students in Kindergarten focused on the elements, learning the words for sun, moon and water. We will practice these words again next week and provide parents with vocabulary lists for work we intend to do this term.
Kath Woods
This week the children of Langley have begun to settle into the class room environment. We have started to see an increase in the active play and participation of the children as they have developed security in the learning environment. Children have been involved in painting and drawing experiences, group time games and stories, becoming familiar with the routines of the day and helping to pack up. The children are developing skills in turn taking, listening and playing positively alongside each other, and we have taken as many photos as possible of these interactions, that you are welcome to see at any time.
From Andrea, Adele, Penny and Chloe
We have had a lovely week. The Early Learning Centre was officially opened on Tuesday and the children sang beautifully and enthusiastically for all the guests during their performance.
The children have enjoyed exploring the 'Who am I Wall' in our classroom by finding themselves and investigating their friends. They have also begun to recognise and copy their names using the coloured gel and glitter letters on the light table. We now have our two new computers up and running in our classroom which have proven very popular.
This week we began Chinese lessons, which are taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A list of current topics and vocabulary we are learning (yes, teachers attend the lessons too!) will be sent home in due course so you can practice at home with your child.
Next week we will be starting our Show and Tell rostered sessions. We have established a roster to encourage all children to participate on their given day.
Best wishes,
Emma, Susan and Amanda
This week we focused on creating machines with the gears gears gears after we were inspired by a painting by Samuel. We worked together to fit cogs into place to create “machines”. Finally after four days they boys finished the project. They had created a tunnel for cars with a machine on the top that blew in cold air to keep the drivers cool. It was a wonderful exercise in sharing, negotiation and communication. Well done boys
Mel, Pip and Todd
This week in the Chapple Room, we have focused on food! We made delicious porridge on Thursday for afternoon tea and the children loved it! We have continued to enjoy the different meals each day and healthy eating habits have been the topic of many conversations. Some of the boys started a shop during imaginary play. They sold many things, from necklaces to cakes, and even broccoli and carrots. It was lovely to see the boys making meaning of their learning!
Kind Regards
Alexandra, Nicola and Sarah
Chinese lessons started in earnest this week across the centre. Children in Langley enjoyed listening to the story of the bear hunt after learning the words for big and small. Together they went on a hunt in their classroom hunting for big and small objects using their new vocabulary.
Students in Kindergarten focused on the elements, learning the words for sun, moon and water. We will practice these words again next week and provide parents with vocabulary lists for work we intend to do this term.
Kath Woods
Water Consumption
Dear Parents,
You may have noticed that your children’s water bottles are coming home relatively full compared to when we were located in our previous centre. We would like to allay any fears and inform parents that this is due to our change in eating routines. In the ELC when children sit down to their morning snack, lunch or afternoon tea they serve each other water in cups from jugs provided by Mr Wagenfeller. So they only need their drink bottles in the classroom or on the playground. This means that although there is only a little bit of water disappearing from water bottles the children are still provided with and are taking advantage of many opportunities to drink during the day.
ELC staff
You may have noticed that your children’s water bottles are coming home relatively full compared to when we were located in our previous centre. We would like to allay any fears and inform parents that this is due to our change in eating routines. In the ELC when children sit down to their morning snack, lunch or afternoon tea they serve each other water in cups from jugs provided by Mr Wagenfeller. So they only need their drink bottles in the classroom or on the playground. This means that although there is only a little bit of water disappearing from water bottles the children are still provided with and are taking advantage of many opportunities to drink during the day.
ELC staff
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Dear Parents,
Signing you children in and out of our centre is imperative if we are to help keep your children safe and is also a licensing requirement. It is also a must for parents claiming CCB benefits. Please remember to sign your child in and out (sometimes it helps to remind you husband or wife to do it as well if they don’t normally pick up or drop off!)
As of week four parents will also be required to initial absentee days. Staff will mark your child absent on the roll and we would ask that when you do return to the centre that you simply initial these absentee marks to confirm them.
As of week four if you have outstanding signatures you will receive a reminder in your child’s pigeon hole above their locker. Please take this reminder to Mrs. Porter at the front desk and sign the missing spaces and then return the reminder to her.
ELC staff
Signing you children in and out of our centre is imperative if we are to help keep your children safe and is also a licensing requirement. It is also a must for parents claiming CCB benefits. Please remember to sign your child in and out (sometimes it helps to remind you husband or wife to do it as well if they don’t normally pick up or drop off!)
As of week four parents will also be required to initial absentee days. Staff will mark your child absent on the roll and we would ask that when you do return to the centre that you simply initial these absentee marks to confirm them.
As of week four if you have outstanding signatures you will receive a reminder in your child’s pigeon hole above their locker. Please take this reminder to Mrs. Porter at the front desk and sign the missing spaces and then return the reminder to her.
ELC staff
Join us for a glass
On the 13th of August we are hosting our ELC Curriculum Evening at 7.30pm in the ELC for parents of ELC children. We would like to invite all parents to join us for an enjoyable evening of wine and cheese and a little bit of learning. The ELC will provide some yummy nibbles and would love it if parents could bring along a favourite bottle of wine to share. Join us for some enjoyable socialising and investigation into how children inquire. A fun evening not to be missed. (Please note this function is not for children)Please RSVP to before the 11th of August
Upcoming Events in the ELC
Dear Parents,
We have a very busy term ahead of us filled with exciting activities and events. We do try to schedule our events across the days of the week to allow as many children as possible the opportunity to participate. Where we have stated that events are only for children on certain days this is because of ratios or excursion venue requirements. We appreciate your continued support in understanding that not all children can attend every event.
11th August – Aerial Photo – 11.45am – Main Oval (All students welcome)
To celebrate the 140th birthday of the college we will be participating in an aerial photo. All children are invited to join us. If you child does not attend on a Tuesday and you would like them to be a part of it please bring your child to the Early Learning Centre in full uniform no later than 11.45am. Parents must wait in the ELC whilst staff take children to the top oval and then collect them immediately after our return. Unfortunately there can be no exceptions to this as there is nowhere for parents to stand and observe where they will not inadvertently be spotted by the helicopter. Please note that children are not to wear brightly coloured pants, skirts or shoes.
21st August – Bounce! – 10.00am - Odeon Theatre Norwood (Friday Kindergarten students only)
Children from the Mead, Edgerley and Chapple rooms who attend on a Friday are invited to join us for the Patch Theatre company interpretation of the book Emily Loves to Bounce. Named permission slips for children who are eligible to attend have been placed in children’s pigeon holes and must be completed and returned by the 19th of August. We are looking for some parent helpers to attend Bounce! with us. Please note, unfortunately younger siblings are not able to join us.
26th August – Jungle Bungle – 9.15am – Prince Philip Theatre (Wednesday Kindergarten Students Only)
Children from Mead, Chapple and Edgerley rooms who attend on Wednesdays have been invited to join Junior Primary boys at the Prince Philip Theatre in the Main Building to enjoy a performance called Jungle Bungle. The performance is based on a number of books shortlisted by the Australian Children’s Book Council for 2009 and will support our celebration of Book Week.
28th August – Kindergarten and Junior Primary Book Week Parade – 8.45am – Preparatory School Gym (Friday Students Only)
Book Week will culminate in our annual Kindergarten and Junior Primary Book Week Parade. This year it will be held in the Prep School Gym and will begin at 8.45am. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend and view our parade. To avoid tears we suggest that parents drop children off as normal and make their way to the Gym before the children leave. Please note, it is important for children to arrive on time on this morning as staff will be supervising ELC students in the gym from 8.45am. This year in response to the Book Week theme Book Safari we are asking students to dress up as their favourite jungle animal. Students will return to the ELC at the end of the parade, after saying goodbye to their parents, to view a special performance by ELC staff.
3rd September – The Big Boys Breakfast – 7.30am – ELC
(All students welcome)
To celebrate Fathers Day we are holding our annual Big Boy Breakfast. Fathers are invited to join us at 7.30am for an egg and bacon breakfast and brief concert with their children (no mobile phones please! J ) Children will prepare invitations in the coming weeks and RSVP’s to will be accepted until August the 26th to assist us with catering. Children who do not normally attend on a Thursday are welcomed and encouraged to join us. If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday and you plan to attend please note that students are expected in school uniform and must be collected at the end of the event. Children who are unable to bring their Dad may bring another significant male in their lives. We ask that we only have 1 adult RSVP per child.
11th September – Grandies Day – Preparatory School and ELC (All students welcome)
All Grandies are welcomed to join us at the ELC for a play on the 11th of September. Children will prepare invitations in the coming weeks but RSVP’s can be addresses to until the 7th of September. It would assist us greatly if your RSVP could include the names of the intended attendees and the name of the child they are related to. Children who do not normally attend on Fridays are welcome to join us but must stay with their grandies at all times and be collected at the end of the morning. We also ask that these children do not come in their school uniform.
22nd September – Kindergarten and Junior Primary Sports Day – Main Oval (Tuesday Students Only)
At the end of term we will be holding our annual Junior Primary Kindergarten Sports Day. Children from Mead, Edgerley and Chapple rooms who normally attend on a Tuesday will be invited to join us on the top oval. Children are allowed to wear clothing in their house colour. Placing children in school house is a very involved process and a number of factors are taken into account. The final decision is made by the Preparatory School Principal. Closer to sports day children will be informed of their house and participate in activities that will encourage them to form a sense of belonging to that team. Sports Day will be held in two parts. We will have running races in the first part of the morning and then take a break for a short snack and drink. The second part of the morning will involve various tabloid sports stations run by year five students. Parents are encouraged to join us and cheer us on…and maybe even participate!! Don’t forget to wear your running shoes! Sports morning is filled with fun excitement and energy and young children are often very tired by the end of the morning. If parents would like to collect their children at the end of the morning after viewing the event please just let your child’s teacher know.
We have a very busy term ahead of us filled with exciting activities and events. We do try to schedule our events across the days of the week to allow as many children as possible the opportunity to participate. Where we have stated that events are only for children on certain days this is because of ratios or excursion venue requirements. We appreciate your continued support in understanding that not all children can attend every event.
11th August – Aerial Photo – 11.45am – Main Oval (All students welcome)
To celebrate the 140th birthday of the college we will be participating in an aerial photo. All children are invited to join us. If you child does not attend on a Tuesday and you would like them to be a part of it please bring your child to the Early Learning Centre in full uniform no later than 11.45am. Parents must wait in the ELC whilst staff take children to the top oval and then collect them immediately after our return. Unfortunately there can be no exceptions to this as there is nowhere for parents to stand and observe where they will not inadvertently be spotted by the helicopter. Please note that children are not to wear brightly coloured pants, skirts or shoes.
21st August – Bounce! – 10.00am - Odeon Theatre Norwood (Friday Kindergarten students only)
Children from the Mead, Edgerley and Chapple rooms who attend on a Friday are invited to join us for the Patch Theatre company interpretation of the book Emily Loves to Bounce. Named permission slips for children who are eligible to attend have been placed in children’s pigeon holes and must be completed and returned by the 19th of August. We are looking for some parent helpers to attend Bounce! with us. Please note, unfortunately younger siblings are not able to join us.
26th August – Jungle Bungle – 9.15am – Prince Philip Theatre (Wednesday Kindergarten Students Only)
Children from Mead, Chapple and Edgerley rooms who attend on Wednesdays have been invited to join Junior Primary boys at the Prince Philip Theatre in the Main Building to enjoy a performance called Jungle Bungle. The performance is based on a number of books shortlisted by the Australian Children’s Book Council for 2009 and will support our celebration of Book Week.
28th August – Kindergarten and Junior Primary Book Week Parade – 8.45am – Preparatory School Gym (Friday Students Only)
Book Week will culminate in our annual Kindergarten and Junior Primary Book Week Parade. This year it will be held in the Prep School Gym and will begin at 8.45am. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend and view our parade. To avoid tears we suggest that parents drop children off as normal and make their way to the Gym before the children leave. Please note, it is important for children to arrive on time on this morning as staff will be supervising ELC students in the gym from 8.45am. This year in response to the Book Week theme Book Safari we are asking students to dress up as their favourite jungle animal. Students will return to the ELC at the end of the parade, after saying goodbye to their parents, to view a special performance by ELC staff.
3rd September – The Big Boys Breakfast – 7.30am – ELC
(All students welcome)
To celebrate Fathers Day we are holding our annual Big Boy Breakfast. Fathers are invited to join us at 7.30am for an egg and bacon breakfast and brief concert with their children (no mobile phones please! J ) Children will prepare invitations in the coming weeks and RSVP’s to will be accepted until August the 26th to assist us with catering. Children who do not normally attend on a Thursday are welcomed and encouraged to join us. If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday and you plan to attend please note that students are expected in school uniform and must be collected at the end of the event. Children who are unable to bring their Dad may bring another significant male in their lives. We ask that we only have 1 adult RSVP per child.
11th September – Grandies Day – Preparatory School and ELC (All students welcome)
All Grandies are welcomed to join us at the ELC for a play on the 11th of September. Children will prepare invitations in the coming weeks but RSVP’s can be addresses to until the 7th of September. It would assist us greatly if your RSVP could include the names of the intended attendees and the name of the child they are related to. Children who do not normally attend on Fridays are welcome to join us but must stay with their grandies at all times and be collected at the end of the morning. We also ask that these children do not come in their school uniform.
22nd September – Kindergarten and Junior Primary Sports Day – Main Oval (Tuesday Students Only)
At the end of term we will be holding our annual Junior Primary Kindergarten Sports Day. Children from Mead, Edgerley and Chapple rooms who normally attend on a Tuesday will be invited to join us on the top oval. Children are allowed to wear clothing in their house colour. Placing children in school house is a very involved process and a number of factors are taken into account. The final decision is made by the Preparatory School Principal. Closer to sports day children will be informed of their house and participate in activities that will encourage them to form a sense of belonging to that team. Sports Day will be held in two parts. We will have running races in the first part of the morning and then take a break for a short snack and drink. The second part of the morning will involve various tabloid sports stations run by year five students. Parents are encouraged to join us and cheer us on…and maybe even participate!! Don’t forget to wear your running shoes! Sports morning is filled with fun excitement and energy and young children are often very tired by the end of the morning. If parents would like to collect their children at the end of the morning after viewing the event please just let your child’s teacher know.
Go On Safari
Looking for ideas for the weekend? The Children’s Book Council of South Australia and the Adelaide Zoo have joined forces to present the Book Safari at the Zoo.
Preschool and Primary School children are invited to go on a safari at the Zoo on Sunday the 23rd August at 12.00pm. Meet at the rotunda to collect information and maps with a gold coin donation and then take an adventure of face painting, jungle drumming, story telling and craft and along the way fill in the missing pieces to complete an entry form for great prizes.
Preschool and Primary School children are invited to go on a safari at the Zoo on Sunday the 23rd August at 12.00pm. Meet at the rotunda to collect information and maps with a gold coin donation and then take an adventure of face painting, jungle drumming, story telling and craft and along the way fill in the missing pieces to complete an entry form for great prizes.
Suitable Footwear
Dear Parents,
What wonderful balmy days we have experienced in the last week – perfect for getting outdoors. For children to play safely and confidently outside on our playground they require suitable shoes. Please remember that thongs, crocs and slip on shoes are not considered suitable footwear at Kindergarten
ELC staff
What wonderful balmy days we have experienced in the last week – perfect for getting outdoors. For children to play safely and confidently outside on our playground they require suitable shoes. Please remember that thongs, crocs and slip on shoes are not considered suitable footwear at Kindergarten
ELC staff
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mead Room Get Together
Dear Parents of the Mead Room, .jpg)
Our names are Jude and Brendt and we are your Mead Room P&F reps.
We have organised a get together for next Friday the 7th of August at the Tap Inn, Kent Town from 6pm and hope to see many of your faces there.
For parents who were a part of the Pirie Room at Little Princes you will have already been contacted about this function. For newer faces we will pass you a contact sheet via your child's pigeonhole to fill in so we can get in contact with you.
Hope to see you on Friday
Brendt and Jude
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