Andrea Phythian from the Langley room will be away from Friday 7th August until Monday 17th August. Andrea had booked a holiday to Bali prior to commencing with us at PAC. Adele Chislett (also from the Langley room) will be at the centre in the mornings from 7.30am. Rosalie Nacca will replace Andrea while she is on leave. Rosalie has had many years experience working with this age group and will fit in with our team very easily. Please make her welcome and we wish Andrea a happy holiday !
Princes ELC
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
An environment designed to foster creativity, provoke questions, provide challenges and celebrate the achievements of young children. We foster the development of integrity, curiosity, confidence, compassion and Christian principles.We encourage relationships of shared responsibility and mutual respect. We believe in fun and the joy and importance of childhood. We ensure an environment filled with a sense of humour, love of play and exploration, and a sense of community.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Parents and Friends Representatives
Dear Parents of the Langley, Edgerley and Chapple rooms,
We are currently looking for new Parent and Friend Representatives for these three rooms.
The role includes organising social get togethers and assisting classroom teachers with any fundraising or community service activities throughout the year. P&F reps are also invited to termly meetings with Preparatory Principal, Mr Neil Andary to share ideas and thoughts and be an integral part in the planning of the college event calender.
If you think you would be interested in this role please let your classroom teacher know of your interest. We would like to finalise P&F Representative decisions by week four of this term.
Thank you
Mel Bishop
We are currently looking for new Parent and Friend Representatives for these three rooms.
The role includes organising social get togethers and assisting classroom teachers with any fundraising or community service activities throughout the year. P&F reps are also invited to termly meetings with Preparatory Principal, Mr Neil Andary to share ideas and thoughts and be an integral part in the planning of the college event calender.
If you think you would be interested in this role please let your classroom teacher know of your interest. We would like to finalise P&F Representative decisions by week four of this term.
Thank you
Mel Bishop
Emergency Yard Gate
Dear Parents,
We have two gates in our pl aground for emergencies only. These gates are only to be used in emergencies under the direction of the centre manager. For the safety of our children do not use these gates at any other time.
Thankyou ELC staff
We have two gates in our pl aground for emergencies only. These gates are only to be used in emergencies under the direction of the centre manager. For the safety of our children do not use these gates at any other time.
Thankyou ELC staff
In the Classrooms
In Langley the children are beginning to understand the daily routines and developing a sense of security in their new environment. The children are showing signs of settling by being actively involved in group experiences, participating and initiating in play, developing secure attachments with their teachers and listening and following simple instructions.
During the week the children have enjoyed painting, drawing, dress ups, dancing and riding the cars and bikes outside. We reflect on our experiences with the children and encourage conversations.
“Do you wear a helmet when you ride your bike?”
“Yes, with Annabelle!”, said Henry
Next week we look forward to beginning our star of the week program and continuing to work with the children and their families in the settling process.
In Langley the children are beginning to understand the daily routines and developing a sense of security in their new environment. The children are showing signs of settling by being actively involved in group experiences, participating and initiating in play, developing secure attachments with their teachers and listening and following simple instructions.
During the week the children have enjoyed painting, drawing, dress ups, dancing and riding the cars and bikes outside. We reflect on our experiences with the children and encourage conversations.
“Do you wear a helmet when you ride your bike?”
“Yes, with Annabelle!”, said Henry
Next week we look forward to beginning our star of the week program and continuing to work with the children and their families in the settling process.
Kind Regards
Andrea, Adele, Chloe and Penny
Dear Mead Room Parents,
Another week has gone and the Mead children have continued to do a fantastic job settling in to their new environment. We have been busy drawing self portraits which are going to be a part of a 'getting to know you' discovery wall in our classroom. Come and have a look next week! Every morning we have met with the 4 year old classes for a singing session in the square. We are practicing for a special performance for 200 guests and are learning words well and singing with much animation!
We are encouraging all the children to bring in an item for 'show and tell' time once a week. This is a great opportunity for each child to be in the 'lime light' and practice speaking in front of an audience. It also encourages their peers to listen and ask questions. Please do not send in any toys. We encourage items such as photos, brochures of special places they have visited, books, special items of interest.
The meal time routines are running smoothly now and this is a great time for children to try new foods and eat with their friends in a community environment. Often we find children taste new foods that they wouldn't normally try, if their friends are eating them. The home made chicken nuggets were a great hit today with some children having a third serve.
Until next week,
Emma, Amanda and Susan
We have had another wonderful week in the Chapple Room! As part of our PYP Unit, Belonging, we have discussed what it means to be part of the Princes Community. This led to reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Several children brought in their own copy from home and we have loved reading all of them! Next week, we will be making porridge and focusing on the story of the Three Little Pigs.
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
Edgerley children have been discussing “belonging” this week and trying to decide what it means.
“We belong to Australia” said Christian
“I belong at my house” said Caleb
“In our inside, in our school we belong” said Jake
“How do people know we belong to our school?” asked the teacher
“‘Cause I telled you, because this is our school” said Henry
“Our school is Little Princes” said Jake
“Our school is Prince Alfred College” said Eric
“People know because of our t-shirts” said Henry N
“Because we have crowns” said Eric
We set off on a search for other crowns in our school and took lots of photos. Come in to our classroom and see, you would surprised at how many there were!
Kind Regards
Mel, Pip and Todd
Andrea, Adele, Chloe and Penny
Dear Mead Room Parents,
Another week has gone and the Mead children have continued to do a fantastic job settling in to their new environment. We have been busy drawing self portraits which are going to be a part of a 'getting to know you' discovery wall in our classroom. Come and have a look next week! Every morning we have met with the 4 year old classes for a singing session in the square. We are practicing for a special performance for 200 guests and are learning words well and singing with much animation!
We are encouraging all the children to bring in an item for 'show and tell' time once a week. This is a great opportunity for each child to be in the 'lime light' and practice speaking in front of an audience. It also encourages their peers to listen and ask questions. Please do not send in any toys. We encourage items such as photos, brochures of special places they have visited, books, special items of interest.
The meal time routines are running smoothly now and this is a great time for children to try new foods and eat with their friends in a community environment. Often we find children taste new foods that they wouldn't normally try, if their friends are eating them. The home made chicken nuggets were a great hit today with some children having a third serve.
Until next week,
Emma, Amanda and Susan
We have had another wonderful week in the Chapple Room! As part of our PYP Unit, Belonging, we have discussed what it means to be part of the Princes Community. This led to reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Several children brought in their own copy from home and we have loved reading all of them! Next week, we will be making porridge and focusing on the story of the Three Little Pigs.
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
Edgerley children have been discussing “belonging” this week and trying to decide what it means.
“We belong to Australia” said Christian
“I belong at my house” said Caleb
“In our inside, in our school we belong” said Jake
“How do people know we belong to our school?” asked the teacher
“‘Cause I telled you, because this is our school” said Henry
“Our school is Little Princes” said Jake
“Our school is Prince Alfred College” said Eric
“People know because of our t-shirts” said Henry N
“Because we have crowns” said Eric
We set off on a search for other crowns in our school and took lots of photos. Come in to our classroom and see, you would surprised at how many there were!
Kind Regards
Mel, Pip and Todd
Direct Debit and Signing In
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that this is the end of our second week here already ! The children have all been fantastic and are certainly enjoying their new environment and all its opportunities for learning , creating, playing with old friends and making new ones.
Thankyou to all the families who have returned the Direct Debit forms. These will be processed shortly and should take effect soon. If you have not paid your fees for the first two weeks could you please see Julie asap as accounts will be sent out again next Monday for the next fortnight. These are placed in the shelf above your child's locker.
We are still missing some "sign in's " from either this week or last week. Could you please check if there is a blank area highlighted next to your child's name needing a signature. If your child is absent then please write "absent" and initial it when they return to the centre. Signing in is essential in case of emergency situations, a licensing requirement and CCB/rebate auditing purposes.
If any families have spare plastic bags at home we would be happy to have them for sending home wet or soiled clothes.
It is hard to believe that this is the end of our second week here already ! The children have all been fantastic and are certainly enjoying their new environment and all its opportunities for learning , creating, playing with old friends and making new ones.
Thankyou to all the families who have returned the Direct Debit forms. These will be processed shortly and should take effect soon. If you have not paid your fees for the first two weeks could you please see Julie asap as accounts will be sent out again next Monday for the next fortnight. These are placed in the shelf above your child's locker.
We are still missing some "sign in's " from either this week or last week. Could you please check if there is a blank area highlighted next to your child's name needing a signature. If your child is absent then please write "absent" and initial it when they return to the centre. Signing in is essential in case of emergency situations, a licensing requirement and CCB/rebate auditing purposes.
If any families have spare plastic bags at home we would be happy to have them for sending home wet or soiled clothes.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Older Siblings and the ELC
Dear Parents,
we have been thrilled to see how convenient our new flexible pickup patterns have been for families who have older siblings in the Preparatory School. Our ELC students have loved showing their older brothers their classrooms and older brothers have been very keen to try out our ELC playground equipment.
Therefore it is timely for us to ask parents to remind older siblings that ELC equipment is not for older boys. Older boys using our toys and playground can impact on the life of this equipment as it is not designed for larger bodies. Older boys on the playground also impacts our teacher/child ratios and can cause confusion for attending staff.
Please help us keep our ELC children safe by reminding older boys to stay with their parents while at the ELC
Thank you for your understanding
Kind Regards
ELC staff
we have been thrilled to see how convenient our new flexible pickup patterns have been for families who have older siblings in the Preparatory School. Our ELC students have loved showing their older brothers their classrooms and older brothers have been very keen to try out our ELC playground equipment.
Therefore it is timely for us to ask parents to remind older siblings that ELC equipment is not for older boys. Older boys using our toys and playground can impact on the life of this equipment as it is not designed for larger bodies. Older boys on the playground also impacts our teacher/child ratios and can cause confusion for attending staff.
Please help us keep our ELC children safe by reminding older boys to stay with their parents while at the ELC
Thank you for your understanding
Kind Regards
ELC staff
Green Artworks
Dear Parents,
We love to create 3D artworks using recycled boxes from home. We are currently very low on supplies of boxes and would be very appreciative if anybody had boxes in their recycle bins that they would like to donate.
ELC staff
We love to create 3D artworks using recycled boxes from home. We are currently very low on supplies of boxes and would be very appreciative if anybody had boxes in their recycle bins that they would like to donate.
ELC staff
Arrival Times
Dear Parents,
The term has started well and we have been pleased to see new children settling in. Obviously it will take a little time for all children to separate from parents easily and we would like to engage your assistance in making these separations as smooth as possible.
Kindergarten classrooms open at 8.15am and classes start fifteen minutes later at 8.30am. If at all possible it would be wonderful if children could arrive before 8.30am. This allows teaching staff to help settle children who are a little upset before the group gathers for their morning meeting on the mat.
Thank you
Kindergarten Teaching Staff
The term has started well and we have been pleased to see new children settling in. Obviously it will take a little time for all children to separate from parents easily and we would like to engage your assistance in making these separations as smooth as possible.
Kindergarten classrooms open at 8.15am and classes start fifteen minutes later at 8.30am. If at all possible it would be wonderful if children could arrive before 8.30am. This allows teaching staff to help settle children who are a little upset before the group gathers for their morning meeting on the mat.
Thank you
Kindergarten Teaching Staff
Monday, July 27, 2009
Chicken Pox Scare
Dear Parents,
just letting you know that the chicken pox scare was a false alarm so you can stop checking your children for spots each day !
Also a quick reminder that if you are applying for a Customer reference number with Centrelink please make sure that the parent applying is the same one as you have nominated as the account name for your ELC accounts.(This is the person you listed first in the enrolment form and will be shown on your account statements) If they do not match Centrelink will not be able to process your information and you will not be able to claim your rebates. We can change this for you if you let us know.
If you need to contact us at any time our phone number that comes through to our reception is 83341258. If you need to ring before 8.00am or after 5.30pm then please ring 83341891 which will go directly to the Cooper room where the staff and children gather at the beginning or end of the day.
just letting you know that the chicken pox scare was a false alarm so you can stop checking your children for spots each day !
Also a quick reminder that if you are applying for a Customer reference number with Centrelink please make sure that the parent applying is the same one as you have nominated as the account name for your ELC accounts.(This is the person you listed first in the enrolment form and will be shown on your account statements) If they do not match Centrelink will not be able to process your information and you will not be able to claim your rebates. We can change this for you if you let us know.
If you need to contact us at any time our phone number that comes through to our reception is 83341258. If you need to ring before 8.00am or after 5.30pm then please ring 83341891 which will go directly to the Cooper room where the staff and children gather at the beginning or end of the day.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Lost Property Help
Dear Parents,
this year we have had quite some trouble with hats and jumpers being accidentally mixed up and some families taking home two and leaving some students without a hat or jumper at all. Usually the mistake is quickly identified and the item of clothing returned. We still have some items outstanding that may have been innocently washed and put away in the cupboard. Can you please assist us in three ways:
1.) Always name your children's clothing
2.) Check your cupboards for any clothing that does not belong to your child (we know there are some out there!)
3.) Please leave your child's hat on the hook inside the door of their locker (taking hats home every day means that often children are without hats the following day) Alternatively students at Princes ELC are only required to wear hats on the playground in terms 1 and 4 so, if you would like to, you may take child's hats home over the winter terms.
In particular we are looking for a rugby top marked "Max Gordon". This top has been missing since last term and we had hoped it would turn up after the holidays but unfortunately hasn't been found to date.
Thankyou for your assistance
ELC Staff
this year we have had quite some trouble with hats and jumpers being accidentally mixed up and some families taking home two and leaving some students without a hat or jumper at all. Usually the mistake is quickly identified and the item of clothing returned. We still have some items outstanding that may have been innocently washed and put away in the cupboard. Can you please assist us in three ways:
1.) Always name your children's clothing
2.) Check your cupboards for any clothing that does not belong to your child (we know there are some out there!)
3.) Please leave your child's hat on the hook inside the door of their locker (taking hats home every day means that often children are without hats the following day) Alternatively students at Princes ELC are only required to wear hats on the playground in terms 1 and 4 so, if you would like to, you may take child's hats home over the winter terms.
In particular we are looking for a rugby top marked "Max Gordon". This top has been missing since last term and we had hoped it would turn up after the holidays but unfortunately hasn't been found to date.
Thankyou for your assistance
ELC Staff
Friday, July 24, 2009
In the Classroom
Welcome to all children and families to the Langley Room
The main focus of our program for the next few weeks will be on the development of secure attachments, to enable each child to establish security within the learning environment and with their teachers.
Children of this age learn best in small groups and therefore learning through play experiences in small groups will also be a key part of the program.
The teachers in the Langley Room have begun to develop individual strategies for each child during the settling process and this will be done with the full knowledge of and in consultation with the families of each child.
Thank you all Langley parents for the support you have shown us in the last few days.
Please feel free to contact the Early Learning Centre during the day to check on your child’s progress during this transition time.
Kind Regards
Andrea, Adele, Sarah and Chloe
The first week has flown by and has been a fantastic opportunity for the children to settle in and become familiar with their wonderful new environment.
We have witnessed a great enthusiasm in the children towards exploring the facility and returning to rekindle old friendships and foster new ones.
Please remember to sign your child in and out each day and to send in a named water bottle each day. If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to discuss these with one of the classroom teachers or by sending an email to Emma at or Susan at . These will be checked daily.
"My Family" by Hamish
Kind Regards
Emma, Susan and Amanda
We have had such a fantastic start to the term. We have been having lots of fun exploring the new centre and making new friends.
Here’s what we think you should come and see:
Daniel- ‘Everything!’
Vasilis- ‘The inside sandpit because my Grandma will like it.’
Harrison- ‘The treehouse because the hook is so fun!’
Mason Ross- ‘The light table with all the coloured stones.’
Henry- ‘The outside climbing playground because Mummy and Daddy like slides.’
Amongst all the excitement of our new surroundings, we also took a trip up to the senior school to see some Monster Trucks. They were huge!.JPG)
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
What a wonderful start to the term. We welcomed new faces to our small group and particularly enjoyed playing together building police stations with the duplo. Outside we enthusiastically raced each other on our new bikes. We discussed how to use the bike track safely with each other. We also enjoyed finding old friends in other parts of our new centre. Caleb illustrated a map to help people find their way around..JPG)
“You do a map of the world” said Henry Norton
“Or you can put on islands like one for a pirate” said Jake
“This is a map of Kindy so we know where to go, we have to put the steel on and everything” said Caleb
Kind Regards
Mel, Pip and Todd
Welcome to all children and families to the Langley Room
The main focus of our program for the next few weeks will be on the development of secure attachments, to enable each child to establish security within the learning environment and with their teachers.
Children of this age learn best in small groups and therefore learning through play experiences in small groups will also be a key part of the program.
The teachers in the Langley Room have begun to develop individual strategies for each child during the settling process and this will be done with the full knowledge of and in consultation with the families of each child.
Thank you all Langley parents for the support you have shown us in the last few days.
Please feel free to contact the Early Learning Centre during the day to check on your child’s progress during this transition time.
Kind Regards
Andrea, Adele, Sarah and Chloe
The first week has flown by and has been a fantastic opportunity for the children to settle in and become familiar with their wonderful new environment.
We have witnessed a great enthusiasm in the children towards exploring the facility and returning to rekindle old friendships and foster new ones.
Please remember to sign your child in and out each day and to send in a named water bottle each day. If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to discuss these with one of the classroom teachers or by sending an email to Emma at or Susan at . These will be checked daily.
Kind Regards
Emma, Susan and Amanda
We have had such a fantastic start to the term. We have been having lots of fun exploring the new centre and making new friends.
Here’s what we think you should come and see:
Daniel- ‘Everything!’
Vasilis- ‘The inside sandpit because my Grandma will like it.’
Harrison- ‘The treehouse because the hook is so fun!’
Mason Ross- ‘The light table with all the coloured stones.’
Henry- ‘The outside climbing playground because Mummy and Daddy like slides.’
Amongst all the excitement of our new surroundings, we also took a trip up to the senior school to see some Monster Trucks. They were huge!
Kind Regards
Alex, Nicola and Sarah
What a wonderful start to the term. We welcomed new faces to our small group and particularly enjoyed playing together building police stations with the duplo. Outside we enthusiastically raced each other on our new bikes. We discussed how to use the bike track safely with each other. We also enjoyed finding old friends in other parts of our new centre. Caleb illustrated a map to help people find their way around.
“You do a map of the world” said Henry Norton
“Or you can put on islands like one for a pirate” said Jake
“This is a map of Kindy so we know where to go, we have to put the steel on and everything” said Caleb
Kind Regards
Mel, Pip and Todd
Chinese Lessons
Dear Parents,
Chinese specialist lessons will begin for all students in week three of this term. We are currently in the process of finalising arrangements with our new language teacher, whom we look forward to introducing you to closer to the date. As usual you will be able to find a list of the vocabulary students are working on, on our blog site.
Mel Bishop
Chinese specialist lessons will begin for all students in week three of this term. We are currently in the process of finalising arrangements with our new language teacher, whom we look forward to introducing you to closer to the date. As usual you will be able to find a list of the vocabulary students are working on, on our blog site.
Mel Bishop
Swine Flu
Dear Parents,
As you will be aware, the rate of infection of Swine Flu has increased rapidly within Australia in the last few weeks. Whilst most of the population has become complacent because of it’s mild effect of most people we are mindful that this can be a very serious illness for children under five years of age, particularly those with other health problems such as asthma.
In light of this we would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that children presenting with flu like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, running nose or cough should not come to the centre until they are feeling better. If Flu like symptoms persist please seek a medical opinion.
We will continue to prevent the spread of infection with regular hand washing and cleaning of shared toys but do ask for your assistance in keeping our centre healthy.
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
As you will be aware, the rate of infection of Swine Flu has increased rapidly within Australia in the last few weeks. Whilst most of the population has become complacent because of it’s mild effect of most people we are mindful that this can be a very serious illness for children under five years of age, particularly those with other health problems such as asthma.
In light of this we would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that children presenting with flu like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, running nose or cough should not come to the centre until they are feeling better. If Flu like symptoms persist please seek a medical opinion.
We will continue to prevent the spread of infection with regular hand washing and cleaning of shared toys but do ask for your assistance in keeping our centre healthy.
Kind Regards
ELC Staff
A View From Above
To celebrate the college’s 140th year we will be recording the student body in an aerial photograph. This photo will occur on the front oval in front of the main building on Tuesday the 11th of August at 12.00pm and will include students from Mead, Edgerley and Chapple rooms right through to Year Twelve.If your Kindergarten child does not normally attend on a Tuesday and you would like them to be part of this photo please put this date in your diary. On the day it is important that you drop your child at Kindergarten at 11.45am. Parents will be asked to wait inside the Kindergarten until we return from the photo so that they may take their child home. All students will be required to wear their Kindergarten top and black or navy pants (definitely no jeans please)
ELC Staff
ELC Staff
Top Tales
Dear Parents,
Out latest titles from Top Tales have just arrived. They are available to be viewed on the side board beside the children’s eating area. Top Tales provide us with excellent current children’s literature with a few classics at reasonable prices.
Every time you purchase a book Top Tales credit Princes ELC with points to spend on children’s books so that we may add to our centre library.
If you would like to purchase books please fill your name and purchases in on the green form on the side board. Please pass your completed credit card slip to Mrs Porter and the front desk.
Staff recommendations this quarter include “Duck” by Janet A. Holmes, a thoughtful story about a special cuddly friend through the eyes of the child and “Two Tough Teddies” by Kilmeny Niland, a quest by two teddies to find someone to love them.
Out latest titles from Top Tales have just arrived. They are available to be viewed on the side board beside the children’s eating area. Top Tales provide us with excellent current children’s literature with a few classics at reasonable prices.
Every time you purchase a book Top Tales credit Princes ELC with points to spend on children’s books so that we may add to our centre library.
If you would like to purchase books please fill your name and purchases in on the green form on the side board. Please pass your completed credit card slip to Mrs Porter and the front desk.
Staff recommendations this quarter include “Duck” by Janet A. Holmes, a thoughtful story about a special cuddly friend through the eyes of the child and “Two Tough Teddies” by Kilmeny Niland, a quest by two teddies to find someone to love them.
Parent Library
Dear Parents,
Prior to moving to our new centre you will have noticed books from our parent library in our classrooms available to be borrowed by parents. We have now moved this small selection of books to the side board beside the children’s eating area. Unfortunately we were not able to gather the entire collection of books before we moved and so would like to ask for any outstanding titles to be returned briefly to be catalogued.
If you have borrowed any of the following titles please let your child’s class teacher know.
Mel Bishop
Brick by Brick – The Story of the Beginning of the Reggio Emila Project – Renzo Barazzoni
The Complete Secrets of Happy Children – Steve Bidulph
Fathering in the Fast Lane – Bruce Robinson
ABC of Kids Cooking – Woman’s Day
Kid’s Cooking for Health – Woman’s Weekly
Prior to moving to our new centre you will have noticed books from our parent library in our classrooms available to be borrowed by parents. We have now moved this small selection of books to the side board beside the children’s eating area. Unfortunately we were not able to gather the entire collection of books before we moved and so would like to ask for any outstanding titles to be returned briefly to be catalogued.
If you have borrowed any of the following titles please let your child’s class teacher know.
Mel Bishop
Brick by Brick – The Story of the Beginning of the Reggio Emila Project – Renzo Barazzoni
The Complete Secrets of Happy Children – Steve Bidulph
Fathering in the Fast Lane – Bruce Robinson
ABC of Kids Cooking – Woman’s Day
Kid’s Cooking for Health – Woman’s Weekly
A Little Help
Dear Parents,
We are looking for some parents who have an hour of spare time in the morning who could help us. We have had a number of children's books arrive for the centre and were hoping that there may be a few parents who would like to spend some time helping us cover them. If you are interested in staying with us for a little while in the morning please e-mail Mel Bishop at
Thank you in anticipation
ELC Staff
We are looking for some parents who have an hour of spare time in the morning who could help us. We have had a number of children's books arrive for the centre and were hoping that there may be a few parents who would like to spend some time helping us cover them. If you are interested in staying with us for a little while in the morning please e-mail Mel Bishop at
Thank you in anticipation
ELC Staff
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dear Parents,
A big welcome to everyone as our first fantastic week in the new ELC ends. The children have settled in really well (although some 2 year olds are still adjusting !) and are thoroughly enjoying their wonderful new environment. We are still fine tuning some of our routines and practices but on the whole our transition has gone extremely well.
We did have a delay with our EFTPOS machine but it is now installed and available.
Our preference for fee payment is via Direct Debit and Julie Porter has the forms for this at the reception desk. As this will take a little while to be set up we need families to pay via EFTPOS for at least the first 2 weeks (more if you wish to) . Could you please see Julie to arrange this as soon as possible.
We have applied for our CCB provider number but it will take a couple of weeks to come through but it will be backdated to our start date. If you know that you are eligible for CCB and what your % is we can work out your approximate fee payable for you. (CCB is means tested)
If you are planning to claim the Childcare Tax Rebate (non means tested) you must still register with Centrelink and provide us with your Customer Reference number. This rebate is available to all families where both parents are working/studying or training and is worth up to $7800 per year per child.
Finally just letting all the families from Little Princes Kindergarten who are now on the new system know that you do not have to pick your children up right on 3pm if it is not convenient for you. They can stay and have afternoon tea if you would like them to as your daily fee covers this !
PS. We still need copies of lots of children's immunisation forms and now have a photocopier here if you would like us to copy them for you.
A big welcome to everyone as our first fantastic week in the new ELC ends. The children have settled in really well (although some 2 year olds are still adjusting !) and are thoroughly enjoying their wonderful new environment. We are still fine tuning some of our routines and practices but on the whole our transition has gone extremely well.
We did have a delay with our EFTPOS machine but it is now installed and available.
Our preference for fee payment is via Direct Debit and Julie Porter has the forms for this at the reception desk. As this will take a little while to be set up we need families to pay via EFTPOS for at least the first 2 weeks (more if you wish to) . Could you please see Julie to arrange this as soon as possible.
We have applied for our CCB provider number but it will take a couple of weeks to come through but it will be backdated to our start date. If you know that you are eligible for CCB and what your % is we can work out your approximate fee payable for you. (CCB is means tested)
If you are planning to claim the Childcare Tax Rebate (non means tested) you must still register with Centrelink and provide us with your Customer Reference number. This rebate is available to all families where both parents are working/studying or training and is worth up to $7800 per year per child.
Finally just letting all the families from Little Princes Kindergarten who are now on the new system know that you do not have to pick your children up right on 3pm if it is not convenient for you. They can stay and have afternoon tea if you would like them to as your daily fee covers this !
PS. We still need copies of lots of children's immunisation forms and now have a photocopier here if you would like us to copy them for you.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Welcome to Our New Look Blog
Dear Parents,
With our move to our new centre we are also launching this new blog site. As you have come to expect, you will be able to find all your Early Learning Centre news here, archived for your convenience so that you may revisit posts at any time. On the side bar of this blog you will also be able to continue to find listed our upcoming events and calender items. (there are some there right now, waiting to be added to your diary!)
We do not publish the address of our centre or link any children's names with images on this blog site. We ask that you do not share the address of this blog with anyone other than children's family members. If you have any suggestions about cyber safety, how we can improve our blog or things we can add to make it more helpful please e-mail Mel Bishop at
Mel Bishop
With our move to our new centre we are also launching this new blog site. As you have come to expect, you will be able to find all your Early Learning Centre news here, archived for your convenience so that you may revisit posts at any time. On the side bar of this blog you will also be able to continue to find listed our upcoming events and calender items. (there are some there right now, waiting to be added to your diary!)
We do not publish the address of our centre or link any children's names with images on this blog site. We ask that you do not share the address of this blog with anyone other than children's family members. If you have any suggestions about cyber safety, how we can improve our blog or things we can add to make it more helpful please e-mail Mel Bishop at
Mel Bishop
Walkthrough Opportunities
Dear Princes Early Learning Centre Families,
As you are aware, due to unforeseen difficulties with our building schedule we were not able to share our new centre with you prior to the end of term. We know that many families are keen to show their children the environment but we are still not able to have young children on site, with staff and builders still present adding final touches.
However we will have an opportunity for families to visit before the beginning of term.
You are invited for a half hour walk through with your child on the morning of Thursday the 16th of July or Friday the 17th of July between 9.30am and 10.30am. Please note that due to ongoing works visits will not be possible outside of these times. If you would like to visit us during one of these times please notify Jeanine of your intention to visit via e-mail (we are not yet in phone contact) at
We thank you for your understanding and are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday or Friday.
Kind Regards
The ELC Team
As you are aware, due to unforeseen difficulties with our building schedule we were not able to share our new centre with you prior to the end of term. We know that many families are keen to show their children the environment but we are still not able to have young children on site, with staff and builders still present adding final touches.
However we will have an opportunity for families to visit before the beginning of term.
You are invited for a half hour walk through with your child on the morning of Thursday the 16th of July or Friday the 17th of July between 9.30am and 10.30am. Please note that due to ongoing works visits will not be possible outside of these times. If you would like to visit us during one of these times please notify Jeanine of your intention to visit via e-mail (we are not yet in phone contact) at
We thank you for your understanding and are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday or Friday.
Kind Regards
The ELC Team
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