We have had a confirmed case of Scarlet Fever within the centre. The information about this illness is in your child's pigeon hole . Please take the time to read it and watch your child for any symptoms. If they appear at all unwell please keep them home to prevent spreading this.
Princes ELC
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
In the Classrooms
Thank you to Dion who came and built our new outdoor table for us. The children were fascinated to see the tools in action as we have been doing lots of building with tools in our own block corner.
“What is Dion making?” asked Miss Kerry
“A table, from puzzles” replied Sebastian M as he examined the instruction sheet
“It’s for us to sit down” added Sophie
“It go pat, pat, pat and hammer” observed Stella as she watched Dion with the hammer
“The drill makes a drrrrrr noise, drrrrrr” said Felix
“Dion is putting a table together for us. He’s a man” said Bruno
“You can’t sit on it yet, it’s not ready” Sebastian M warned the other children
“Are you still building?” Bruno checked with Dion
“Yes, it’s nearly finished” answered Dion
“It not finished yet, you can’t sit on it yet” said Stella.
The children were so excited when it was finally finished, they all wanted to sit at it even before there were any toys on it!!
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley
Thank you to Dion who came and built our new outdoor table for us. The children were fascinated to see the tools in action as we have been doing lots of building with tools in our own block corner.
“What is Dion making?” asked Miss Kerry
“A table, from puzzles” replied Sebastian M as he examined the instruction sheet
“It’s for us to sit down” added Sophie
“It go pat, pat, pat and hammer” observed Stella as she watched Dion with the hammer
“The drill makes a drrrrrr noise, drrrrrr” said Felix
“Dion is putting a table together for us. He’s a man” said Bruno
“You can’t sit on it yet, it’s not ready” Sebastian M warned the other children
“Are you still building?” Bruno checked with Dion
“Yes, it’s nearly finished” answered Dion
“It not finished yet, you can’t sit on it yet” said Stella.
The children were so excited when it was finally finished, they all wanted to sit at it even before there were any toys on it!!
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley
Dear Mead Parents,
The Mead children have shown great interest in the changes in the weather this week, especially mentioning the storm that hit on Tuesday night! Many parents commented that the children had not slept well, many had shared their parents beds and others needed the lights left on all night! As a result, many wonderful paintings and drawings of weather have been created in the classroom. We recorded the comments made by some children."I heard big lightning. It goes little then.... BANG real big!" Jesse
"My mum carried things outside. We saw a half moon. It looked like the moon was following you. I ran to my Mum!" Jack J
"The half of the moon went in the daytime. It was only half at night time." Zach
"I heard raining. There was a bucket outside to catch the rain. Do you know how many mls of rain? We had 5 mls. It was alot of rain. The rain came from the clouds onto our house and into our bucket." Henry
"When it was raining we heard sunder (thunder) inside - we heard roaring." Sebastian
"There was a bit of thunder, the rain comes before thunder! It was big rain. There was a bit of sun." Joshua
"Puddles come from rain too. 'Cause when the sun comes out it dries up the muddy puddles." Tommi
"There was raining. I saw a storm outside. The wind was blowing hard! Seth
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
Nearly a year ago the Cooper and Langley children planted some strawberry runners from Mr Rob in the ELC vegie patch. A year on and our strawberry patch has tripled in size! To stop the strawberries taking over the whole vegie patch, the children this week potted up some runners. Continuing with our recycling learning we used old yoghurt tubs for pots and filled them with potting mix. We snipped off strawberries and the children planted and watered them. We hope they will take off so that our little gardeners can take their plants home. There is still an excess of strawberry runners in the vegie patch - any families who would like to have some for their own gardens are very welcome to snip some off too!
As well as our lemonade shop, our super flying machines...parachutes and magic flying rings, we had a special visitor who helped us make ooey gooey slime! Jesse's dad, James gave us safety glasses and gloves, cups and pop sticks. Next he measured out the two special chemicals and we chose our favourite colour to mix into the mixture. Then we stirred and stirred and stirred until it became all sticky and gooey. We stretched it, rolled it, mashed it and enjoyed the slimy feeling! A big thank you to James for helping us make the slime, it was fantastic!
Next week is the last week of term 2 and sadly we are saying goodbye to a few children who are moving onto new schools. We will miss them very much and wish them lots of fun and all the best at their new schools! We will be holding a class farewell party on Friday, please check for further details in the weekly diary.
Warm wishes - Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue
Dear Edgerley Parents,
We are currently preparing for our Graduation and move to the big school. As part of this preparation we have been visiting the big school, including going to one or two assemblies. At every assembly students stand to sing the school song called Princes Men Forever. This week Mrs Nacca was signing with the children in the classroom when they asked if they could sing the Princes Song. Aware that we had never sung it in class she expected that they may remember a little of the tune and fill in the rest with lots of hmmmm hmmm hmmmms. Watch our video and you will learn that even when you think children appear not to be listening they are taking it all in!!!
For those of you who are interested in the real words :
We are Princes men forever
We never will say never
To challenges we meet along the way
We will face the world with might
Uphold the Red and White
And march right on into another day
Mel and Rosalie
Edgerley Graduation
Dear Edgerley Parents,
We are looking forward to seeing you all at our brief and informal graduation ceremony at 10.45am on Thursday the 30th of June. A photographer will be available on the day for family photos. For those who would like to take advantage of a special occasion with Grandparents and plan to take their child for a celebratory lunch afterwards please ensure you sign your child out before you leave.
We look forward to sharing this occasion with you and our very special group of boys.
With lots of love
Mel and Rosalie
We are looking forward to seeing you all at our brief and informal graduation ceremony at 10.45am on Thursday the 30th of June. A photographer will be available on the day for family photos. For those who would like to take advantage of a special occasion with Grandparents and plan to take their child for a celebratory lunch afterwards please ensure you sign your child out before you leave.
We look forward to sharing this occasion with you and our very special group of boys.
With lots of love
Mel and Rosalie
Parent Information Sessions
Please don’t forget that parent transition information sessions for students moving within the ELC will be held on Tuesday the 28th of June
Parents of students moving to Edgerley – 3.15pm in Edgerley with Mrs Mel Bishop
Parents of students moving to Cooper – 3.15pm in Cooper with Mrs Ali Blake
Parents of students moving to Langley – 4.00pm in the Art Room with Mrs Jess Catt
Parent transition information sessions for students moving to the Prep School will be held on Wednesday the 29th of June
Parents of students moving to Reception – 3.15pm in the Prep School with Mrs Tania Crawford
Parents of students moving to Edgerley – 3.15pm in Edgerley with Mrs Mel Bishop
Parents of students moving to Cooper – 3.15pm in Cooper with Mrs Ali Blake
Parents of students moving to Langley – 4.00pm in the Art Room with Mrs Jess Catt
Parent transition information sessions for students moving to the Prep School will be held on Wednesday the 29th of June
Parents of students moving to Reception – 3.15pm in the Prep School with Mrs Tania Crawford
Our New Worm Farm
Dear Parents,
We welcomed our new worm farm this Thursday. Thankyou to the Knight family, not only for their generous donation but also for organising and delivering it to Kindergarten. We can’t wait for Hugo to add some art work to the side!!
Our new worm farm has come from Anglicare and is a recycled, degassed, derubbered fridge. It has been placed right next to our veggie garden and is currently home to over 3000 worms!! Next term classes will take turns to maintain the worm farm and feed our worms. We hope to show the children how waste can be turned into something new. Fingers crossed, our worm farm will produce lots of lovely worm wee for us to dilute and add to our own veggie garden as well as sharing some with the Preparatory school boys for their veggie garden and the PAC grounds staff (whose eyes lit up when they saw our worms!!)
Our worms don’t like the light so we will only see them twice a week. Worms don’t carry any communicable diseases so it will be safe to touch them but we will enforce a strict hand washing policy for our helpers anyway. You may like to save your old coffee grounds and egg shells for the week when your child’s class is on feeding duty.
Kind regards

We welcomed our new worm farm this Thursday. Thankyou to the Knight family, not only for their generous donation but also for organising and delivering it to Kindergarten. We can’t wait for Hugo to add some art work to the side!!
Our new worm farm has come from Anglicare and is a recycled, degassed, derubbered fridge. It has been placed right next to our veggie garden and is currently home to over 3000 worms!! Next term classes will take turns to maintain the worm farm and feed our worms. We hope to show the children how waste can be turned into something new. Fingers crossed, our worm farm will produce lots of lovely worm wee for us to dilute and add to our own veggie garden as well as sharing some with the Preparatory school boys for their veggie garden and the PAC grounds staff (whose eyes lit up when they saw our worms!!)
Our worms don’t like the light so we will only see them twice a week. Worms don’t carry any communicable diseases so it will be safe to touch them but we will enforce a strict hand washing policy for our helpers anyway. You may like to save your old coffee grounds and egg shells for the week when your child’s class is on feeding duty.
Kind regards
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
Please Return Library Books
Dear Parents,
Please return any borrowed Library books to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. Library borrowing has ceased for this term in anticipation of school holidays in a week’s time
Please return any borrowed Library books to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. Library borrowing has ceased for this term in anticipation of school holidays in a week’s time
Little Shop of Horrors
Tickets for our annual Secondary Production, held in conjunction with St Peters Girls School, are on sale. Little Shop of Horrors is a dark comedy full of fun, action and singing. Although not recommended for young children due to its dark nature, it promises to be a great night for older children and adults.
Prince Alfred CollegeFriday 24 and Saturday 25 June7:30pm ANZAC Hall Dequetteville TerraceKent Town SA
St Peters Girls SchoolFriday 1 and Saturday 2 July7:30pm St Peters Girls’ Art Centre Stonyfell Road Stonyfell SA
Adults $15, Concession $10Group Bookings (15 or more people) $9 pp Tickets available on line at http://www.pac.edu.au/
Prince Alfred CollegeFriday 24 and Saturday 25 June7:30pm ANZAC Hall Dequetteville TerraceKent Town SA
St Peters Girls SchoolFriday 1 and Saturday 2 July7:30pm St Peters Girls’ Art Centre Stonyfell Road Stonyfell SA
Adults $15, Concession $10Group Bookings (15 or more people) $9 pp Tickets available on line at http://www.pac.edu.au/
Next term Mrs Nacca will assist in the Cooper room and Miss Sandow will move (with the class) up to Edgerley room.
Miss Jen from Langley room will be leaving us on Friday 29th July to pursue her teaching career. We have loved having her with us and the staff and children will miss her. We wish her all the best and are sure she will be back to visit frequently.
Miss Pippa Lloyd (who has been relieving here over this last term) will replace her but will work in the afternoons in Langley room. Miss Kerry and Miss Hayley will share the morning and afternoon shifts.
Miss Jess will be on holidays from July 5th -29th. Miss Bethany will work until the 23rd July and then Miss Pippa will commence in the Langley room.
Miss Jen from Langley room will be leaving us on Friday 29th July to pursue her teaching career. We have loved having her with us and the staff and children will miss her. We wish her all the best and are sure she will be back to visit frequently.
Miss Pippa Lloyd (who has been relieving here over this last term) will replace her but will work in the afternoons in Langley room. Miss Kerry and Miss Hayley will share the morning and afternoon shifts.
Miss Jess will be on holidays from July 5th -29th. Miss Bethany will work until the 23rd July and then Miss Pippa will commence in the Langley room.
School Holidays
Next week is the last week of term and the teaching staff will then be on leave for 3 weeks. If your child will be away at all over this period could you please mark the attendance sheets in their rooms accordingly.
During the last couple of weeks the staff have been asking the children about which activities they have enjoyed the most over the term and which ones they would like to continue with. This will form the base of our program across the holidays.
We have also planned one special event day each week.
Monday 4th July will be a "Be Active Day" : children just need shoes that are suitable for lots of running, jumping ,climbing etc.
Wednesday 13th July will be a "PJ Day" : children can arrive in and wear their pyjamas all day or bring a change of clothes if they prefer (maybe a warm top layer for outside play depending on the weather)
Friday 22nd July we will have a "Teddy Bear's Picnic" : so bring along a favourite teddy to join in the fun
The new term starts on July 26th and our Edgerley boys (and a couple of Chapple children ) will start school. Cooper children will move up to Edgerley and children in Langley room who have already turned 3 will move to Cooper room. There will also be around 30 new children starting across the centre.
During the last couple of weeks the staff have been asking the children about which activities they have enjoyed the most over the term and which ones they would like to continue with. This will form the base of our program across the holidays.
We have also planned one special event day each week.
Monday 4th July will be a "Be Active Day" : children just need shoes that are suitable for lots of running, jumping ,climbing etc.
Wednesday 13th July will be a "PJ Day" : children can arrive in and wear their pyjamas all day or bring a change of clothes if they prefer (maybe a warm top layer for outside play depending on the weather)
Friday 22nd July we will have a "Teddy Bear's Picnic" : so bring along a favourite teddy to join in the fun
The new term starts on July 26th and our Edgerley boys (and a couple of Chapple children ) will start school. Cooper children will move up to Edgerley and children in Langley room who have already turned 3 will move to Cooper room. There will also be around 30 new children starting across the centre.
Friday, June 17, 2011
In the Classrooms
We have had scientists in the making this week as the children have been experimenting with creating different potions and mixtures. They have been making predictions and discussing with each other what has been happening to their creations;
“I mix it, all the whites all gone” said Chloe
“My white has gone under” Sebastian M shared
“Look what it’s making, its making lellow and orange” said Chloe as she added colour to her mixture
“It’s brown now” observed Izabella
“I’m getting all the white out with my fingers” said Chloe as she mixed some flour in with her hands
“Mine is still green” said Sebastian M
“The green is coming up, look!” said Izabella excitedly as the colour bubbled up to the top.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley

Dear Mead Parents,
Following great interest in the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Helen Oxenbury, we decided to go on our own bear hunt on Wednesday. At Charlie's suggestion we grabbed our gumboots to use in the mud. Henry suggested we might need a hat and Jack J thought we might need a coat for when we went through the snow storm. We headed off with much enthusiasm......
First we came across some mud. It was thick, ooey and gooey! "Let's take our shoes off" Jack J said, "so they won’t get muddy".
Once we made it safely across the mud we ventured on until we came to a river.
"I'm getting sea sick" Tommi said as he began swimming across.
"Yeah, and I got seaweed in my eyes" Erin said.
"Maybe we can make a boat with people" JJ suggested to the swimmers. "We could hop on each other and make a people boat. Quick guys, hop on top" JJ encouraged.
"Or we could make a jumper boat" suggested Oliver, looking at the pile of jumpers the children had removed.
"Yeah, and I'm the driver" Jesse said, eagerly jumping to the front of the boat and beginning to drive.
The children all piled onto the boat and we successfully navigated across the river under the safe driving of our captains.
Just when we thought things had quietened down Oliver shouted, "We're in the middle of a snowstorm! Let's get out of here!"
Finally we came to a dark cave! We tiptoed in quietly with great trepidation.
Charlie shouted "You wait here guys. I'm gonna see what's up with that bear!" as he lead the way into the cave.
We ran as fast as we could away from that bear once we stumbled across him!
Grace was exhausted and decided she needed to "lie down and have a look at the clouds" to recuperate.
"Tilly would love going on this bear hunt" Hannah told us, "'cos she likes bears".
"Bears have big teeth" Henry told us, "and a wet shiny nose. I think that bear was black" he continued.
"That bear wanted to eat us" Erin said gasping for breath. "But now he's back to his cage".
"No" Milo added, "I think he just wanted to play with us".
What an adventure!
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G

Recently in Cooper Room Deacon has been making symmetrical buildings with the construction toys. We have extended on this concept by looking at half pictures in mirrors and this week with 'butterfly' painting. The children splodged paint on to pieces of paper then folded them in half and rubbed them. As they made their paintings the children predicted what might happen and described the changes they saw...
Green, orange, blue… the sides are the same – Henry
It’s a butterfly – Joshua N.
It looks like pink, brown and blue – Zac
I have two paintings, it’s got changed. It’s a butterfly. It happened because it’s got two wings – Ajeet
I’m doing a pattern. Can you do it with your finger? – Sami
Mine is a pattern too. Wow! Now mine’s a butterfly too. They are fairy wings – Joshua S.
It’s going to be a monster… let’s see what it is… it’s going to be a… a monster! See, I made a monster, not a butterfly – Charlie
It’s a butterfly, wings and a head – Noah
Wings… same because I fold it up - Deacon
A butterfly. I wrapped it up – Cooper
It keeps going the same – Deacon
Hey! I made two just like you! - Oliver
In our morning meeting Joshua S. suggested that the butterflies could be turned into kites, an idea which the group was very enthusiastic about! We attached string to the butterflies and took them outside to fly. The weather was windy and the kites flew very well. "My kite nearly went into the air" said Deacon. "It's a great day for flying kites" said Zac, "It's perfect weather" agreed Oliver.
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan

Lemonade is still bubbling away in our class, thank you again for all the donations of lemons! We have also moved from paper planes to making model planes with clay. The children who have engaged in this activity have thought carefully and worked with each other to plan, design and make their planes. We have them on display in the classroom, so please take a minute to admire their creations. Flying along the same track, we have experimented with making O-gliders. We used paper strips and made different sized circles to stick onto a straw. Some of the O-gliders soared through the garden, others did loop-de-loops and some children tried sticking the circles in different spots to see how they would fly. We will continue to experiment with making various flying machines and if your child wishes to bring in some show and tell related to planes and flying, that would be fantastic!
Warm wishes,
Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue

Dear Edgerley Parents,
We have had a week of 3D construction. Everywhere you look in our classroom, children have been transforming 2D constructions into multi-level creations. We have been speaking about how to make creations that are “not flat”. Some of our highlights included Noah and Alan’s transparent money safe, Julian, Nicholas and Henry’s straw construction complete with moat, grass and sand and Dougal and Eddie’s attempts to create a 3D carpentry construction (not as easy as it looked!!!) We have also been very interested in numbers this week and we will combine these two interests to plot and graph our buildings next week. I wonder how many stories we will be able to create before our buildings topple!
Our final highlight for the week was watching our new bollards being installed on the corner of Parade West and the entrance to the College, cement mixers are sooooo exciting!
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
We have had scientists in the making this week as the children have been experimenting with creating different potions and mixtures. They have been making predictions and discussing with each other what has been happening to their creations;
“I mix it, all the whites all gone” said Chloe
“My white has gone under” Sebastian M shared
“Look what it’s making, its making lellow and orange” said Chloe as she added colour to her mixture
“It’s brown now” observed Izabella
“I’m getting all the white out with my fingers” said Chloe as she mixed some flour in with her hands
“Mine is still green” said Sebastian M
“The green is coming up, look!” said Izabella excitedly as the colour bubbled up to the top.
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley
Dear Mead Parents,
Following great interest in the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Helen Oxenbury, we decided to go on our own bear hunt on Wednesday. At Charlie's suggestion we grabbed our gumboots to use in the mud. Henry suggested we might need a hat and Jack J thought we might need a coat for when we went through the snow storm. We headed off with much enthusiasm......
First we came across some mud. It was thick, ooey and gooey! "Let's take our shoes off" Jack J said, "so they won’t get muddy".
Once we made it safely across the mud we ventured on until we came to a river.
"I'm getting sea sick" Tommi said as he began swimming across.
"Yeah, and I got seaweed in my eyes" Erin said.
"Maybe we can make a boat with people" JJ suggested to the swimmers. "We could hop on each other and make a people boat. Quick guys, hop on top" JJ encouraged.
"Or we could make a jumper boat" suggested Oliver, looking at the pile of jumpers the children had removed.
"Yeah, and I'm the driver" Jesse said, eagerly jumping to the front of the boat and beginning to drive.
The children all piled onto the boat and we successfully navigated across the river under the safe driving of our captains.
Just when we thought things had quietened down Oliver shouted, "We're in the middle of a snowstorm! Let's get out of here!"
Finally we came to a dark cave! We tiptoed in quietly with great trepidation.
Charlie shouted "You wait here guys. I'm gonna see what's up with that bear!" as he lead the way into the cave.
We ran as fast as we could away from that bear once we stumbled across him!
Grace was exhausted and decided she needed to "lie down and have a look at the clouds" to recuperate.
"Tilly would love going on this bear hunt" Hannah told us, "'cos she likes bears".
"Bears have big teeth" Henry told us, "and a wet shiny nose. I think that bear was black" he continued.
"That bear wanted to eat us" Erin said gasping for breath. "But now he's back to his cage".
"No" Milo added, "I think he just wanted to play with us".
What an adventure!
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
Recently in Cooper Room Deacon has been making symmetrical buildings with the construction toys. We have extended on this concept by looking at half pictures in mirrors and this week with 'butterfly' painting. The children splodged paint on to pieces of paper then folded them in half and rubbed them. As they made their paintings the children predicted what might happen and described the changes they saw...
Green, orange, blue… the sides are the same – Henry
It’s a butterfly – Joshua N.
It looks like pink, brown and blue – Zac
I have two paintings, it’s got changed. It’s a butterfly. It happened because it’s got two wings – Ajeet
I’m doing a pattern. Can you do it with your finger? – Sami
Mine is a pattern too. Wow! Now mine’s a butterfly too. They are fairy wings – Joshua S.
It’s going to be a monster… let’s see what it is… it’s going to be a… a monster! See, I made a monster, not a butterfly – Charlie
It’s a butterfly, wings and a head – Noah
Wings… same because I fold it up - Deacon
A butterfly. I wrapped it up – Cooper
It keeps going the same – Deacon
Hey! I made two just like you! - Oliver
In our morning meeting Joshua S. suggested that the butterflies could be turned into kites, an idea which the group was very enthusiastic about! We attached string to the butterflies and took them outside to fly. The weather was windy and the kites flew very well. "My kite nearly went into the air" said Deacon. "It's a great day for flying kites" said Zac, "It's perfect weather" agreed Oliver.
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
Lemonade is still bubbling away in our class, thank you again for all the donations of lemons! We have also moved from paper planes to making model planes with clay. The children who have engaged in this activity have thought carefully and worked with each other to plan, design and make their planes. We have them on display in the classroom, so please take a minute to admire their creations. Flying along the same track, we have experimented with making O-gliders. We used paper strips and made different sized circles to stick onto a straw. Some of the O-gliders soared through the garden, others did loop-de-loops and some children tried sticking the circles in different spots to see how they would fly. We will continue to experiment with making various flying machines and if your child wishes to bring in some show and tell related to planes and flying, that would be fantastic!
Warm wishes,
Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue
Dear Edgerley Parents,
We have had a week of 3D construction. Everywhere you look in our classroom, children have been transforming 2D constructions into multi-level creations. We have been speaking about how to make creations that are “not flat”. Some of our highlights included Noah and Alan’s transparent money safe, Julian, Nicholas and Henry’s straw construction complete with moat, grass and sand and Dougal and Eddie’s attempts to create a 3D carpentry construction (not as easy as it looked!!!) We have also been very interested in numbers this week and we will combine these two interests to plot and graph our buildings next week. I wonder how many stories we will be able to create before our buildings topple!
Our final highlight for the week was watching our new bollards being installed on the corner of Parade West and the entrance to the College, cement mixers are sooooo exciting!
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
Congratulations Lao Shi
Dear Parents,
Our fantastic Chinese teacher, Kath House has been accepted to participate in a professional development opportunity in Beijing with the Confucius Institute. Whilst it will mean that there will be no Chinese classes on the 28th and 30th of June it is also a wonderful opportunity and we wish Kath a fantastic trip and all the benefits full immersion brings.
If you would like to support your child’s Chinese at home (or even learn a few words yourself!!) you may like to visit these free websites that Lao Shi has suggested.
www.genkichinese.com for practicing colours, numbers, fruit etc… and playing some Chinese games.
www.betterchinese.com by the company that produces the books we use in class
Our fantastic Chinese teacher, Kath House has been accepted to participate in a professional development opportunity in Beijing with the Confucius Institute. Whilst it will mean that there will be no Chinese classes on the 28th and 30th of June it is also a wonderful opportunity and we wish Kath a fantastic trip and all the benefits full immersion brings.
If you would like to support your child’s Chinese at home (or even learn a few words yourself!!) you may like to visit these free websites that Lao Shi has suggested.
www.genkichinese.com for practicing colours, numbers, fruit etc… and playing some Chinese games.
www.betterchinese.com by the company that produces the books we use in class
Friday, June 10, 2011
Enjoy Monday
Dear ELC Families,
dont forget that Monday is a public holiday and we will be closed. Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday
Have a great long weekend
The Staff of the ELC
dont forget that Monday is a public holiday and we will be closed. Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday
Have a great long weekend
The Staff of the ELC
In the Classrooms
Olivia brought in something very exciting to show us on Monday. Her chickens at home had been laying eggs and she brought in some to show us. We decided to crack one open and see what was inside;
“Uuumm a chicken” suggested Marcus,
“It’s a chicken” agreed Alyssa as we cracked it into the bowl.
The children all had a look at the cracked egg and agreed it was indeed a chicken…perhaps we’ll examine that a bit more closely next week!
We then decided to put the other egg in the microwave to see how it would change,
“It’s gonna make popcorn” suggested Olivia.
We put it in the microwave in some water and watched and listened as it went around and around. Next thing, there was an almighty bang! What had happened to our egg!?!
“Da egg went bang!” cried Izabella with excitement!
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley

Dear Mead Parents,
This week was full of mixing and concocting in the Mead Room! One experiment we tackled was yoghurt making (although the children didn't know what we were making at first).
First we added the white (yoghurt) powder to water. "It's turning pink"! Harry said enthusiastically as the powder changed colour once it hit the water.
"It's a milkshake" Gabe added.
Leon squealed with excitement as we took turns to shake the mixture and all had a smell to summise what flavour it was............"Smells like banana" Grace suggested.
"Strawberry" said Leon.
After leaving it to set overnight, the next day we sat in a circle and had a look at what changes had taken place.
"It's ice" Tommi suggested of the set yoghurt, "It looks like yoghurt" he added.
The children loved tasting the delicious yoghurt they had made.
"I wonder how it changed or what made it change from runny like a milkshake to yoghurt that sticks to the spoon?" Mrs McKenzie asked.
The children were a little unsure. Magic was suggested as a possibility.
"No" Harry stopped everyone, "Maybe the moon helped. It might have floated down through the ceiling and down here and helped" he decided.
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G

This week Sami's family very kindly gave us some miniature rubbish, recycling and green waste bins. The children were very excited about getting these and thought of lots of possibilities for their play. In our Morning Meeting we shared a big book called Where Does the Rubbish Go? and, before we started reading, the children told us their ideas...
"The rubbish bin" said Erin.
"Some rubbish on building sites goes in the skip and the rubbish truck takes it away to the garbage dump" said Oliver.
"In Toy Story 3 Woody gets put in the dump" said Charlie.
The book gave us information about landfill, recycling and composting. The children already knew a lot about recycling...
"They cracked them in half" said Sami, looking at picture of a huge pile of glass pieces.
"It’s bottles from other bottles" Noah told us when he saw the recycled plastic bottles picture.
"I live on a farm and I give the scraps to my pigs" explained Henry.
"When I lived on a farm I gave my scraps to the ducks and the chickens" said Erin.
We collected a large tray of different rubbish and recycling materials and the children carefully sorted them into their bins.
"I’m recycling paper and bottles" said Deacon.
"I’m recycling plastic" decided Charlie.
"This is the rubbish truck that collects the rubbish and dumps it on the land to make things grow like compost" explained Oliver.
"Plastic belongs in mine" said Charlie.
"I’m giving all the plastic to Charlie" said Deacon.
"Look how many I have… bottles and lids" said Ajeet.
"Compost ready!" said Oliver.
We hope they can help all their mums and dads put out the rubbish this week too!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan

The Chapple Class Lemonade Recipe:
1. Squeeze the lemons
2. Then sugar
3. Then stir it up, then ready
“It’s going to be all sour. You need to put sugar so it tastes like when you are making lollies” said Oliver
“It might taste like sour snakes” suggested Nicholas“It tastes sour lolly juice” said Oliver“That was delicious” exclaimed Lucas"Lemonade for sale....anyone want some lemonade" the children called out from their shop as everyone gathered around to try some.
We have had a lot of fun squeezing, mixing, and tasting delicious lemonade. We watched it bubble when we put the baking soda in and felt it change from a sour to a sweet taste when we added sugar. Thank you for the lemons and squeezers you have donated, the children have really enjoyed the experience!
The children have also enjoyed designing and making their own planes using not only paper but also clay. The children have been interested in magnets and have been exploring if they can attract magnets through wood, paper, plastic and water and some children have even tried to make their own magnets.
We have been chefs, artists and scientists all in one week!
Best wishes - Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue.
Dear Edgerley Parents,
This week we have been busy as authors creating our own books. We have always enjoyed illustrating our ideas and story lines but this week we have really taken off with experimental spelling. It has been fantastic to observe so many boys want to write in sentences to convey the meaning of their pictures. One book was even made up just of words “like a adults book, like one of them you know” said the author. We will continue to foster this interest next week by using the Too Publish program on our computer next week and we will begin to add labels to our letterland dictionary on our wall.
Happy reading
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
Olivia brought in something very exciting to show us on Monday. Her chickens at home had been laying eggs and she brought in some to show us. We decided to crack one open and see what was inside;
“Uuumm a chicken” suggested Marcus,
“It’s a chicken” agreed Alyssa as we cracked it into the bowl.
The children all had a look at the cracked egg and agreed it was indeed a chicken…perhaps we’ll examine that a bit more closely next week!
We then decided to put the other egg in the microwave to see how it would change,
“It’s gonna make popcorn” suggested Olivia.
We put it in the microwave in some water and watched and listened as it went around and around. Next thing, there was an almighty bang! What had happened to our egg!?!
“Da egg went bang!” cried Izabella with excitement!
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley
Dear Mead Parents,
This week was full of mixing and concocting in the Mead Room! One experiment we tackled was yoghurt making (although the children didn't know what we were making at first).
First we added the white (yoghurt) powder to water. "It's turning pink"! Harry said enthusiastically as the powder changed colour once it hit the water.
"It's a milkshake" Gabe added.
Leon squealed with excitement as we took turns to shake the mixture and all had a smell to summise what flavour it was............"Smells like banana" Grace suggested.
"Strawberry" said Leon.
After leaving it to set overnight, the next day we sat in a circle and had a look at what changes had taken place.
"It's ice" Tommi suggested of the set yoghurt, "It looks like yoghurt" he added.
The children loved tasting the delicious yoghurt they had made.
"I wonder how it changed or what made it change from runny like a milkshake to yoghurt that sticks to the spoon?" Mrs McKenzie asked.
The children were a little unsure. Magic was suggested as a possibility.
"No" Harry stopped everyone, "Maybe the moon helped. It might have floated down through the ceiling and down here and helped" he decided.
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
This week Sami's family very kindly gave us some miniature rubbish, recycling and green waste bins. The children were very excited about getting these and thought of lots of possibilities for their play. In our Morning Meeting we shared a big book called Where Does the Rubbish Go? and, before we started reading, the children told us their ideas...
"The rubbish bin" said Erin.
"Some rubbish on building sites goes in the skip and the rubbish truck takes it away to the garbage dump" said Oliver.
"In Toy Story 3 Woody gets put in the dump" said Charlie.
The book gave us information about landfill, recycling and composting. The children already knew a lot about recycling...
"They cracked them in half" said Sami, looking at picture of a huge pile of glass pieces.
"It’s bottles from other bottles" Noah told us when he saw the recycled plastic bottles picture.
"I live on a farm and I give the scraps to my pigs" explained Henry.
"When I lived on a farm I gave my scraps to the ducks and the chickens" said Erin.
We collected a large tray of different rubbish and recycling materials and the children carefully sorted them into their bins.
"I’m recycling paper and bottles" said Deacon.
"I’m recycling plastic" decided Charlie.
"This is the rubbish truck that collects the rubbish and dumps it on the land to make things grow like compost" explained Oliver.
"Plastic belongs in mine" said Charlie.
"I’m giving all the plastic to Charlie" said Deacon.
"Look how many I have… bottles and lids" said Ajeet.
"Compost ready!" said Oliver.
We hope they can help all their mums and dads put out the rubbish this week too!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
The Chapple Class Lemonade Recipe:
1. Squeeze the lemons
2. Then sugar
3. Then stir it up, then ready
“It’s going to be all sour. You need to put sugar so it tastes like when you are making lollies” said Oliver
“It might taste like sour snakes” suggested Nicholas“It tastes sour lolly juice” said Oliver“That was delicious” exclaimed Lucas"Lemonade for sale....anyone want some lemonade" the children called out from their shop as everyone gathered around to try some.
We have had a lot of fun squeezing, mixing, and tasting delicious lemonade. We watched it bubble when we put the baking soda in and felt it change from a sour to a sweet taste when we added sugar. Thank you for the lemons and squeezers you have donated, the children have really enjoyed the experience!
The children have also enjoyed designing and making their own planes using not only paper but also clay. The children have been interested in magnets and have been exploring if they can attract magnets through wood, paper, plastic and water and some children have even tried to make their own magnets.
We have been chefs, artists and scientists all in one week!
Best wishes - Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue.
Dear Edgerley Parents,
This week we have been busy as authors creating our own books. We have always enjoyed illustrating our ideas and story lines but this week we have really taken off with experimental spelling. It has been fantastic to observe so many boys want to write in sentences to convey the meaning of their pictures. One book was even made up just of words “like a adults book, like one of them you know” said the author. We will continue to foster this interest next week by using the Too Publish program on our computer next week and we will begin to add labels to our letterland dictionary on our wall.
Happy reading
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
Inflatable Soccer
A big thankyou goes out to Noah’s Dad, Tony, who put together our brand new garden bench seat and table. The Chapple and Edgerley boys really enjoyed watching and giving advice as the table took shape. Noah was a wonderful help with the hammer.
“Noah, your Dad is the best because he is sooooo clever!” said Francesco as he watched Tony decipher the instruction sheet.
Thanks again
The children of the ELC
“Noah, your Dad is the best because he is sooooo clever!” said Francesco as he watched Tony decipher the instruction sheet.
Thanks again
The children of the ELC
Health Issues
Dear Parents ,
We still have reports of some cases of headlice so please check your children thoroughly and treat them if necessary. There has also been some conjunctivitis around which if not treated can spread very rapidly . If your child has red eyes, with or without discharge, they may have conjunctivitis. They cannot attend the centre and need to be seen by a doctor.
There are also lots of coughs and colds which of course is typical at this time of the year. If your child is not able to cope with our normal day's activities or has lots of nasal discharge then we would ask that you keep them at home to rest and avoid spreading the germs to others.
Thanks for your help
We still have reports of some cases of headlice so please check your children thoroughly and treat them if necessary. There has also been some conjunctivitis around which if not treated can spread very rapidly . If your child has red eyes, with or without discharge, they may have conjunctivitis. They cannot attend the centre and need to be seen by a doctor.
There are also lots of coughs and colds which of course is typical at this time of the year. If your child is not able to cope with our normal day's activities or has lots of nasal discharge then we would ask that you keep them at home to rest and avoid spreading the germs to others.
Thanks for your help
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
School Holidays
Dear Parents ,
Holidays are now only a few weeks away and we need to know how many children will be attending to ensure we have enough staff here. The teachers will be on leave from Monday 4th July and return on Tuesday 26th July. If your child will be away for any days during this period please mark the booking sheet in their room accordingly by putting a cross through the day that they would normally attend and will be away.
Thankyou for your help
Holidays are now only a few weeks away and we need to know how many children will be attending to ensure we have enough staff here. The teachers will be on leave from Monday 4th July and return on Tuesday 26th July. If your child will be away for any days during this period please mark the booking sheet in their room accordingly by putting a cross through the day that they would normally attend and will be away.
Thankyou for your help
Friday, June 3, 2011
Bottle and Plate Night
What can we say but WOW!!! What a great night was had by all (and a couple of fantastic bargains snaffled as well!) Thankyou for the wonderful organisation by the ELC reps and congratulations to all the auction winners, particularly those who went home with the beautiful art work produced by the children. Over $2000 was raised on the night and we can’t wait to speak with the children about what special item they would like added to the centre.
Without a doubt a very enjoyable night, we are really hoping to see you all there again next year!!
Without a doubt a very enjoyable night, we are really hoping to see you all there again next year!!
In the Classrooms
Dear Langley families,
Last week when Chanel came to school she was keen to share some new information with us;
“When you mix blue with yellow, it makes green” she told us excitedly. Stemming from this interest, we decided to mix a range of different colours together to see how they change;
“It goes into green” Alec told us, “aaawww, now its red” he continued as he added more colours
“Red, blue and yellow” Toby observed
“How did you turn it into that?” asked Alyssa
“I can make blue, a little bit of yellow and it makes green” said Sebastian R
“Gween (green) and yellow” said Izabella.
We look forward to more exploration and observing changes in the following weeks!
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley

Dear Mead Parents,
There was great curiosity in the Mead Room as we sat in a circle around a coconut.
"First we need a knife and a chopping board" Jack J suggested.
"Coconuts are so hard" Jack O said.
"We need a juicer" Owen told us, as a suggestion for getting the coconut milk out.
"But it's too big! We can't fit it in there" (the juicer) Charlie pointed out!
We began to hypothesise over how to open the coconut and what might be inside..........
Jack J suggested we could tap it.
Oliver suggested we could throw it.
Henry agreed with Oliver but thought we would need to throw it "outside, really, really high"!
Tommi suddenly said, "I have an idea. We could use a big saw to open it".
Once the thought of tools had been planted.........Oliver said "Maybe we can use a lour hammer and bang it open!"
We had a try at all the suggestions (taking caution!).
Finally there was a loud applause. "The hammer is working!" the children called out.
"What's inside - is it water?" Tommi asked curiously.
"Yep, water" Gabe confirmed.
"No, it's milk. Coconut milk" Jack O corrected.
Those who were willing had a taste of the coconut milk.
"It doesn't taste very good" Jack J said, srinkling up his face and poking out his tongue!
"First there was a crack. Then a bigger crack" Jack O summarised.
"Then it opened up" Oliver concluded.
"And then it tasted yucko!!" Tommi added
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G

The Cooper children created a cafe in our classroom this week and showed off their barista skills as they made the mums, dads and teachers lots of cups of coffee. This provoked much sharing of knowledge about coffee and how it is made, and we thought this was an interesting direction in our Changing States exploration.
I saw a coffee machine at the coffee shop – Oliver
You press the buttons – Aidan
You just put hot water in it, you put some brown salt in it and you mix it and it’s coffee – Marco
They put it in a machine, it comes out, you drink it – Cooper
Only mums. We just do it at home. We had a coffee machine. We just press the white button. It makes noises. Mummy drinks the coffee up – Chester
They put water in and then the machine goes really fast, then it turns into coffee – Alex
I’ve been to Cibo once. They put sugar in, they mix it and then they give it to somebody – Noah
I went with all the mums and my mum. The coffee people make it. You need some black stuff, then you mix it up and it’s coffee – Joshua S.
Nonno’s got a coffee machine. He likes milk in it and Nonna likes sugar in hers – sometimes she has it in bed. He gets the cup underneath and he pushes the button, then the coffee goes and then it’s ready and that’s how Nonno does it - Deacon
The children worked with Miss Sandow to construct a coffee machine out of boxes for their pretend play and we got to try some of their barista specialities including, banana vienno, cup of cino and boost fizz! Yum!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
Dear Langley families,
Last week when Chanel came to school she was keen to share some new information with us;
“When you mix blue with yellow, it makes green” she told us excitedly. Stemming from this interest, we decided to mix a range of different colours together to see how they change;
“It goes into green” Alec told us, “aaawww, now its red” he continued as he added more colours
“Red, blue and yellow” Toby observed
“How did you turn it into that?” asked Alyssa
“I can make blue, a little bit of yellow and it makes green” said Sebastian R
“Gween (green) and yellow” said Izabella.
We look forward to more exploration and observing changes in the following weeks!
Kind regards,
Jess, Kerry, Jennifer and Hayley
Dear Mead Parents,
There was great curiosity in the Mead Room as we sat in a circle around a coconut.
"First we need a knife and a chopping board" Jack J suggested.
"Coconuts are so hard" Jack O said.
"We need a juicer" Owen told us, as a suggestion for getting the coconut milk out.
"But it's too big! We can't fit it in there" (the juicer) Charlie pointed out!
We began to hypothesise over how to open the coconut and what might be inside..........
Jack J suggested we could tap it.
Oliver suggested we could throw it.
Henry agreed with Oliver but thought we would need to throw it "outside, really, really high"!
Tommi suddenly said, "I have an idea. We could use a big saw to open it".
Once the thought of tools had been planted.........Oliver said "Maybe we can use a lour hammer and bang it open!"
We had a try at all the suggestions (taking caution!).
Finally there was a loud applause. "The hammer is working!" the children called out.
"What's inside - is it water?" Tommi asked curiously.
"Yep, water" Gabe confirmed.
"No, it's milk. Coconut milk" Jack O corrected.
Those who were willing had a taste of the coconut milk.
"It doesn't taste very good" Jack J said, srinkling up his face and poking out his tongue!
"First there was a crack. Then a bigger crack" Jack O summarised.
"Then it opened up" Oliver concluded.
"And then it tasted yucko!!" Tommi added
Best wishes,
Emma M, Susan and Emma G
The Cooper children created a cafe in our classroom this week and showed off their barista skills as they made the mums, dads and teachers lots of cups of coffee. This provoked much sharing of knowledge about coffee and how it is made, and we thought this was an interesting direction in our Changing States exploration.
I saw a coffee machine at the coffee shop – Oliver
You press the buttons – Aidan
You just put hot water in it, you put some brown salt in it and you mix it and it’s coffee – Marco
They put it in a machine, it comes out, you drink it – Cooper
Only mums. We just do it at home. We had a coffee machine. We just press the white button. It makes noises. Mummy drinks the coffee up – Chester
They put water in and then the machine goes really fast, then it turns into coffee – Alex
I’ve been to Cibo once. They put sugar in, they mix it and then they give it to somebody – Noah
I went with all the mums and my mum. The coffee people make it. You need some black stuff, then you mix it up and it’s coffee – Joshua S.
Nonno’s got a coffee machine. He likes milk in it and Nonna likes sugar in hers – sometimes she has it in bed. He gets the cup underneath and he pushes the button, then the coffee goes and then it’s ready and that’s how Nonno does it - Deacon
The children worked with Miss Sandow to construct a coffee machine out of boxes for their pretend play and we got to try some of their barista specialities including, banana vienno, cup of cino and boost fizz! Yum!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
This week we have enjoyed making flip books and drawing about things that change.
"This is a seed down in the ground and then turn into a pumpkin and someone eat the pumpkin" said Jazz about his flipbook.
"The rain came, then then man go through here and can't get wet. Then he got a happy face" said Tyson.
"It's a black part, then it turns red into a strawberry. It's how a strawberry grows" expained Ashraf about the pictures in his flip book.
We have also made different shaped bubble wands and tried them out to see how the bubbles changed shape and the children have explored playing at the big boys playground...some of the children have already managed to get to the top of the spider web! Keep the interesting show and tells coming, they have sparked a lot of interesting conversations in our class...including one leading to deciding to make our own lemonade stall next week. So if you have a juice press or a lemon tree, any donations would be fantastic!
Best wishes, Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue

Dear Edgerley Parents,
We have been busy making sense of our complex world, from the mouth of babes!
“That looks a bit like kaffiti (graffiti) that baddies do” said Eddie as he passed the children illustrating with chalk on the pavement.
“What is graffiti? How is it not the same as art?” asked the Teacher
“Kaffiti is , well, let me tell you, kaffiti is where at night time the baddies come to the school and draw on the wall. And when you don’t draw on the wall that’s not (graffiti)” he explained
“But can graffiti be nice like art?” asked the Teacher
“Yeah! But they are still baddies. You know it’s like when the mums buy new shoes and then they don’t want them anymore and they throw them up on the strings” said Eddie, describing the pairs of shoes he had observed hanging from the overhead power lines on the way to school.
“Why don’t the mums like them anymore?” the Teacher enquired
“No, it’s not the mums that put them up there. The mums buy them for the baddies and the baddies don’t even want them anymore and put them up there and then they got to get the ladder and climb up there and put their hand on the strings and they get electric and ya might die!” Eddie explained further, “Do ya want me to show ya?”
Eddie jumped up and took a piece of white chalk. He began by illustrating his understanding of graffiti, drawing a school with some drawing on the side.
“I like gaffiti.” said Jamison, observing Eddie’s picture and adding to the conversation, “ I don’t like it ‘cause baddies do it, I just like it. Because you can draw stuff that you like but you can only do it on a wall of a person if they asked you ‘cause if you do it and you’re not allowed the police will come and chase ya. They put you in jail. Kids can go in jail you know!” he exclaimed
“I’ll do some too” and he busily set to work with coloured chalk on the pavement.
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
This week we have enjoyed making flip books and drawing about things that change.
"This is a seed down in the ground and then turn into a pumpkin and someone eat the pumpkin" said Jazz about his flipbook.
"The rain came, then then man go through here and can't get wet. Then he got a happy face" said Tyson.
"It's a black part, then it turns red into a strawberry. It's how a strawberry grows" expained Ashraf about the pictures in his flip book.
We have also made different shaped bubble wands and tried them out to see how the bubbles changed shape and the children have explored playing at the big boys playground...some of the children have already managed to get to the top of the spider web! Keep the interesting show and tells coming, they have sparked a lot of interesting conversations in our class...including one leading to deciding to make our own lemonade stall next week. So if you have a juice press or a lemon tree, any donations would be fantastic!
Best wishes, Suria, Sinead, Rachel and Sue
Dear Edgerley Parents,
We have been busy making sense of our complex world, from the mouth of babes!
“That looks a bit like kaffiti (graffiti) that baddies do” said Eddie as he passed the children illustrating with chalk on the pavement.
“What is graffiti? How is it not the same as art?” asked the Teacher
“Kaffiti is , well, let me tell you, kaffiti is where at night time the baddies come to the school and draw on the wall. And when you don’t draw on the wall that’s not (graffiti)” he explained
“But can graffiti be nice like art?” asked the Teacher
“Yeah! But they are still baddies. You know it’s like when the mums buy new shoes and then they don’t want them anymore and they throw them up on the strings” said Eddie, describing the pairs of shoes he had observed hanging from the overhead power lines on the way to school.
“Why don’t the mums like them anymore?” the Teacher enquired
“No, it’s not the mums that put them up there. The mums buy them for the baddies and the baddies don’t even want them anymore and put them up there and then they got to get the ladder and climb up there and put their hand on the strings and they get electric and ya might die!” Eddie explained further, “Do ya want me to show ya?”
Eddie jumped up and took a piece of white chalk. He began by illustrating his understanding of graffiti, drawing a school with some drawing on the side.
“I like gaffiti.” said Jamison, observing Eddie’s picture and adding to the conversation, “ I don’t like it ‘cause baddies do it, I just like it. Because you can draw stuff that you like but you can only do it on a wall of a person if they asked you ‘cause if you do it and you’re not allowed the police will come and chase ya. They put you in jail. Kids can go in jail you know!” he exclaimed
“I’ll do some too” and he busily set to work with coloured chalk on the pavement.
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
Morning Routines
Dear Parents,
If you are arriving with your child before 8.15am in the morning please ensure that you take your child directly to the Langley Room. It has been noted that a growing number of parents have been leaving their children in their classroom without a teacher present. If you choose to leave your child with another parent staff cannot take responsibility or assist with your enquires if an accident should happen.
Thankyou for your support
ELC Staff
If you are arriving with your child before 8.15am in the morning please ensure that you take your child directly to the Langley Room. It has been noted that a growing number of parents have been leaving their children in their classroom without a teacher present. If you choose to leave your child with another parent staff cannot take responsibility or assist with your enquires if an accident should happen.
Thankyou for your support
ELC Staff
Fund Raising News
Dear Mums,
Our pigs have finally been counted and we are proud to announce that the Princesses Tea Party raised $378 for breast cancer research. Thankyou all for your generosity
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
Dear Parents,
We hope you managed to get your bulbs in the ground and that soon you will be able to enjoy a beautiful flower display. The profits of from the sale of the bulbs will soon be channelled into some changes in the secret garden, keep your eyes peeled for our new bench seat to house our basket balls, and excitingly, our new basketball ring. A huge thanks must go to the ELC reps for supporting our basketball stars of the future!
Thanks again
ELC Staff
Our pigs have finally been counted and we are proud to announce that the Princesses Tea Party raised $378 for breast cancer research. Thankyou all for your generosity
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
Dear Parents,
We hope you managed to get your bulbs in the ground and that soon you will be able to enjoy a beautiful flower display. The profits of from the sale of the bulbs will soon be channelled into some changes in the secret garden, keep your eyes peeled for our new bench seat to house our basket balls, and excitingly, our new basketball ring. A huge thanks must go to the ELC reps for supporting our basketball stars of the future!
Thanks again
ELC Staff
Edgerley and Cooper rooms
Next term Miss Sandow will move with the Cooper children up to Edgerley and Mrs Nacca will move to Cooper room . They will stay with these classes for the next 12 months. Mrs Bishop and Mrs Blake will remain in their current rooms.
Edgerley Families
Dear Edgerley families,
As the end of your time with us is fast approching (now that we are in June) could you please let me know what date your child will officially finish at the centre. The last day of term is July 1st but the boys are welcome to stay until school starts on July 26th if you need care for them . They are also eligible to use the school's OSHC program, now that they are 5, if you prefer or just need odd days rather than their normal weekly booking here. OSHC schedules have been placed in children's pigeon holes and it is important to get in quick if you would like spot.
As the end of your time with us is fast approching (now that we are in June) could you please let me know what date your child will officially finish at the centre. The last day of term is July 1st but the boys are welcome to stay until school starts on July 26th if you need care for them . They are also eligible to use the school's OSHC program, now that they are 5, if you prefer or just need odd days rather than their normal weekly booking here. OSHC schedules have been placed in children's pigeon holes and it is important to get in quick if you would like spot.
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