I have two size 4 Polo shirts and two hats for sale. If anyone is interested please see me
Princes ELC
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Holiday Program
The program for the upcoming holidays is now displayed in the walkway area opposite the first double doors. Please check what the staff have planned as there may be some special items that your child needs to bring or wear or certain days,
Chapple Room Art
Could all Chapple parents please collect their children's wonderful art work from outside the classroom
Friday, March 26, 2010
In the Classrooms
The Langley children have been very excited about the ten baby chicks that have hatched out of our eggs. We have been visiting them in small groups this week where we have been doing observational drawings of them. Some children have even been brave enough to have a hold or a pat! We were also very lucky to have our Grandies come and visit us this week. It was lovely to be able to show them all the wonderful work we have been doing this year and sing them our special song that we have been practicing. Some of our children wore orange to kindergarten on Tuesday as we celebrated Harmony Day. We have been creating paper people chains using paint and collage materials and continue to talk to the children about the importance of caring for our friends and family.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We celebrated our Grandies and how much they mean to us this Wednesday. Our special Grandies came in to our centre and listened to us as we sang 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', a Chinese colour song, and a special surprise Grandies Song.
We then spent time together looking around our classrooms, outside areas and at our wonderful art exhibition. It was a very memorable day.
Best Wishes,
Emma, Susan and Penny
On Tuesday the ELC children celebrated Harmony Day with the Junior Primary. Many came in orange and looked fantastic! The children made orange pinwheels as part of the celebration and we joined in the older children's chapel service where we heard about the meaning of harmony and the reason for the day. (However, we may need to further clarify this as one of the children was heard to ask, "When do we get to eat the honey for Honey Day?"!!) We also listened to the older boys singing, which received a round of applause from some of the Cooper children! Finally we all joined together for a photo of everyone in their orange. This was a lovely chance for the two parts of the school to get together and the Cooper boys enjoyed being a part of such a big event... even without the honey!
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
We have had another fun week with the chickens. Having them so close to us has enabled us to paint, draw and observe the chicks as they have grown and changed. It was great being able to hold them and touch them, even if some of us were a little scared. We have also had a busy week with Harmony Day and Grandies Day. It was lovely having our Grandies come to see our amazing art work, and the children valued being able to show these very important people proudly around the centre. The Grandies were very generous and all but two books were purchased to go into our library! We are looking forward to the Easter Bonnet parade and the egg hunt next week.
Thank you for a wonderful term.
Have a lovely Easter!
Alexandra and Juliana
Wow, what a wonderful week! We really enjoyed having the grandies in our Kindy.
“I really liked having the grandies yesterday” said Ethan the following day
“We could have them in our kindy again” said Henry
“Yeah, ‘cause they were fun” added William
We hope to see lots more of you, thankyou for coming to our special day.
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie.JPG)
The Langley children have been very excited about the ten baby chicks that have hatched out of our eggs. We have been visiting them in small groups this week where we have been doing observational drawings of them. Some children have even been brave enough to have a hold or a pat! We were also very lucky to have our Grandies come and visit us this week. It was lovely to be able to show them all the wonderful work we have been doing this year and sing them our special song that we have been practicing. Some of our children wore orange to kindergarten on Tuesday as we celebrated Harmony Day. We have been creating paper people chains using paint and collage materials and continue to talk to the children about the importance of caring for our friends and family.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We celebrated our Grandies and how much they mean to us this Wednesday. Our special Grandies came in to our centre and listened to us as we sang 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', a Chinese colour song, and a special surprise Grandies Song.
We then spent time together looking around our classrooms, outside areas and at our wonderful art exhibition. It was a very memorable day.
Best Wishes,
Emma, Susan and Penny
On Tuesday the ELC children celebrated Harmony Day with the Junior Primary. Many came in orange and looked fantastic! The children made orange pinwheels as part of the celebration and we joined in the older children's chapel service where we heard about the meaning of harmony and the reason for the day. (However, we may need to further clarify this as one of the children was heard to ask, "When do we get to eat the honey for Honey Day?"!!) We also listened to the older boys singing, which received a round of applause from some of the Cooper children! Finally we all joined together for a photo of everyone in their orange. This was a lovely chance for the two parts of the school to get together and the Cooper boys enjoyed being a part of such a big event... even without the honey!
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
We have had another fun week with the chickens. Having them so close to us has enabled us to paint, draw and observe the chicks as they have grown and changed. It was great being able to hold them and touch them, even if some of us were a little scared. We have also had a busy week with Harmony Day and Grandies Day. It was lovely having our Grandies come to see our amazing art work, and the children valued being able to show these very important people proudly around the centre. The Grandies were very generous and all but two books were purchased to go into our library! We are looking forward to the Easter Bonnet parade and the egg hunt next week.
Thank you for a wonderful term.
Have a lovely Easter!
Alexandra and Juliana
Wow, what a wonderful week! We really enjoyed having the grandies in our Kindy.
“I really liked having the grandies yesterday” said Ethan the following day
“We could have them in our kindy again” said Henry
“Yeah, ‘cause they were fun” added William
We hope to see lots more of you, thankyou for coming to our special day.
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
Car Park Entry
Dear Parents,
We have growing concerns about the entry into the Kindergarten car park on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. On these days children are leaving the centre and crossing the driveway just before 9.00am to go to the prep school for PE or Library classes. We have had some close calls with late parents attempting to enter the car park whilst students are crossing the driveway. We do actively teach children about looking before they cross roads but some parents are entering the car park at such a speed that children cannot anticipate the traffic. If you are arriving on one of these mornings after 8.45am please enter the Kindergarten car park with caution and our young students’ safety in mind.
Early Learning Centre Staff
We have growing concerns about the entry into the Kindergarten car park on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. On these days children are leaving the centre and crossing the driveway just before 9.00am to go to the prep school for PE or Library classes. We have had some close calls with late parents attempting to enter the car park whilst students are crossing the driveway. We do actively teach children about looking before they cross roads but some parents are entering the car park at such a speed that children cannot anticipate the traffic. If you are arriving on one of these mornings after 8.45am please enter the Kindergarten car park with caution and our young students’ safety in mind.
Early Learning Centre Staff
Shoeboxes of Love
Dear Parents,
We have begun our ELC fundraiser Operation Christmas Child. We seek your support to create care packages to give hope to children caught in the midst of war, famine, natural disasters and extreme poverty….a simple gift to show them they have not been forgotten.
Over consecutive months we will be collecting donations to allow each child in the ELC to carefully pack a special care package (shoebox) to send to either a girl or boy.
This month while you are out and about with your children please help them select something which links to our focus something for school. The donations must be unused, good quality and appropriate for young children. Please pass this to your child’s classroom teacher (there are some ideas just before you enter the centre)
Looking forward to your support
ELC Staff
We have begun our ELC fundraiser Operation Christmas Child. We seek your support to create care packages to give hope to children caught in the midst of war, famine, natural disasters and extreme poverty….a simple gift to show them they have not been forgotten.
Over consecutive months we will be collecting donations to allow each child in the ELC to carefully pack a special care package (shoebox) to send to either a girl or boy.
This month while you are out and about with your children please help them select something which links to our focus something for school. The donations must be unused, good quality and appropriate for young children. Please pass this to your child’s classroom teacher (there are some ideas just before you enter the centre)
Looking forward to your support
ELC Staff
Easter Bonnet Parade
Dear Parents of Wednesday students only,
We hope you are enjoying your home project with your child and look forward to seeing the wonderful bonnets you have been creating. Our Parade has been scheduled at 11.00am for those parents who wish to attend and take photos
Mel Bishop
We hope you are enjoying your home project with your child and look forward to seeing the wonderful bonnets you have been creating. Our Parade has been scheduled at 11.00am for those parents who wish to attend and take photos
Mel Bishop
Grandies Day
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou to all the grandmas, grandpas (and great grandmas!!!) who attended our first ELC only Grandies Day. The children had a wonderful morning and were talking about it days after. It was very special to have you all in our environment. We would also like to thank you for your wonderful response to our book sale. Thankyou to you our children have 76 wonderful new books to share amongst the classes.
A big vote of thanks must go to out parent helpers, Irene, Christine, Karli, Karen, Tabytha and Vanessa. I would also like to thank classroom teachers Ali Blake, Emma McKenzie, Susan Lock, Jess Catt and Alex Marcus for the large amount of work they put into preparing for the day, both with and without the children. And a specific thankyou must go to Mrs Emma McKenzie for organising and coordinating the entire morning.
Thanks again
Mel Bishop
A big vote of thanks must go to out parent helpers, Irene, Christine, Karli, Karen, Tabytha and Vanessa. I would also like to thank classroom teachers Ali Blake, Emma McKenzie, Susan Lock, Jess Catt and Alex Marcus for the large amount of work they put into preparing for the day, both with and without the children. And a specific thankyou must go to Mrs Emma McKenzie for organising and coordinating the entire morning.
Thanks again
Mel Bishop
Mead Room Staffing
We are sad to announce that Mrs Penny White will be leaving us and moving on to Wilderness School. Penny will be taking up a teaching position at Wilderness Early Learning Centre and her last day with us will be April 14th. Penny has been part of our initial team in the ELC and has put a lot of effort into helping us become established first in the Langley room and then in the Mead room this last term. We know that you will join us in wishing her all the best with her teaching career ! We will inform you as soon as we have appointed someone to take her place,
Saturday, March 20, 2010
In the Classrooms
Langley has come alive this week as we introduced our spiny leaf insects, a caterpillar chrysalis and our living eggs. There was much discussion about what was going to come out of the eggs; maybe chickens, maybe ducks, maybe other eggs or lizards! We also explored Aboriginal bark paintings and have created our own dot paintings on bark that we collected from the school. We are looking forward to out Grandies Day celebrations next week, please make sure you RSVP to Julie to let us know how many grandies will be attending.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We have been fascinated watching our living eggs develop this week.
'I saw the chickies' said Jade excitedly as she entered the classroom.
'Some of them have got fluff' Jesse replied.
'They cracked and they're sleeping now' Charlie told everyone.
'I saw the little baby chicks. The other ones didn't get out' Ryan added.
'They drink water' Jade and Nicholas told us.
'People drink water too' Ryan added.
'Yes, and humans drink milk too' Henry contributed.
'And we eat chocolate' Jade clarified!
'I think the mummy and daddy bringed them the food' Jesse said as he looked at the bird seed.
Best Wishes,
Emma, Susan and Penny
This week the Cooper collage table has been inspired by The Snail by Henri Matisse. The children have examined this cut-out paper artwork, the shapes and colours used in it and thought about what they could see in the picture. We also watched a computer animation on the Tate Gallery website which showed how the snail was formed around a spiral shape and how the colours were used. The boys then made their own collage artworks, practising their scissor skills as they cut up the colourful paper and arranged these to make bright pictures. Each picture had its own very individual story to go with it, which told us a lot about the children's many and varied interests. Julian carefully made his picture, saying as he worked, "That could be the fishy going under the bridge. That big bit is the road and that is the fish net." Please take the time to look at the bright brilliant works on display in the Cooper Room next time you are in.
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
Our excursion to the Art Gallery was a wonderful success. It was a hot walk into the city, however it was a lovely relief to be in the cool gallery, viewing the many masterpieces. The most interest came from the pieces in the Contemporary collection. The main feature, Big Mother, created a lot of intrigue and discussion. Many of the children were also particularly interested in Woman With Laundry Basket, and after the excursion we painted this picture.
Luke- ‘I liked the lady holding the washing because I like helping Mummy with the washing.’
Hamish- ‘I liked the washing machine. It had a washing basket, she was holding. There was a box at the bottom and I like boxes and orange is my favourite colour.’
We also explored the AGSA website, and enjoyed the interactive games that can be played, and created our own galleries. If you have time at home, the children have really enjoyed investigating art works on this site, http://www.artgallery.sa.gov.au/.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed eggs for the P&F raffle. Please keep them coming.
Alexandra and Juliana
What a fantastic trip we had to the Art Gallery this week. We were wonderful walkers, not complaining once. When we arrived at the Art Gallery the children behaved wonderfully and we were very proud of them. They particularly enjoyed the circle of black birds, Chuffing Around. Perhaps they were looking for food, playing follow the leader, getting ready to fly or playing duck duck goose?? We were so interested in talking about the stories we saw in the paintings we almost ran out of time. Perhaps some mums and dads would like to take us back on the weekend to discover some more stories?
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie.JPG)
Langley has come alive this week as we introduced our spiny leaf insects, a caterpillar chrysalis and our living eggs. There was much discussion about what was going to come out of the eggs; maybe chickens, maybe ducks, maybe other eggs or lizards! We also explored Aboriginal bark paintings and have created our own dot paintings on bark that we collected from the school. We are looking forward to out Grandies Day celebrations next week, please make sure you RSVP to Julie to let us know how many grandies will be attending.
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents,
We have been fascinated watching our living eggs develop this week.
'I saw the chickies' said Jade excitedly as she entered the classroom.
'Some of them have got fluff' Jesse replied.
'They cracked and they're sleeping now' Charlie told everyone.
'I saw the little baby chicks. The other ones didn't get out' Ryan added.
'They drink water' Jade and Nicholas told us.
'People drink water too' Ryan added.
'Yes, and humans drink milk too' Henry contributed.
'And we eat chocolate' Jade clarified!
'I think the mummy and daddy bringed them the food' Jesse said as he looked at the bird seed.
Best Wishes,
Emma, Susan and Penny
This week the Cooper collage table has been inspired by The Snail by Henri Matisse. The children have examined this cut-out paper artwork, the shapes and colours used in it and thought about what they could see in the picture. We also watched a computer animation on the Tate Gallery website which showed how the snail was formed around a spiral shape and how the colours were used. The boys then made their own collage artworks, practising their scissor skills as they cut up the colourful paper and arranged these to make bright pictures. Each picture had its own very individual story to go with it, which told us a lot about the children's many and varied interests. Julian carefully made his picture, saying as he worked, "That could be the fishy going under the bridge. That big bit is the road and that is the fish net." Please take the time to look at the bright brilliant works on display in the Cooper Room next time you are in.
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
Our excursion to the Art Gallery was a wonderful success. It was a hot walk into the city, however it was a lovely relief to be in the cool gallery, viewing the many masterpieces. The most interest came from the pieces in the Contemporary collection. The main feature, Big Mother, created a lot of intrigue and discussion. Many of the children were also particularly interested in Woman With Laundry Basket, and after the excursion we painted this picture.
Luke- ‘I liked the lady holding the washing because I like helping Mummy with the washing.’
Hamish- ‘I liked the washing machine. It had a washing basket, she was holding. There was a box at the bottom and I like boxes and orange is my favourite colour.’
We also explored the AGSA website, and enjoyed the interactive games that can be played, and created our own galleries. If you have time at home, the children have really enjoyed investigating art works on this site, http://www.artgallery.sa.gov.au/.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed eggs for the P&F raffle. Please keep them coming.
Alexandra and Juliana
What a fantastic trip we had to the Art Gallery this week. We were wonderful walkers, not complaining once. When we arrived at the Art Gallery the children behaved wonderfully and we were very proud of them. They particularly enjoyed the circle of black birds, Chuffing Around. Perhaps they were looking for food, playing follow the leader, getting ready to fly or playing duck duck goose?? We were so interested in talking about the stories we saw in the paintings we almost ran out of time. Perhaps some mums and dads would like to take us back on the weekend to discover some more stories?
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
Parent Helpers for Grandies Day
Dear Parents,
we are looking for helpers with tea and coffee and the selling of books this Wednesday morning. If you would like to help please e-mail Emma McKenzie on emckenzie@pac.edu.au
Mel Bishop
we are looking for helpers with tea and coffee and the selling of books this Wednesday morning. If you would like to help please e-mail Emma McKenzie on emckenzie@pac.edu.au
Mel Bishop
Ten New Arrivals
Easter is the season for new life and we have had ten new babies arrive in the ELC overnight! All ten of our eggs hatched into fluffy new chickens and they have caused great excitement! Take the time to stop and look with your child, they won't stay yellow and fluffy for long!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Show and Tell
Dear Parents,
Part of our Kindergarten day includes Show and Tell sessions. Our Show and Tell policy states that children are not allowed to bring toys. Models related to the unit of inquiry or student investigation can sometimes be viewed as toys and we ask parents to use their common sense with these items. However models of super heroes, action figures, transformers and models that encourage violent play such as guns, tanks etc… are not allowed. Students who bring these items will be disappointed and we would encourage parents to assist us by not allowing these items to come to school in the first place.
Mel Bishop
Part of our Kindergarten day includes Show and Tell sessions. Our Show and Tell policy states that children are not allowed to bring toys. Models related to the unit of inquiry or student investigation can sometimes be viewed as toys and we ask parents to use their common sense with these items. However models of super heroes, action figures, transformers and models that encourage violent play such as guns, tanks etc… are not allowed. Students who bring these items will be disappointed and we would encourage parents to assist us by not allowing these items to come to school in the first place.
Mel Bishop
Harmony Day
Dear Parents,
The Early Learning Centre will celebrate Harmony Day next Tuesday the 23rd of March with the students of the Junior Primary. Traditionally orange is the colour of harmony therefore we are encouraging all children to wear orange on that day. We will be making windmills and joining the Junior Primary Chapel service to share the message of Harmony and explore it further with the Junior Primary Boys
Have a peaceful Harmony Day next Tuesday
Kind Regards
Early Learning Centre Staff
The Early Learning Centre will celebrate Harmony Day next Tuesday the 23rd of March with the students of the Junior Primary. Traditionally orange is the colour of harmony therefore we are encouraging all children to wear orange on that day. We will be making windmills and joining the Junior Primary Chapel service to share the message of Harmony and explore it further with the Junior Primary Boys
Have a peaceful Harmony Day next Tuesday
Kind Regards
Early Learning Centre Staff
Easter Bonnet Parade
Dear Parents,
What is Easter without a parade? We are holding an Easter Bonnet parade for ELC students on Wednesday the 31st of March. Children are encouraged to create a bonnet around the theme of new life with their parents at home to make for the Easter Parade. The children from year 1 and 2 will be coming to watch us. We can’t wait to see your home made creations decorated with chickens, bunnies…tadpoles??
A hint from the teachers??? An empty ice cream bucket is a great place to start!
Good Luck, Happy Creating!
What is Easter without a parade? We are holding an Easter Bonnet parade for ELC students on Wednesday the 31st of March. Children are encouraged to create a bonnet around the theme of new life with their parents at home to make for the Easter Parade. The children from year 1 and 2 will be coming to watch us. We can’t wait to see your home made creations decorated with chickens, bunnies…tadpoles??
A hint from the teachers??? An empty ice cream bucket is a great place to start!
Good Luck, Happy Creating!
Parent Teacher Interviews
Dear Parents,
Teachers from Mead, Cooper, Chapple and Edgereley will be holding Parent Teacher interviews on Monday the 29th and Wednesday the 31st of March after 3.30pm. Interviews go for 15 minutes and where possible we like to encourage both parents to attend. We are able to accommodate double interviews for separated families but do share the information discussed at both interviews with both parties. Please see Mrs Porter at the front desk to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher.
For parents in Langley who would like to discuss their child’s progress, Mrs Jess Catt will be holding interviews after 4.30pm on these days but please note that these interviews are optional.
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
Teachers from Mead, Cooper, Chapple and Edgereley will be holding Parent Teacher interviews on Monday the 29th and Wednesday the 31st of March after 3.30pm. Interviews go for 15 minutes and where possible we like to encourage both parents to attend. We are able to accommodate double interviews for separated families but do share the information discussed at both interviews with both parties. Please see Mrs Porter at the front desk to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher.
For parents in Langley who would like to discuss their child’s progress, Mrs Jess Catt will be holding interviews after 4.30pm on these days but please note that these interviews are optional.
Kind Regards
Mel Bishop
Grandies Day Art Show
Dear Parents,
As part of our unit “Gallery of Life” students have been preparing and choosing art works to display for our Grandies Day Art Show. Please take the time to have a wander around our wonderful gallery
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
As part of our unit “Gallery of Life” students have been preparing and choosing art works to display for our Grandies Day Art Show. Please take the time to have a wander around our wonderful gallery
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
Easter Eggs
Dear Parents,
Children love to share eggs with their friends at Easter but this can pose some problems in our Kindergarten. To help us control what is consumed in the kindergarten we will be making Easter baskets with the children next week. For families that would like to share eggs with their friends we have a few guidelines for you to follow that would help us greatly.
*Only bring eggs if your child really wants to, please do not feel compelled to bring them otherwise
*Please only bring the very small Cadbury’s eggs in a bag as we know that these do not contain nuts
*Please do not bring individual eggs for certain children, this creates social problems within the classrooms
All eggs will stay in their baskets until the end of term when children can take them home and consume them there. If you do not want your child to consume that many eggs please let your teacher know so that they can talk about how it is nice to share eggs with your family so children can share them out at home. If you do not want your child to participate at all please make this clear to the classroom teacher.
Mel Bishop
Children love to share eggs with their friends at Easter but this can pose some problems in our Kindergarten. To help us control what is consumed in the kindergarten we will be making Easter baskets with the children next week. For families that would like to share eggs with their friends we have a few guidelines for you to follow that would help us greatly.
*Only bring eggs if your child really wants to, please do not feel compelled to bring them otherwise
*Please only bring the very small Cadbury’s eggs in a bag as we know that these do not contain nuts
*Please do not bring individual eggs for certain children, this creates social problems within the classrooms
All eggs will stay in their baskets until the end of term when children can take them home and consume them there. If you do not want your child to consume that many eggs please let your teacher know so that they can talk about how it is nice to share eggs with your family so children can share them out at home. If you do not want your child to participate at all please make this clear to the classroom teacher.
Mel Bishop
Langley Gate
Could all parents please make sure they close this gate when going to and from the Langley room to help us keep our little ones safe,
Langley Staff
Langley Staff
School Holidays
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe but it is almost holiday time again ! As you know we are open across the holidays (apart from the Easter break) but the teaching staff in the 3 and 4 year old rooms will not be here. Mr Kerber is once again organising a fun packed program which he will display shortly . Could you please let us know if your child will not be attending the centre during the period 6th - 16th April so that I can organise to have the correct amount of staff for the number of children ,
thanks for your help
It is hard to believe but it is almost holiday time again ! As you know we are open across the holidays (apart from the Easter break) but the teaching staff in the 3 and 4 year old rooms will not be here. Mr Kerber is once again organising a fun packed program which he will display shortly . Could you please let us know if your child will not be attending the centre during the period 6th - 16th April so that I can organise to have the correct amount of staff for the number of children ,
thanks for your help
Friday, March 12, 2010
E-Mail Alerts
Dear Parents,
We are currently experiencing issues with our e-mail alert system and despite the best efforts of our IT crew this problem seems to be getting bigger rather than smaller! As a result we are now not able to send an alert to Langley, Cooper or Chapple families. I am hoping that you will have been reminded to check the blog by a note on the centre door. Until we can resolve this problem please note in your diaries that our blog is updated every Friday and is ready to be checked on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings. Hopefully we can fix the problem in the very near future.
We are currently experiencing issues with our e-mail alert system and despite the best efforts of our IT crew this problem seems to be getting bigger rather than smaller! As a result we are now not able to send an alert to Langley, Cooper or Chapple families. I am hoping that you will have been reminded to check the blog by a note on the centre door. Until we can resolve this problem please note in your diaries that our blog is updated every Friday and is ready to be checked on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings. Hopefully we can fix the problem in the very near future.
In The Classrooms
It has been a busy week at the Mead Medical Centre this week!"Jade's not feeling well" said Dr Zachary, "We're the doctor. Charlie's a doctor. Nicholas is a doctor and I'm a doctor". "Can you say aahh?" Dr Zachary asked the patient, leaning over her as she lay on the hospital bed."Aahh" said Jade, looking pale and unwell."Let me check your ear" Dr Nicholas said as he approached, "oh no, not better yet" he confirmed after taking a look.Dr Zac came back to Jade and asked "You feeling better Jade"?Jade shook her head and lay back down on the hospital bed."I'm going to check your ear" said Dr Ryan as he picked up the phone to make a call, "OK, she's all fixed. Yep, all done. That was my mum" he told everyone."Who's sick?" asked Dr Henry as he entered the Mead Medical Centre with a stethoscope around his neck."I'm not. I'm the doctor!" clarified Dr Charlie
Kind regards,
Emma, Susan, Penny and Kate
Inspired by Matisse's painting The Goldfish Bowl this week, the Cooper boys have been creating all kinds of fishy things. They have used sponge brushes to create their own goldfish pictures, put together marine puzzles and played with sea creature finger puppets at the light box. A small group of boys also created a large boat harbour with the blocks and other construction materials, fabric, toy boats and sea creature figure toys. The harbour had a "storm catcher" and a lighthouse and there were even people fishing from the jetty. Louie told us about them, "These people are safe up here, they can't go in without bathers. You need bathers to go swimming." We were very impressed with the children's extensive marine knowledge and how keen they were to share this with us and their friends
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
This week we were finally able to walk to the Botanic Gardens to explore three different lily ponds and compare them to the art work we have seen by Claude Monet about water gardens.
The boys were very enthusiastic and resilient as we waked towards the wine centre and into the back of the gardens. We first stopped at a small lily pond filled with lily pads. A few flowers were beginning to open up but we couldn’t see any frogs, no matter how hard we looked. Then we visited the waterlily glass house to see the huge lily pads from the Amazon. We noticed that these pads had big spikes underneath them and wondered what they might be for? We will have to find out when we get back to Kindy. Finally we visited the lotus pond. This pond had big tall lily pads that stretched up into the air and some funny seed pods pointing towards the sun. The children thought they looked like aliens or watering cans. Edgerley students will illustrate what they discovered using craypas and drawing ink in the coming week.
Kind regards
Mel and Rosalie
It has been a busy week at the Mead Medical Centre this week!"Jade's not feeling well" said Dr Zachary, "We're the doctor. Charlie's a doctor. Nicholas is a doctor and I'm a doctor". "Can you say aahh?" Dr Zachary asked the patient, leaning over her as she lay on the hospital bed."Aahh" said Jade, looking pale and unwell."Let me check your ear" Dr Nicholas said as he approached, "oh no, not better yet" he confirmed after taking a look.Dr Zac came back to Jade and asked "You feeling better Jade"?Jade shook her head and lay back down on the hospital bed."I'm going to check your ear" said Dr Ryan as he picked up the phone to make a call, "OK, she's all fixed. Yep, all done. That was my mum" he told everyone."Who's sick?" asked Dr Henry as he entered the Mead Medical Centre with a stethoscope around his neck."I'm not. I'm the doctor!" clarified Dr Charlie
Kind regards,
Emma, Susan, Penny and Kate
Inspired by Matisse's painting The Goldfish Bowl this week, the Cooper boys have been creating all kinds of fishy things. They have used sponge brushes to create their own goldfish pictures, put together marine puzzles and played with sea creature finger puppets at the light box. A small group of boys also created a large boat harbour with the blocks and other construction materials, fabric, toy boats and sea creature figure toys. The harbour had a "storm catcher" and a lighthouse and there were even people fishing from the jetty. Louie told us about them, "These people are safe up here, they can't go in without bathers. You need bathers to go swimming." We were very impressed with the children's extensive marine knowledge and how keen they were to share this with us and their friends
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
This week we were finally able to walk to the Botanic Gardens to explore three different lily ponds and compare them to the art work we have seen by Claude Monet about water gardens.
The boys were very enthusiastic and resilient as we waked towards the wine centre and into the back of the gardens. We first stopped at a small lily pond filled with lily pads. A few flowers were beginning to open up but we couldn’t see any frogs, no matter how hard we looked. Then we visited the waterlily glass house to see the huge lily pads from the Amazon. We noticed that these pads had big spikes underneath them and wondered what they might be for? We will have to find out when we get back to Kindy. Finally we visited the lotus pond. This pond had big tall lily pads that stretched up into the air and some funny seed pods pointing towards the sun. The children thought they looked like aliens or watering cans. Edgerley students will illustrate what they discovered using craypas and drawing ink in the coming week.
Kind regards
Mel and Rosalie
Clipsal 500
Thankyou so much to all the parents who assisted us on our walk around the Clipsal 500. The weather was kind and the children were exceptionally well behaved. They spoke in excited tones at length about what they had observed on the trip and it was very evident that a lot of adults had really taken the time to engage the children about the experience whilst we were wandering. Thankyou again
Mel Bishop on behalf of the Kindergarten Teaching Staff.jpg)
Mel Bishop on behalf of the Kindergarten Teaching Staff
Easter Raffle
Dear Parents,
The Prep School P&F will be holding an Easter raffle with money going to charity. If you would like to donate some chocolates or a basket for the raffle please pass them directly to Mrs Porter at the front desk.
The Prep School P&F will be holding an Easter raffle with money going to charity. If you would like to donate some chocolates or a basket for the raffle please pass them directly to Mrs Porter at the front desk.
Botanic Gardens
Thankyou to all the parents who assisted the Chapple and Edgerley students on their trip to the Botanic Gardens (and for running for the bus! We sure got our exercise!) It seems it was an educational trip for all. One Mum mentioned that it was the first time she had ever had to use a bus ticket! You learn something new everyday!.jpg)
Desperate For Our Spare Hats
Dear Parents,
We have had a very minimal response to our call for the return of our spare hats. Our no hat no play policy does cause problems when hats are misplaced and we did have some issues with sun safety for children before our excursions because almost all of our spare hats are currently missing. We have a great many of them and they are not currently in the centre. Can you please check your child’s bag and bedroom cupboard for any hats marked “Chapple / Edgerley” or “Cooper / Mead” and return any you find as soon as possible.
Mel Bishop
We have had a very minimal response to our call for the return of our spare hats. Our no hat no play policy does cause problems when hats are misplaced and we did have some issues with sun safety for children before our excursions because almost all of our spare hats are currently missing. We have a great many of them and they are not currently in the centre. Can you please check your child’s bag and bedroom cupboard for any hats marked “Chapple / Edgerley” or “Cooper / Mead” and return any you find as soon as possible.
Mel Bishop
Grandies Day Approaching
Dear Parents (and Grandparents!)
Our Grandies Day is fast approaching and we have had a wonderful amount of interest expressed verbally, however this has not been evident in RSVP’s. As we are now beginning to organise our catering for the day we would please ask that parents touch base with their own parents to find out whether they will be attending. The children have been working hard for this day and would love a loving audience! If you know of a Grandie who is intending to come to our new look Grandies Day who has not yet RSVP’d please forward their names and the name of their grandchild at the ELC verbally or via e-mail to Mrs Porter at jporter@pac.edu.au
On the day we will be opening the bottom oval for Grandies Day car parking to make it easier for our Grandies to attend. Grandies will not require a parking pass but all cars will need to be removed by lunch time so that student sport can resume.
Thankyou and looking forward to seeing all our Grandies on the day
Warm regards
Mel Bishop
Our Grandies Day is fast approaching and we have had a wonderful amount of interest expressed verbally, however this has not been evident in RSVP’s. As we are now beginning to organise our catering for the day we would please ask that parents touch base with their own parents to find out whether they will be attending. The children have been working hard for this day and would love a loving audience! If you know of a Grandie who is intending to come to our new look Grandies Day who has not yet RSVP’d please forward their names and the name of their grandchild at the ELC verbally or via e-mail to Mrs Porter at jporter@pac.edu.au
On the day we will be opening the bottom oval for Grandies Day car parking to make it easier for our Grandies to attend. Grandies will not require a parking pass but all cars will need to be removed by lunch time so that student sport can resume.
Thankyou and looking forward to seeing all our Grandies on the day
Warm regards
Mel Bishop
Immunisation Records
It is part of our license requirement that we have a copy of each child's immunisation record on file. In the case of an outbreak of a communicable disease it is also essential that we can identify any children that are not immunised against that disease . These children are not able to attend the centre under these circumstances for their safety and other children's. If you have not provided us with a copy of your child's record could you please do this as soon as possible. (We can take a copy of your child's Blue Book) or if they have had a recent immunisation please provide us with this updated information.
Art Gallery Excursion
Thankyou to all the wonderful parents who helped with the Clipsal excursion yesterday !
We know that we have had a few excursions in a row but as the Art Gallery visit is tied in to our current unit of enquiry we will be heading out again next week. We still need some parent helpers to ensure that we have the right ratio to be able to go, so if you could spare a couple of hours next Tuesday (Cooper and Mead in the morning and Chapple and Edgerley in the afternoon) could you please let me know asap. You can email, phone or see me personally !
If you do volunteer(and have not already done one ) I need each helper to sign a Statutory Declaration that they have not committed any offences that present a risk to our children's safety. Just call in at the office to sign one, this will then be valid for the whole year,
We know that we have had a few excursions in a row but as the Art Gallery visit is tied in to our current unit of enquiry we will be heading out again next week. We still need some parent helpers to ensure that we have the right ratio to be able to go, so if you could spare a couple of hours next Tuesday (Cooper and Mead in the morning and Chapple and Edgerley in the afternoon) could you please let me know asap. You can email, phone or see me personally !
If you do volunteer(and have not already done one ) I need each helper to sign a Statutory Declaration that they have not committed any offences that present a risk to our children's safety. Just call in at the office to sign one, this will then be valid for the whole year,
Saturday, March 6, 2010
In the Classrooms
We have been very active in the Langley room this week. The children have really enjoyed engaging in gross motor activities both indoors and outdoors. Inside we have been using scarves and ribbons and dancing to a range of different types of music. The children have also been using the dress ups and bags to engage in role play activities; there have been many outings to the supermarket to do the shopping! Outside the children have been practicing their eye hand coordination through throwing, catching and kicking different shaped and sized balls. This has been quite a social activity as the children engage others to catch and throw with them. We were also very excited to discover that our sunflowers have sprouted!
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents and Children,
Our Wednesday children caught the bus to see some dinosaurs which were part of the Adelaide fringe festival.
"That big dinosaur was as big as you Mrs McKenzie. I'm telling my mummy and daddy all about it" Ryan said excitedly!
"I liked the little dinosaurs. I didn't want to pat them though" Charlie told us.
Ollie loved having his mum on the excursion with him. "I do like my mummy. I sat with my mummy".
Zac told us "The big dinosaur get the big teeth out. The big dinosaur eat some chicken and he spit it out".
Emma, Susan, Penny and Kate
In the sunny weather this week we brought our dress-ups outside. The boys put on all sorts of costumes and had a fabulous time putting on a show on the stage area. We had divers, basketball players, princesses and superheroes in gumboots singing, dancing, acting and telling jokes. The boys even got lao shi (our Chinese teacher) to join in their show and sing the Chinese colour song with them! We all enjoyed taking turns being in the audience and giving the boys a big round of applause when they took a bow at the end of each show.
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
Our excursion to the Dinosaur Petting Zoo was hot but fun! It was interactive and informative and pretty funny also. Samuel even had the opportunity to warm the crowd up before the show with his hilarious dinosaur joke. 'What time is it when a dinosaur sits on your roof? Time to get a new one!' Well done Samuel- you were a hit! We are all really excited about our excursions to the Botanic Gardens and to Clipsal next week. Please send back your consent forms if you haven't already done so.
Alexandra and Juliana
We had a wonderfully busy week this week, exploring the ideas of goodies and baddies, attending the Dinosaur Petting Zoo and finishing the first part of our sunflower still life’s. But overwhelmingly the children were thrilled to discover the making table open for business. Students worked industriously, cutting and shaping boxes and working out how to best attach different items to their creations. We observed much sharing, communication, reflecting and comparison over the week. It was wonderful to see how the students spontaneously assisted each other and shared construction ideas. Children were asked to focus on reflecting on their creations and to make improvements. We saw ships from Star Wars, sword fish, dinosaur homes, fairies and many binoculars (of course!) We are now nearly out of boxes and would love any donations.
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie.JPG)
We have been very active in the Langley room this week. The children have really enjoyed engaging in gross motor activities both indoors and outdoors. Inside we have been using scarves and ribbons and dancing to a range of different types of music. The children have also been using the dress ups and bags to engage in role play activities; there have been many outings to the supermarket to do the shopping! Outside the children have been practicing their eye hand coordination through throwing, catching and kicking different shaped and sized balls. This has been quite a social activity as the children engage others to catch and throw with them. We were also very excited to discover that our sunflowers have sprouted!
Kind regards,
Jess, Adele, Kerry and Jennifer
Dear Mead Room Parents and Children,
Our Wednesday children caught the bus to see some dinosaurs which were part of the Adelaide fringe festival.
"That big dinosaur was as big as you Mrs McKenzie. I'm telling my mummy and daddy all about it" Ryan said excitedly!
"I liked the little dinosaurs. I didn't want to pat them though" Charlie told us.
Ollie loved having his mum on the excursion with him. "I do like my mummy. I sat with my mummy".
Zac told us "The big dinosaur get the big teeth out. The big dinosaur eat some chicken and he spit it out".
Emma, Susan, Penny and Kate
In the sunny weather this week we brought our dress-ups outside. The boys put on all sorts of costumes and had a fabulous time putting on a show on the stage area. We had divers, basketball players, princesses and superheroes in gumboots singing, dancing, acting and telling jokes. The boys even got lao shi (our Chinese teacher) to join in their show and sing the Chinese colour song with them! We all enjoyed taking turns being in the audience and giving the boys a big round of applause when they took a bow at the end of each show.
Kind regards,
Ali, Susan and Sue
Our excursion to the Dinosaur Petting Zoo was hot but fun! It was interactive and informative and pretty funny also. Samuel even had the opportunity to warm the crowd up before the show with his hilarious dinosaur joke. 'What time is it when a dinosaur sits on your roof? Time to get a new one!' Well done Samuel- you were a hit! We are all really excited about our excursions to the Botanic Gardens and to Clipsal next week. Please send back your consent forms if you haven't already done so.
Alexandra and Juliana
We had a wonderfully busy week this week, exploring the ideas of goodies and baddies, attending the Dinosaur Petting Zoo and finishing the first part of our sunflower still life’s. But overwhelmingly the children were thrilled to discover the making table open for business. Students worked industriously, cutting and shaping boxes and working out how to best attach different items to their creations. We observed much sharing, communication, reflecting and comparison over the week. It was wonderful to see how the students spontaneously assisted each other and shared construction ideas. Children were asked to focus on reflecting on their creations and to make improvements. We saw ships from Star Wars, sword fish, dinosaur homes, fairies and many binoculars (of course!) We are now nearly out of boxes and would love any donations.
Kind Regards
Mel and Rosalie
Parent Participation in Excursions
Dear Parents,
Thankyou for the overwhelming response we had to the request for assistance with our trip to the Dinosaur Petting Zoo. Despite the sun the trip was a wonderful success with the children. Unfortunately we did have a few crossed wires in regards to which parents were accompanying us. We apologise whole heartedly to those of you who were disappointed at the last minute. Usually most of our trips have unlimited spaces but when we attend ticketed events such as trips to the theatre, places can be very limited. Jeanine Dry and I have reviewed our procedures for parent participation and in future parents will need to express their interest directly to Jeanine, NOT to classroom teachers or Julie Porter, in order to be added to the list and avoid disappointment.
We desperately require 4 parents to assist us in our walking trip to the Botanic Gardens on Tuesday the 9th of March in order for it to go ahead for Chapple and Edgerley room students. If you are able to help us out please e-mail Jeanine at jdry@pac.edu.au as soon as possible. Please note that all assisting parents will require $2.90 for our bus trip home on bus 141!!
We do have a number of excursions in the coming weeks and I thought it timely to remind parents that when assisting us on a trip we ask that parents:
A) stay with us at all times
B) do not bring other siblings
C) do not purchase food, goods or drinks for themselves, other adults or their own or other children whilst we are on the trip
In regards to our trip to the Clipsal 500 we have had many parents ask about protection from the noise. Most children enjoy the entire experience but some can be sensitive to noise. If you think your child will be sensitive to noise feel free to send them with ear muffs. We ask that you choose muffs that can comfortably hang around your child’s neck when not in use so that they do not get lost or broken and then cause distress to the child. Please also remember to liberally apply sun screen to your child before they come to kindergarten on the morning of that trip.
Mel Bishop
Thankyou for the overwhelming response we had to the request for assistance with our trip to the Dinosaur Petting Zoo. Despite the sun the trip was a wonderful success with the children. Unfortunately we did have a few crossed wires in regards to which parents were accompanying us. We apologise whole heartedly to those of you who were disappointed at the last minute. Usually most of our trips have unlimited spaces but when we attend ticketed events such as trips to the theatre, places can be very limited. Jeanine Dry and I have reviewed our procedures for parent participation and in future parents will need to express their interest directly to Jeanine, NOT to classroom teachers or Julie Porter, in order to be added to the list and avoid disappointment.
We desperately require 4 parents to assist us in our walking trip to the Botanic Gardens on Tuesday the 9th of March in order for it to go ahead for Chapple and Edgerley room students. If you are able to help us out please e-mail Jeanine at jdry@pac.edu.au as soon as possible. Please note that all assisting parents will require $2.90 for our bus trip home on bus 141!!
We do have a number of excursions in the coming weeks and I thought it timely to remind parents that when assisting us on a trip we ask that parents:
A) stay with us at all times
B) do not bring other siblings
C) do not purchase food, goods or drinks for themselves, other adults or their own or other children whilst we are on the trip
In regards to our trip to the Clipsal 500 we have had many parents ask about protection from the noise. Most children enjoy the entire experience but some can be sensitive to noise. If you think your child will be sensitive to noise feel free to send them with ear muffs. We ask that you choose muffs that can comfortably hang around your child’s neck when not in use so that they do not get lost or broken and then cause distress to the child. Please also remember to liberally apply sun screen to your child before they come to kindergarten on the morning of that trip.
Mel Bishop
A New Arrival
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to announce that Pip Cooper gave birth to a healthy baby boy at 9.21am on the 5th March. James Andrew Cooper was born, weighing in at 7.6 pounds. Both Pip and James are doing very well. We wish Pip all the best and are sure that the families from the Edgerley Room and Chapple Room, with whose boys she worked so closely before going on maternity leave, do too. A card will be available to be signed at the front desk from Tuesday. Please feel free to add your well wishes.
ELC Staff
We are pleased to announce that Pip Cooper gave birth to a healthy baby boy at 9.21am on the 5th March. James Andrew Cooper was born, weighing in at 7.6 pounds. Both Pip and James are doing very well. We wish Pip all the best and are sure that the families from the Edgerley Room and Chapple Room, with whose boys she worked so closely before going on maternity leave, do too. A card will be available to be signed at the front desk from Tuesday. Please feel free to add your well wishes.
ELC Staff
Mead Room Gatherings
Dear Mead Room Parents,
join us for the following get togethers
Week 8: Wednesday 17 March Coffee at 8.30am, Cafe Palazzo, Norwood (Corner of The Parade / Osmond Terrace)
Week 9: Saturday 27 March Kids Bumper Bowling at 2.00pm, Norwood Bowl Osmond Terrace, Norwood
Pre Week 1: Sunday 18 April Picnic In Park at 11.00am, Marshmallow Park, Adelaide
Week 2: Friday 30 April Coffee at 8.15am, Cafe Palazzo, Norwood
Week 5: Monday 17 May Movie Meal Deal at 6.00pm, Norwood Cinema
join us for the following get togethers
Week 8: Wednesday 17 March Coffee at 8.30am, Cafe Palazzo, Norwood (Corner of The Parade / Osmond Terrace)
Week 9: Saturday 27 March Kids Bumper Bowling at 2.00pm, Norwood Bowl Osmond Terrace, Norwood
Pre Week 1: Sunday 18 April Picnic In Park at 11.00am, Marshmallow Park, Adelaide
Week 2: Friday 30 April Coffee at 8.15am, Cafe Palazzo, Norwood
Week 5: Monday 17 May Movie Meal Deal at 6.00pm, Norwood Cinema
A Quick Reminder
Please ensure your child brings a hat and water bottle to Kindergarten every day. We have number of families who are regularly forgetting one or both of these items regularly.
We have had many spare hats borrowed from all kindergarten classes because of this ongoing problem and now have no spare hats left for children who forget them. Because of our no hat , no play policy this now means that some children must be sat out from play. If you have a spare kindergarten hat (it will be clearly named “Chapple/ Edgerley” or “Cooper Mead” inside) please return them to kindergarten as soon as possible
Thanking you in anticipation
Mel Bishop
We have had many spare hats borrowed from all kindergarten classes because of this ongoing problem and now have no spare hats left for children who forget them. Because of our no hat , no play policy this now means that some children must be sat out from play. If you have a spare kindergarten hat (it will be clearly named “Chapple/ Edgerley” or “Cooper Mead” inside) please return them to kindergarten as soon as possible
Thanking you in anticipation
Mel Bishop
Outstanding Portfolios
Dear Parents,
all Kindergarten teachers are still awaiting the return of some student portfolios. Please hand them back to your child’s teacher as soon as possible
Mel Bishop
all Kindergarten teachers are still awaiting the return of some student portfolios. Please hand them back to your child’s teacher as soon as possible
Mel Bishop
Looking for something to do in the upcoming term holidays?
Here are two performances for young children we highly recommend
The Gruffalo
A story about a very smart mouse based on the highly popular story written by Julia Donaldson, this adaptation by Tall Stories productions is wonderful for children 3 years and up. On at the Dunstan Playhouse from the 12 to 17th of April. Ring Bass on 131246
Suessical Jr.
Meet familiar characters from the world of Dr Suess and learn a lesson about the power of imagination. Anything is possible. On at the The Opera Studio (Cnr. Marion Rd and Richmond Rd) 17, 18 , 24, 25th of April. Bookings at Bass 131246
The Gruffalo
A story about a very smart mouse based on the highly popular story written by Julia Donaldson, this adaptation by Tall Stories productions is wonderful for children 3 years and up. On at the Dunstan Playhouse from the 12 to 17th of April. Ring Bass on 131246
Suessical Jr.
Meet familiar characters from the world of Dr Suess and learn a lesson about the power of imagination. Anything is possible. On at the The Opera Studio (Cnr. Marion Rd and Richmond Rd) 17, 18 , 24, 25th of April. Bookings at Bass 131246
Big Boy Behaviour
Dear Parents,
we have been so grateful for your assistance in reminding your older children to stay with you and refrain from using the ELC toys and equipment when they come with you to pick up their younger brother or sister.
We now have one more favour to ask. We would like your help in reminding older siblings about appropriate behaviour in our front lobby. This problem has been escalating in the last term and we now regularly have large boys rolling on the couch, kicking the walls, shouting and running in the lobby. This behaviour is dangerous and inappropriate and does not set a good example to our young students who are aware of how to behave in this space. On a number of occasions staff have been forced to discipline preparatory students. Please help us by reminding older siblings to sit and wait patiently if you need to speak with Jeanine or Julie at the end of the day
Thankyou for your help
Mel Bishop
we have been so grateful for your assistance in reminding your older children to stay with you and refrain from using the ELC toys and equipment when they come with you to pick up their younger brother or sister.
We now have one more favour to ask. We would like your help in reminding older siblings about appropriate behaviour in our front lobby. This problem has been escalating in the last term and we now regularly have large boys rolling on the couch, kicking the walls, shouting and running in the lobby. This behaviour is dangerous and inappropriate and does not set a good example to our young students who are aware of how to behave in this space. On a number of occasions staff have been forced to discipline preparatory students. Please help us by reminding older siblings to sit and wait patiently if you need to speak with Jeanine or Julie at the end of the day
Thankyou for your help
Mel Bishop
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Dinosaur Excursion
The children had a wonderful time today with their visit to the Dinosaur Petting Zoo especially when they were able to pat them at the end . We will load some great photos for you to see later in the week. Unfortunately we had not been told that it was an outside venue and we did not take the children's hats. The teachers moved the children into the shade as much as possible but some children were in the sun for approximately 20 minutes. We apologise for this and will endeavour to check our venues more closely next time.
If you chat to your child about the trip you will find that they have some "huge" stories to tell !
If you chat to your child about the trip you will find that they have some "huge" stories to tell !
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Langley Children
Dear Parents, If your child is turning 3 by 1st August 2010 then they will be moving up to the Cooper Room after the July holidays. As we will also have new children starting in that room and I am sending out their confirmation of a place shortly, could you please let me know if you would like to either increase or change your attendance days at that time.
Your children will do some transition visits closer to that time that we will inform you about. They will also need to be toilet trained before moving up as there are no change facilities in the 3 year old section and we prefer that dummies and bottles are then only for home. I know the Langley staff are working with you to achieve this,
Your children will do some transition visits closer to that time that we will inform you about. They will also need to be toilet trained before moving up as there are no change facilities in the 3 year old section and we prefer that dummies and bottles are then only for home. I know the Langley staff are working with you to achieve this,
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