During our lunch time discussions this week, Sebastian R has been telling us about the miners.
“Da men are stuck in da mine” he said.
“What happened?” asked the Teacher.
“Da big rocks went all over da place and covered dem” he explained, “dey send in a robot” he continued.
“Why?” asked the Teacher.
“To see if they ok” he told everybody.
“Where did this happen?” questioned the Teacher.
“In Mew Zealum” Sebastian responded.
We have set up a sand tray in the classroom for the children to explore this further. Tommi suggested “maybe my Mummy and my Daddy and I can get on a plane and wescue them”.
“We might need a hospital car” suggested Jack O “woo, woo, woo” he added as he got a red car.
It’s amazing how globally minded our two and three year old children can be!
Kind regards,Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
If anyone needs a new hair do........come to the Mead Room Salon! We have many an experienced hairdresser ready to transform you. Our salon opened in response to one of our classroom members who hadn't had a haircut for a long time. He had some reservations and concerns over what actually might happen to his hair at the hands of a hairdresser wielding a pair of sharp scissors around! After his visit, and a very handsome and groomed haircut, we decided to open our very own Salon to assure all the Mead Room clients that Hairdressing Salons are enjoyable places. The children have become quite adept at using the tools of the trade and meeting the customers needs.
"Can you put it on me please?" Daniel asked Ashraf as he passed him a clip.
"Does it hurt?" Ashraf asked, with real concern, as he clipped it onto Daniel's hair.
"I'm just making you into Mary" Ashraf added.
"No, I want to be Daniel!" Daniel explained.
"Daniel Black?" Ashraf enquired.
"No, Daniel Hope" Daniel confirmed.
Best wishes,
Emma, Emma and Susan
The hot weather early in the week gave us the opportunity to participate in some wet sand play. Not only was this a great way to keep cool but an interesting sensory, scientific and social experience. The children loved being sprayed with the hose while we wet down the sandpit and noticed lots of differences in the very dry sand compared to the wet muddy sand. Oliver and Sami played "machinery" with the trucks, tipping, pouring, loading and driving and discussed their work...
“We need to put more sand in it” said Oliver.
“I’m filling it” replied Sami.
“Wanna come back now we got more filling?” asked Oliver.
“I need more sand” exclaimed Sami.
“Well, tip it up and come back here, I got another job to do” said Oliver.
It sounded like a real construction site! Meanwhile at the indoor sandpit, Deacon, Sienna and Chester were busy baking a big cake for a birthday party. They mixed and squashed the wet sand in a big pot, then iced it with the dry sand. At the sand tray the children poured big buckets of water over the sand, mixed and raked it and then farm animal toys splashed and rolled in the mud and water because they needed to keep cool too. Although we went home very messy, we stayed lovely and cool and had lots of fun!
Kind regards,
Ali and Susan
What a busy week we have had in Chapple! Transitions have continued this week with a visit to the uniform shop to learn about what to wear in the Prep School. We also visited the Reception classroom again where Mrs Burford and Mrs Leeson read us stories and we practised some songs.
Congratulations must go to Regan who became the first child to lose a tooth in Chapple! The children have been very interested in why we lose teeth and where our old teeth go.
Max thought ‘Money is too big for the tooth fairy to hold!”
Katie solved this problem by announcing “No, but they have magic!”
We have also read a tooth story and will continue with our investigations into the world of dentistry next week.
Thankyou to Cheryl (Lloyd’s Mum) who came to our ELC this week to read La Petite Poule Rousse, please see our display to find out what the title is in English!
Thankyou also to Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Lock for stepping in and having a fun week with us. We loved seeing you again.
Eleanor, Susan and Emma.
What an active week we had in Edgerley this week, with so much activity happening outside of our classroom doors. At the start of the week we enjoyed PE in the gym where Mr Weatherald had set up an obstacle course, Charlie wowed us all with his big enthusiastic jumps from the trampet onto the crash mat! The following day Groundsman Tas arrived to cement our birdhouse, that we had made with Hugo’s Dad, into the secret garden. We learned the difference between cement and concrete and watched as Tas dug a really big hole with a post hole digger…it was cool! The following day Hugo brought some wild bird seed to school and that was lucky because our Eastern Rosellas reappeared and they were hungry, we watched but they are a bit shy and only wanted lunch when we weren’t watching. We had a wonderful time during the hot weather playing with water in the sandpit and at our water feature in the shade…we got soaked! It was great! Later in the week the clouds covered the playground and it rained so the Edgerley boys concentrated on practicing cartwheels in the sandpit. Lachlan Fleet showed the way and showered us all with sand! In the breakout space we took turns taking on the roles in the Nativity and enacted some wonderful variations on the original. Mrs Bishop’s favourite was when one of the kings carried donkey Aadi to Bethlehem because the donkey was tired!
Inside the classroom we busied ourselves with Christmas preparation creating some gifts for our mums and dads, shhhhh don’t tell!
We can’t wait to see what next week brings!
Kind regards
Mel and Rosalie